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Posted by Louis Ackerman
On February 02, 2011

Louis Ackerman
I'm from the South coast of the UK; the clubbing and binge drinking capital of the country known as Bournemouth. You could call it a wasted paradise.
I'm a writer and film lover who talks a lot, predominantly about those two subjects. If you need a person to give you the release date, running time and cast & crew list of some obscure eighties movie off the top of their head, I'm your man. I also do weddings and children's parties.

As a man who used to work part-time at a cinema, I have as good a reason to hate Disney as much as anyone. Every time one of Walt “hey, freeze me once I’m dead, kewl?” Disney’s movies got released I would witness a steady, endless stream of screeching, messy, unruly little children hyped up on sugar turn a cinema screen into their own personal playground and my own private hell. The fact is, Disney have laid claim to generations of kids – as teacher, entertainer, ruler and spiritual guide – and we never really batted an eyelid about it. Whatever keeps them off the whiskey, right? The thing is, once you scratch off the smiley surface of Mickey Mouse and his alarmingly un-trousered friends, the ugliness beneath it all is difficult to ignore. Behold the truth of Walt et al, and bring that whiskey we talked about. You and your kids are gonna need it.

If you thought Tyler Durden splicing in a frame of an erect penis into a children’s animated movie was far-fetched, think again. There has been so much sexual imagery weaved into Disney’s back catalogue from The Little Mermaid’s “dildo” under-the-sea tower; to Sex written in the stars above Simba in The Lion King; to Jessica Rabbit’s lady garden being Marilyn Monroe’d; it could be argued that most of the Disney animators, or perhaps at least a select few, really are a bunch of dirty old pervs. There is also the subliminal messages woven into their films that suggest Disney’s leanings towards Satanic iconography and certain, shall we say, racial stereotypes and prejudices towards black people and Jews, most recently parodied by Family Guy. See Dumbo’s backwards speaking crows as an example of the worst kind of stereotyping and Donald Duck in a cartoon where he so sweetly portrays life as a Nazi.
Disney is one of the largest corporations in the world, generating billions of dollars in revenue every year from their surplus of television programming, cinematic ventures, merchandising, music, board games, toys, food brands, clothing lines and promotions. Mickey Mouse’s face stares out at you from every conceivable dark corner on this planet, and their team of lawyers are famous for coming after anyone – and we include Florida Day Care Centres on this list – who they think might mess with their globe-crushingly-powerful brand. Endlessly plowing the public domain for ideas before building iron-clad fences around characters that were originally free for anyone to enjoy (Pocahonus, Peter Pan, Hercules, the list goes on…), Disney send out their message loud and clear – Do Not Mess With The Mouse. With their entire net worth, Disney could be easily classified as its own small country. I dread the day they decide to start developing their own nuclear weapons program. Mickey M’s logo along the side of a missile. Trust me, it’ll happen.
Entire careers originated and were moulded in The Mickey Mouse Mafia – sorry, Club – from Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Kerri Russell, Justin Bieber and most bizarrely of all, Ryan Gosling. Add the honorary Disney movie débuts of Lindsay Lohan, Zac Efron, Miley Cyrus, and it becomes clear; they’re creating an army of celebrities with ties to their organisation. It’s like the Mafia. Only worse. These celebrities are initially praised and worshipped as excellent role models that instil a sense of virginal Christian values into their public personas. But of course, they are just personas perpetuated by a need to make money. Lots of it. And that pressure inevitably drives these Mickey Mouse club idols to go off the rails in an orgy of drugs, scandal, sex and self-destruction. They can’t all turn out like Kurt Russell now can they?
Ah, Disneyland . I was forced to go there when I was seven years old and I hated every terrifying, plastic minute of it. Yet families flock to this artificial, dreadful excuse for a Magical Experience every year, simply so that Disney merchandise can be flogged to maximum potential. It’s like taking a visit to a Pagan festival that somehow got some serious funding behind it. Only significantly less fun than that.
