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When Reddit redesigned their site it seemed to have changed the search function making it harder to locate NSFW subreddits that you can use to find casual encounter hook ups.
For example, one of the most popular subreddits for connecting with horny people is dirtyr4r. But when you search for that community it doesn’t come up. You only get 4 results. None of which are what you are looking for. This YouTube video shows you what happens when your search for Hookup Subreddits. 
You can increase the search results by clicking the little check box on the top right of the search results field that says “Show NSFW” which does pull up more results. But none of them are the dirtyr4r subreddit you are looking for.
The only solution I could come up with to help my followers find and subscribe to the effective hook up subreddits is to directly type in the URL link. But in order to do that you need to know which subreddits are worth subscribing to.
If you know the subreddit community name and can’t find it in the search all you need to do it start the url with :
than add the room name to the end. Example: if you want to find “dirtyr4r” the url will be:
Below you will find a list of the relevant NSFW casual encounter hook up subreddits that I have used in the past year to get connected with dirty redditors. I will continue to add subreddits to this list as I become aware of them and test them out for their effectiveness in getting hooked up. If there are any that I have missed write them in the comment section below and I’ll check them out.
Relevant NSFW Hook Up Casual Encounter Subreddits
Some of these rooms are more active than others. Some get popular then fall off. What I will say is that sometimes a room that doesn’t get a lot of traffic can be very effective in making a causal connection simply because the competition is low.
With all things online, if you are trying to make a hook up connection you have to play the numbers game. You have to canvas the hook up subreddits and cast a wide net. Once that net is cast you then can narrow down your responses to the ones that are worth your time.
Good luck and if you have any question don’t hesitate to ask. I’d love to help you make the connection your dirty little mind desires.
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DirtyPenPals is a writing subreddit for people 18+ who are looking to find a connection with someone through creative writing and erotic conversation. Post a request and find someone who wants to play! If you're new, we encourage you to read the FAQ and the rules! We also have an IRC channel for casual conversation with your fellow Penpals.
DirtyPenPals' FAQ What is DPP? /r/DirtyPenPals (usually shortened to DPP) is a writing subreddit for people 18 and over who are looking to find a partner to explore sexual themes in written exchanges. The content of a penpal interaction can and will vary from person to person: online letters, chatting, quick one time encounters, role-play, and long term interactive story writing are all ...
When Reddit redesigned their site it seemed to have changed the search function making it harder to locate NSFW subreddits that you can use to find casual encounter hook ups. For example, one of the most popular subreddits for connecting with horny people is dirtyr4r. But when you search for that community it doesn't come up.
Average daily subscriber growth for the past week, month, and year for /r/dirtypenpals. Weekly Avg. 273. Monthly Avg. 252. Yearly Avg. 261.
The year is 3022. Women rule the earth, and regardless of their newfound authoritarianism, give it the level of care it deserves in the wake of the worldwide collapse in the 2030s. Even women who disagree with the new authoritarian regime are part of a system they've once again largely found to be too big to change.
Apr 25, 2022 It was announced this week that the Solomon Islands have entered into a "security pact" with China. News of negotiations between Beijing and the Solomon Islands capital of Honiara appeared to catch the Biden administration flat-footed. An American delegation was dispatched to the island nation for discussions with Prime Minister Manasseh ...
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Thanks for clicking. I'll get right to the point.
I'm a sucker for long term, detailed stories. I'm also a sucker for stories that are all about my wife fucking other people, men or women. So, let's combine the two, if you don't mind.
I love to base my stories on reality, as closely as I can. As such, I'd like to use character that I have in mind already for the parts of her and I. Whoever you play, however, is completely up to you (or us, rather). I'm very open to brainstorming, suggestions, alterations, and so on, so if you're not a fan of this particular plotline, do tell and we can talk about it!
For a plot, I was thinking something along the lines of...
My wife and I have only ever been with each other. As a result, both of us sort of have that lingering "what if I missed out on something...?" sort of feeling. Mine popped up a while ago, while hers only recently.
Even when she came out as bisexual I've been nothing but supportive of her desires and interests, as vanilla as they may be, but the line that has never been crossed is involving someone else in the bedroom. To her, sex and emotion are closely linked, and as a result she finds it hard to separate the two enough to enjoy something casual.
So, what if she found a way to make herself more agreeable? We could go two ways with this.
For route one, we could skip the emotional attachment altogether. Perhaps for an anniversary or birthday, she surprises me with bringing someone home, someone who she trusts won't make it weird or be judgmental or anything. Said person could be male or female, and we could write out a story of how we gradually involve someone else in our sex life and how it escalates over time.
