Disable Fan Check Immersion Cooling Only Перевод

Disable Fan Check Immersion Cooling Only Перевод


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1 . Fan check disable for immersion into the immersion cooling . 2 . Manual change of the fan speed in % or auto . 3 . Enable or disable the AsicBoost feature . 4 . Enable or disable low-noise fan auto mode .
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Our custom features include: ASICBOOST, mining profiles and presets, reboot on low hashing, disable fan check , regional settings, dev fee country selection, chip auto tuning, SSH port reassignment, and miner locator feature (flashes red LED to locate) . Our custom firmware is free to use, with a development fee of 2% .
Fan RPM check : Enabled by default . If enabled, the firmware will only start the mining if the fans are working correctly . The fan check should be turned off when using immersive cooling (putting then entire miner in a liquid for cooling purpose) .
Fan check disable for immersion into the immersion cooling . Manual change of the fan speed in % or auto . Enable or disable the AsicBoost feature . Enable or disable low-noise fan auto mode . Change the frequency of all hashboards . . . . Save and run only auto tune chips .
3) If you need to disable the fan control and remove the fans you must enable the Fan RPM check : fan check turn off ( only for immersion cooling ) 4) If you want to enable hashrate control function you need to set the value at which the firmware will reload the ASIC if the chains does not show the required hashrate, Restart if
Immersion -ready/ Fan Disable : Support for high-efficiency liquid immersion cooling by disabling the fan in the settings . Lower Thermal Threshold: Lowers default overheat protection to ensure machines last longer . Full-farm deployment: Send out a configuration file to an unlimited number of miners on the same network . No reboot required!
To swap the fans you have to disable fan check in the firmware in the options (f .e . Hiveon has that function) or via SSH . . . . you can only change the fan noise if you upgrade the firmware to someone like Blissz or whatever . . . . As somebody mentioned- immersion cooling . In some custom firmwares is check list item with this label .
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