Disney found the future of the box office in the talents of a studio called Pixar, and decided that they wanted it. And what the mouse wants, he get. Partnering for the Toy Story trilogy in 1995 under assurances that the small studio would still stand alone, ten years on we were hearing the inevitable news that Disney had bought Pixar out completely. Not only did this underline that fact that Disney have no partners -only victims, it meant that we experienced the steady decline of traditional 2D animation, in almost all mediums. Some say it was a revolution, others say it was the permanent abandonment of true hand-drawn artistry; whatever your POV, it’s fair to say that whatever developments come along next, Disney will make damn sure they’ve got a solid grip round its neck.
To some, it’s a “family friendly trilogy”, to others it’s “proof that there cannot be a God.”
Bambi’s Mum! Dumbo’s Mum! Simba’s Dad! The terrifying donkey-boy! Why hurt us so, Disney? Why? Do the tears of innocent children continue to keep Walt’s body in cryogenic stasis?
Let us recall Beauty and the Beast. Sure, Belle falls in love with a massive… bear? Wolf bear? Some sort of creature, anyway, and hooray, it doesn’t matter what he looks like, spell is broken! Except then he turns into a prince. And that’s, quite obviously, a hell of a lot better. Also, it doesn’t have any slightly nasty tinges of bestiality (step up The Little Mermaid). Can you think of a Disney heroine who doesn’t encourage poor young girls to fall onto broken glass in desirability-based despair? No. Us neither.
Meaning that every painful three-dimensional second of their new releases will be impossible to hide from, no matter what universe you’re living in.
Rumour has it that Walt Disney’s signature itself is a sign of his dedication to all that is unholy. It appears to mark the symbol of three sixes on each of the whirl shaped letters– 666. The mark of the Beast. Coincidence? We think not…
So, unscrupulous in business, morally bankrupt, sexually depraved, (probably) Satanic in motive and purpose, Disney crush their competition and silence their opposition. They do not tolerate resistance and they take no prisoners. They encourage children to follow in the examples of Shave Me Bald Britney and Gonna Get Dirty Christina. And dammit their songs are catchy. What hope do we have, world? We’re waiting for the day Walt wakes up – he’s going to have a lot to answer for.
Your wrong. Walt Disney turned that kid in pinoccio because he’s teaching kids not to be a jackass. Also, those movies like the little mermaid, lion king and all those racist and sexual things were the company. Disney died in 1966, his movie he last finished making was The sword in the stone. The parts in stories like dumbo, and bambii are suppose to make u feel better. He’s showing u, u might think u have the worst life, but look at bambii, his Mom got shot by a gun. Loosing ur Mom is worst then what, breaking up with a girl friend/boy friend. Walt Disney was a great person, during World War 1, he helped out by joining the red cross. Don’t blame Walt Disney, he has nothing to do with this stuff.
Before you opened your Dumb Ass mouth why didn’t you research more on Disney’s Satanic massages and toys on Youtube! Did you know that WD is a 33nd degree of Mason? And what did you anyway the difference between 32nd and 33rd degree? The blogger of this page is a REALLY SMART person to view the whole things as it is NOT appropriate to be presented to children! I NEVER heard anybody or any kids who watch Bambi’s mom said they feel better & that’s why you dumb ass said “SUPPOSED” cz you knew damn well that ‘s NOT the reality! You’re SO DUMB that you view the early traumatic emotional pain as how the adult would review it & what the reasons behind it! Who gave a SHIT why they died?! THEY DIED & CHILDREN GOT TRAUMATIZED!!! Did you liked it when you watch a killing scene when you’re 5 yrs old Dumb Ass? I bet you’re gonna let your child watch a Disney version’s of a Texas Chainshaw even when they just barely speaking! Now did you also think that Paul J. Getty was a nice person just bcz he donated a billion dollar worth of art museum? Same goes with the Fake Red Cross cover up! Just like ALLL the Luciferians do!!!!!!
Did you just say “research on YouTube”? Ahahahaha post any actual evidence to support your claims.
Y don’t you use what you just read and do your own research.
How about the fact that Alice in wonderland has mushrooms, psychedelic references, the queen of hearts, an homage to the whore of Babylon, Kali the head hunter. The part all the time attitude which is portrayed in other movies. If you know what the occult and masons practice, along with knowing the bible, you would see them too.Here’s more. Peter pan, wearing green, second star on the right till morning, all references to Satan/Lucifer, the fallen star duo. Pans labyrinth ref as well. Takes the lost boys(souls) to never land. The croc or reptile (that old serpent) coming after hook. Tick tock, tick tock. The end is near. I could go on but you probably wouldn’t believe anyways. Research occult symbolism enough and you would find most movies include something, if not the whole story, centered around their false deities.
