Dirty Panties Teens

Dirty Panties Teens


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One of my wife's favorite pair panties..
Please do not be rude and view without comments. Wife enjoys comments
The fact that her husband bought her underwear for Christmas was not, in and of itself, the problem. The problem lay in the nature of the underwear - control-top panties and something called a shaper.
"A what?" she asked, holding up the garment, which was made of heavy flesh-coloured latex.
"A shaper," said her husband, leaning forward, genuinely excited... anxious to appreciate his wife's appreciation. "The girl in the store said everyone's wearing them, even women you'd think are thin."
The wife was skeptical. Kneeling on the floor, surrounded by scraps of paper and ribbon and empty cardboard boxes, she turned the garment inside out and looked at its label. She pretended for some time to be absorbed in this. The husband assumed she was memorizing the washing instructions. In fact, she was trying to control her emotions. She was somewhere between bursting into tears (especially since the shaper was size XL) and having a full-blown, toddler-style tantrum.
What the fuck had the husband been thinking?
She glanced over. He still looked excited. "Put it on!" he said. "Let's see how it looks."
"Um," said the wife, still holding the garment. "Maybe tomorrow." Her voice was unsteady. The husband didn't seem to notice.
"No," he said. "Try it now! Please?" And she was baffled. The shaper was, as far as she could see, decidedly unsexy. It was, in plain terms, a girdle. And a heavy duty one at that.
She sat silently, looking at the thing, and wondering about her husband's excitement. "I know it doesn't look so hot in the box," he said, "but on, it's a whole 'nother story. Trust me!"
"How would you know?" the wife asked.
"Because," he gushed, realizing even as the words were coming out that he'd regret them, "the sales girl tried it on for me."
"Yes," said the husband, feeling the air around her cool but still too lost in his own happy memories to take real notice.
"Yes," he said. "She tried on a whole bunch of stuff for me - fancy lacy stuff, and stringy things, and see-through things...."
The wife stared in disbelief. But he was on a roll.
"She looked soooo good in all those things," he said, "and I wanted to buy them for you. But she asked about your body type and we agreed that it just wouldn't be the same on you."
The husband was now staring into the middle distance... brain and other body parts still in the department store.
"She was tall and had these lo-o-o-ng legs," he said softly. He didn't have to add "Not like you."
And the wife really didn't need to hear any more.
As he continued recounting the tale of the long-legged sales girl in the change room with the lingerie, the wife got up and went to the kitchen and rifled through the drawers for the measuring spoons. She found the old plastic ones and, bracing them against the counter, cracked off the business end of the 1/8 teaspoon.
Back in the living room, she found her husband still staring off into the distance, mumbling something about see-through panels. Or maybe see-through panties. She couldn't hear him clearly.
"Here," she said, rousing him from his reverie. "For you."
He jumped a little and looked down at the tiny bit of broken spoon.
"A cup," she said. "For when you next play hockey. I figure you can fit your gear and your common sense in there. And... here," she bent down and picked up the shaper. "You can hold it all together with this."
D’Studios are happy to announce our hiring ot the infamous #Supermodel Lovely Portraits
Lovely is modeling for one of the finest creators in #SecondLife #Scandalize
The day started with Lovely Portraits and Mr. Dean setting sail on his massive sailing yacht for their shoot. Her short skirt was so short, which is one of his known weaknesses. The weather was very hot and breezy. Both of them married, yet so steamy, which it was taking every ounce of energy to not attack each other. Could they stop themselves? “She shouted “Hold the rail – I want to explore you”. I held onto the rail at the front of the boat - I was almost totally naked because he slid my panties off, then suddenly I bent over with my pussy on show to the world and I didn’t care – I felt incredible. Invincible. Sexy. And alive. The weather looks great. As Mr. Dean takes his shorts off when shooting photos. Lovely Portraits grabs the sunscreen jell and walks over to Mr. Dean and smooths it on his hard cock. She was suddenly touching His wife’s property. Lovely Portraits looked into his eyes and said “don’t want any exposed parts of you to burn.” She smiled with an added wink. Lovely Portraits gets back to her job and resist lying on top of the deck thinking of his 11” cock and looking up at the sky at the same time – I could see the blue sky above me through the huge, open skylights and feel the breeze on my face. There was something incredibly sexy about being in a busy marina and hearing people walk by while I was fingering myself and looking up at the sky. Butterfly feelings started to run through me and I drifted into pleasure land. Suddenly we were done with the shoot. I was so turned on by him shooting me with his cock free in the wind. Wanting to touch it and wanting it. Wondering how many women would love to suck on that delicious cock.
