Discovering Myself Through Letters to Eternity

Discovering Myself Through Letters to Eternity


Up until June, I wasn’t very reflective about my behaviors and thoughts. This lack of introspection led me to work less, behave poorly, neglect self-care, and essentially become a worse version of myself. However, over the past few months, I began writing personal reflections in the form of letters to my future self or to someone in eternity. I crafted these letters in a traditional letter format and titled this collection "ArG's Letters to Eternity."

Last night, as I was preparing to embark on a new task, I decided to revisit some of these letters. To my surprise, I discovered that these reflections often sparked great insights. For me, this collection serves as a time capsule, allowing me to understand how I was thinking on any given day.

What makes this practice truly helpful is the purity and honesty I bring to it. Throughout my life, I hadn’t been this genuine with myself regarding my career, feelings, goals, and more. It wasn’t until I began writing these letters that I started to uncover my true emotions toward others. For example, I used to believe I enjoyed being around groups of people, but I couldn’t pinpoint why. Through writing, I realized that I had strong feelings for one particular person, and this reflection helped me understand that emotion clearly.

While this practice has provided some valuable insights, I’m still uncertain about how much it will influence my future. It’s a start, but only time will tell if these letters will continue to help me navigate my personal and professional life. For now, I’m cautiously optimistic and willing to see where this journey takes me.

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