Can I blame him for his support of the Nazis in the 1930s?
Walt was a great person huh? You should look into good old Walt’s ties with Jack Parsons and his interest in satanism and the occult. He was a satanist who hated children, which is why all disney movies have subliminal messaging for pedophilia and the satanic order. Wake up man…
You are on spot! Walt was no innocent man! Even Jerry Lewis tried to bring the truth out back in the day. Our media overrides any truth these days always sticking up for the evil
and unlawful heathens!
yes this is true. why yall gotta hate on disney when they have done so much good for the world such as charities. And also the lion king doesn’t say “sex” it says “sfx.” It’s a shoutout to the sound effects crew who worked on the movie. do some more research.
Your crappy mullet is an insult to mullets everywhere. It ia obvious you have done zero research on this. Why dont you spend the a weekend researching what employees and best bud Alex Crowley the Satanist thought of him and then come back when you learn something.
why did they screw star wars up why even i was taken out dam disney
why is it dat de disney actors/actressess act very nice,does gd stuff & encourage 2 do gd stuff if u say dat dey r unspeakably evil?
bcz your brain is “whatever” to! In fact Retarded as Hell!!! Didn’t the author told us already that they HAD TO presented those stars that way to the public? Now if you’re a blind person I would understand cz you couldn’t see their behavior but if you could see it ask yourself a question: did you enjoying a crack addict performances by touching their genitalia on the stage & you would watch that as Your children made them as a “Role Model” so your daughter can follow that kind of dance like that Milley’s move as she’s wearing her tight short with no panty plus touching it to if front of a male adults?!
You are nothing but a Religious nut so why don’t shove your Bible Up your ass
Can you learn to type in English before you use a computer again? I don’t care if you’re ten or thirty, that type of English is just unacceptable and I’m pretty sure you dropped my 150 IQ by about 50 points just by reading that.
Also you are an idiot for not getting the hints of sarcasm in the article as well.
Bro, if you are the best in English, I would suggest you to be an English teacher. It doesn’t help others to learn English well after being insulted. If you think you know about Disney so well, then look at the disney kids like Selena Gomez, who used to be innocent. She has become an idol that most kids follow and hence, their attitude changes. It’s unless you are a mature adult, you will just get badly influenced by people like Selena Gomez or perhaps, Lindsay Lohan (now a playboy mate)
And what has Selena Gomez done that’s so bad?? I’d really love to know!!
I don’t know if every thing in the above writing is true, but I’m glad some one wrote this; it’s about time some one stood up against all the magic/lust/immoral movies, etc. May God bless the person(s) who wrote this.
This is all bullshit yeah it may have these bad things in it but I truly believe that walts signature is a coincidence when I was little use to write with swirlys like his and I never knew how he signed his name I can’t believe you people believe this omg
If you look closely at the picture in this article of the Rescuers you can see a nude woman in the window in the background.
omg I totally saw it. good eye leah.
Don’t you think your going over bourd? Disney is a corporation that do things to make money. And quit frankly and I can promise that they make more money then you. So I would say their doing pretty good. What the stars do is their decision. I love every movie and t.v. Show they have ever made. I hope one day that they do own every thing such as cinema,or such things related.