Or, two, we could include that emotional attachment she struggles to sever. The other person could be someone she's close with, perhaps someone she's got some hidden feelings for, and while the first encounter might go well (or not?), afterwards we write about the conflicting feelings between someone new and fresh and what's comfortable and familiar, both in and out of the bedroom.
#In the end, I'd love to brainstorm something with you. Let's talk it out.
I'd also very much like to chat and write over Discord, if at all possible! It's much easier to stay organized over the longer term there.
Oh! I have a metric ton of kinks, so we'll definitely find some things in common. Really as long as we don't write about bathroom, animals, violence, or anything unrealistic, I'm probably into it.
Hello and good evening lovely perverts, today I'm looking for something rather unusual, even as far as petplay goes. This is a petplay rp, not a furry rp.
Chats will be ignored, and the low effort chats will be blocked.
First impressions means everything, please put effort into it, please include your appearance, gender, endowment, kinks, limits, and what you visualize for the scenario.
I'm Katherine, or Kat with my friends, age 25. I'm about 5,6 ft or 173 cm. on the thinner side, toned, but not what I would call muscular, I especially have a nice ass as much of my exercise is running. I have amble c-cup breasts nice and soft. I'm a blonde, hair going down to the middle of the back. I'm a switch leaning dom, hiding 8-9 inches or 20-23 cm normally take great effort to hide what's between my legs, which is made easier by being a grower.
Petplay is an interesting fetish, people getting dressed up (or sometimes just undressed) to start acting animalistic, often submitting to a partner. Within petplay all have heard about puppies, kittens and foxes. A little more unusual is cows, ponies and pigs.
From wild bears, to proud lions. Strong elephants, cuddly pandas. Sly panthers, skittish deer. Colorful parrots or elegant swans. There's many options that can work!
Outfit example: Bear, many fluffy fur items, paws, cuffs, choker and knee-high fur-boots with paws. Harness with fur and leather around the breasts, with straps going up around the neck. other straps goes down to the navel area, where two straps goes down to emphasize either pussy or cock. Bear tails are at least the size of a softball. They wear big round ears.
Some examples of how this could go, feel free to suggest something different.
Regular petplay, but with a different attire for the pet.
Hunter: dressed for the occasion, though the outfit would more accurately be described as "slutty hunter" And I'm very VERY happy, as I'm out to hunt you. I'll slowly stalking through the wild, sneaking up on my quarry... A paintball/dart marks my live prey, showing that you're caught, and who knows just what I'll do with you? Hint- it involves alot of my cock.
Zookeeper: Another day, in which I have to take care of the wild animals living in cages/enclosures. I get to you and start the routine, feeding you, grooming you, and exercising you.
Mates: simple, we're both wild animals with matching costumes, in the wild we go about our day, eating, getting water and other activities fitting our roles... and of course loads of mating. letting loose our carnal instincts.
Rivals: much along the same lines as mates, but instead of loving each other, we struggle against each other, if it's for food, territory, mates or just for pure dominance doesn't matter... oh and of course the winner fucks the looser ;)
Predator and prey: straight forward, you're prey, I'm a predator, and you will be my "meal."
Rp is a wonderful thing where we can use unrealistic amounts of resources, to fulfil our fantasies, so let those run wild! 🙂 Don't be a afraid, just know that you will be on the receiving end, maybe not exclusively, but you will.
And a little caveat, reptiles, amphibians, marine life and rodents aren't my thing.
Disclaimer of a sort, if I write back to you and you don't like a lack of details, or that the answer is too short for your taste, don't be afraid to tell me. Rp's are for both parties to be enjoyed :)
my kinklist: https://i.imgur.com/pfE22DZ.png there might be something not correct in there, as many of my kinks depends on mood
as a kinklist can be chore to look through, here is some of turn on's: petplay, plugtails, bdsm, costumes, teasing, anal and much more
turn off's: vore, gore, toilet-play, beards and feet.
Dms only, as I don't respond to chats, especially not "i would like to play" or "Hello"
If you write to me, please do the following:
Start with saying hello, example "Hello miss Katherine"
Go on with who you are, including your name, appearance and gender.
What scenario/idea and animals you have in mind.
We knew each other for all our lives. We went to the same schools, in the same classes, we aer inseparable. As we grew up many things changed, except one: you teasing me. You always did it, may it be for my hobbies or how I acted, you were always there to tease me about it. And now that you're 18 you decided that it was time to do it with your perfect body too. You are fully aware of the effect that you have on guys and you're determined to use it to the fullest on me. Of course we were going to attend the same university so which better opportunity than going to live together? You set it all up, convincing our parents (not that it was hard since nobody could think that we could do something naughty together) and even by finding an apartment. I obviously accepted too, after all you were my best friend so you would be easier to live with, as I don't like meeting new people a lot. Little I knew that I was going to forget how it is to live without an erection.