Ashley, I am saying this respectfully. You sound like your joking. EVERY corporation “do things to make money.” It is HOW they go about making that money. Also, money is NOT the key to life, what is your damage, people? What about having a good community? Whats the value in a piece of paper beyond the faith we put in it. I would rather have my community and my local farm. Remember too, be careful, its TELEVISION AND MOVIES, psychologically..I would get your intellectual advice from anything but.. You hope that one company owns everything? Well good thing you can’t spell otherwise I would be scared. Monopolies are ILLEGAL, but like most of us Americans, our youth continue to spit on the Constitution that guarantees your rights!! The Constitution doesn’t lay out laws, in reality it is a document that protects YOU and I from an over-reaching GOVERNMENT or CORPORATION..WE are a Democratic Republic. NOT A FASCIST STATE! Oh, one last thing, I did not mean to sound angry, just passionate. I also detest when someone is oblivious to what gives them their right to free speech. Please Learn to be a little more Sensitive to OTHERS! This is the real world, and big boys and girls aren’t nice right? WRONG! We learn those lessons as kids, not to keep the elementary school quiet and calm, no, we learn them so we grow up and work together towards great achievements in beautifying earth and making it better for ALL. Life is not just for you, it is for ALL life. Therefore, we must uphold that! LIFE FOR ALL, LOVE FOR ALL, FROM ALL, FOREVER. Bless You! May your soul awaken! (hint: i am not crazy, just spiritual, so anyone who believes in go-gurt over God, then don’t argue with me, *I believe that all paths to a spiritual experience of “oneness” with all is valid.
Keep on posting brother. Evil is a wolf in sheep’s clothes..What better way for the devil to hide the coward
Read the 10 planks of communism and tell me again we are a democracy
If you have ever used a public library, used an interstate highway or have ever worked for the government, you have participated in socialism. Get over it.
No dumbass, there are LEGITIMATE FUNCTIONS OF GOVERNMENT. All government is not “socialism”. Read a book, this time other than the ones recommended by those who spoonfed you this malarkey.
Okey…. Some if these things sound like the could possibly be true, but I don’t get how people could think there is no God because of high school musical!?? Like huh? They sing and dance a lot…. Kind of irritating, but how do you make that conclusion!? Sure wizardry and magic is wrong and in some ways satanic, but children of God know that its wrong and won’t worship it and the bible clearly states that something that you worship is satanic because its not God or Jesus. And its not harmfull for children to have a imagination, as long as they have Jesus in their hearts and don’t worship disney I don’t see the problem. Marilynn , a mother of 2. Thanks for your sight of disney, love me or hate me, but god bless your thoughts.
First off, you are illiterate as hell. Secondly, it seems all the negativity you pull from Disney derives specifically from your job at the cinema. NOT pure fact. Thirdly, you don’t even have solid sources to back up your theories. In conclusion you seem to be a negative little shit with nothing better to do than to bitch about your bad day at work. Next time you want to write an article, don’t make an ass of yourself. And lastly, Walt’s not corrupting children, what you allow them to do is. So quit blaming others and take account of your own actions. Let a man rest in peace, who gives a shit if he worships Satan or not.
Um about 95 % of the world gives a shit, dick! U go worship Satan if u want, but we care about OUR children!!
On the contrary, The writer of this article is a lot LOT more intelligent, literate and articulate than U so buzz off and get some knowledge before u open ur mouth to belittle another without knowledge! Jerk!
This article is 1000 percent correct. Learn!!
You know what’s the worst thing? They’re above the law. They can bend and bribe their way out of any legal issue. Activision were smart for not taking action on Disney reverse engineering and stealing the entire concept of their game. If they had, Disney probably would have made up some way to sue Activision out of all of their money. It doesn’t even have to be a valid reason for Disney.
It’s been almost a year since this comment was posted but screw it. Disney haven’t stolen any concepts for any games! There are two things you could be referring to: 1. Disney Infinity: a game that harnesses a new and open technology idea that Skylanders took from UB Funkeys anyway.
2. I just wanted another number
Basically, my argument will travel back in time to reach your questionable views. But yeah though, Disney do have a lot of money and a lot of lawyers and a LOT of influence so your core message is correct, even if your example is extremely frustrating. XXX
satan is good, satan is our friend… this all bullshit like it, or love it!!!!!!!!
the kids arent complaining, only the adults.. thats what happens when ur soooo bored with ur lame life that u havta try and rot everything else and ruin everyone elses party.. the kids are not complaining…what they don’t know, wont hurt them..
Sheeple! Sheeple! How can you deny what is right in front of you, unless of course in are in complete denial . Disney has been corrupting the minds of people for well over 50 years and most people just lap that crap right up! and most disturbing is most of you defend these sinister individuals, but don’t take My word for it, do some research and find out the truth for yourselves.
uhh stop hating on Disney, its for innocent kids no
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