Hi everyone, as you may have figured out this is all about teasing. Of course there will (or could) be some action in order to relieve the constant blue balls that you give to me. I'd like to keep this pretty lighthearted, you can be mean sometimes but overall I imagine a pretty relaxed mood, you know I enjoy it even though I say or act otherwise and of course this is fun for you. We can discuss every detail or idea you have in chat.
This can be a long term thing too if you want and we have a good chemestry. I'm in Europe (+1) so if you have a near timezone is better.
My only limits are gore, scat, vomit, blood, furry stuff, and piss and feet to some extent, everything else is on the table so don't be afraidto include a kink that you like.
My other prompts are open too if you like them, just tell me which one you want to do.
I see a lot of cheating prompts out there, and while they are fun I think sometimes they lack buildup or a good story. I think the hottest thing about cheating is the idea of being caught up in the moment and having it happen organically, instead of seeking the interaction out. For this idea I'd like the cheating to be one of our SO's fault.
The wedding: My wife's best friend recently got an invitation to a wedding for one of her exes. She's been down bad for a while since their breakup and my wife thought it would help her feel better if she brought a date to the wedding to make her ex jealous. She thought it would be a good idea to send her friend off with someone that she trusts, but knows there is already some chemistry there. So why not her husband? I'd never cheat and her friend would never betray her...right?
Thank you for reading up to this point! So I think you can probably imagine where I'm going with this. I'd love to discuss the details of this idea and hopefully start a long term role with the right partner. I can talk over messages, chat, or discord.
Kinks: Teasing, dirty talk, cheating, risky hookups, outercourse, oral (mutual), body worship, good squat form.
Bad Dragon. It's a website that many people know but few people ever speak about. A simple peek behind the curtain will show you exactly why, a palace of colourful plastic, resin and sinful desires. A yearly income over £12,000,000 shows clearly that this isn't just one or two eccentric people purchasing, it's a secret group of people who are spread across the globe!
But, what if Bad Dragon didn't exist? Not because it wasn't invented, but because it didn't need to exist. Anybody who wants a toy like that... well, the real thing is there. Not plastic, but meat and heat, no fake cum but an explosion of thick, viscous batter that clings to your insides or your body.
A pretty simple idea that I hope grabs your attention. Bad Dragon is no more, but there's plenty of bad dragons! The idea is that all the monsters, beasts and things that Bad Dragon base their toys on, exist in the real world.
I'd love for you to select a particular specimen that you're interested in trying, feel free to pick as normal or as nasty as you'd like!
Halfway between two cities on the Tyrant's Road is an inn. It was a small stone tower, once a watchpost for the ancient and fallen Dracone Empire, and over the years has been the base of operations for bandits and goblin raiders, or the lair of wandering beasts that prey on the flesh of the humanoids who populated the land. That is, until my companions and I came along. We were traveling from Kes, City of Chains, to Elmenvor, City of Thought, and needed a place to stay for the night. After clearing out the rabble that were currently inhabiting it, we found a small tunnel in the basement that led deep underground.
I won't bore you with the details. Suffice it to say, once I retired from my adventuring career, I returned to the tower and made it mine. The tower was built along a lazy winding river a few miles away from a sparkling waterfall, visible and majestic when the sky is clear. I cleaned the ruin up and repaired the broken stone walls. One of my companions, a snooty wizard named Glensong, helped construct magical wards around the area - as well as inscribing a teleportation circle in the basement for the importation of beer, liquor, food and other goods from the City of Chains. And over time, my inn became a popular stopping point along the road, a haven of peace in the middle of the dark and forbidding land. And now, I run the inn and tavern and help usher young adventurers on their journeys into the darkness beyond the borders of civilization.
Of course, mentoring those novice adventurers is not without it's perks. Maybe it comes in the form of coin or treasure. Sometimes, just a bit of lore or an untold story discovered in the depths is my payment. But my absolute favorite is when a young, fresh faced and enthusiastic adventurer comes through and is ripe for the fucking. Clerics who have just left their cloister for the first taste of the real world - pinning their ankles behind their shoulders while I slam my fat cock into them is a favorite. Or a haughty swordswomen, the best fighter in her village - showing her how to really use a sword as she's on her knees, slobbering over my thick fuckstick. Maybe a sorcerer, newly graduated from one of the magic academies - demonstrating that her magic is most potent after being bred with a heavy load of healthy cum.
It's been a slow month. It's been weeks since any new visitors, and I'm getting antsy. I think to myself that I should go hunting. My larder is getting low, and I'm in the mood for a hearty venison stew. As I look around the main room, empty save for a single drunken dwarf (somehow he became a permanent fixture of the inn, always face down in ale, but always with a few coppers to spare for one more drink). I chuckle and grab my hunting
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