**** Storyline to be continued ****
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D'Studios are a major entertainment company or motion picture company that has its own privately owned studio facility or facilities that are used to make films, which is handled by the D'Studios production company. Most firms in the entertainment industry have never owned their own studios, but have rented space from other companies, which makes D'Studios in a league of their own.
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shamed sissy husband forced to walk the apartment stairs in his wife's underwear for her bull's amusement
VS bra for the new and Philmade panties with nylon gusset for the old. Looking at the panties I think I they were once my mothers.
This is a repost of how I “pinched” Cathy E’s panties.
I accidentally deleted the story along with the pictures.
As I am writing this, I do have the feeling that I have been transported back in time so I can relive that event as it unfolded fifty years ago.
What a rush it must have been the first time because I am having a rush right now writing about it.
This must be the most brazen pursuit of panties I have ever undertaken in the 50+years, I have been “Pinching” panties.
If you look at my map, you will see that Cathy (House # 15) lives diagonally from me (Red pin) and directly behind Lorraine. (House # 20)
Cathy was in her 30’s and she is also married. Here is a wild thought. This happened 50 years ago with her age at the time, she would be in her 80’s now. How “crazy” is that.
I was at my best friend’s house, when I first saw that she had left her panties on the clothesline. I wondered why she did this because it was a very dreary day and it had been snowing on and off all day.
Back in the 60’s many homes did not have dryers, so the clothes were hung on outside clotheslines, but if it were raining, they would use an indoor clothesline.
It was getting near dinner time, so I left my friend’s house while walking down his driveway I took one more look.
What was interesting was “Cathy had only hung panties on the line?”
Maybe she bought them and as my MIL told my wife and to this day, she still follows what her mother told her “If it touches your skin, you must wash it before you wear it”
After we ate dinner, I asked my mother if I could go out and mess around with my friends. “Yes, but don’t stay out too late”
I went to my backyard trying to get a better look, but I could not see the clothesline, I jumped the fence to get into Lorraine’s yard. Being in Lorraine’s yard gave me the perfect view.
Cathy’s house sat on top of the hill with Lorraine’s and my house at the bottom of the same hill.
I mentioned in another story about Lorraine’s father’s canoe. He kept his canoe in the backyard with it leaning against his fence. With the canoe leaning this way it also made for the perfect lean-to to hide under. Lorraine and I would do “naughty things “inside the lean-to.”
I hid inside the lean-to so I could see into Cathy’s backyard. A light was still on, I saw her at the sink probably washing dishes. I waited for what seemed like an eternity before the light finally went out.
Since I had been out for a while, I knew it was getting late, and I started to get worried that my mother was going to call me in for the night.
Their fence was a six-foot-high open picket style that you could easily see thru but you could also be seen from the other side.
The plan was to climb over the fence, run to the bushes, run to the clothesline, take the panties, run back to the bushes, make sure the coast was clear then back over the fence and then home.
With their backyard in darkness, I did not have to worry about motion sensing lights or cameras because they had not yet been invented.
It was now “Go” time. (I guess I watched to many episodes of Combat my all-time favorite tv show)
**Checking again making sure the light was out and to see if anyone was looking out. I was over the fence in a flash and crawling on my stomach to the bushes which were in the corner of the yard. Once in the bushes I was certain that if I had been seen an outside light would come on and her husband would be out with a flashlight looking around. Since no light came on, I again crawled on my stomach this time to the clothesline, I began to slowly stand up while trying to blend in with the panties. I unclipped the first clothespin and took the panty. I moved to the next one, then the next one until I was holding all five semi-frozen panties in my hands. I quickly shoved them into my coat and looked one more time and saw the clothesline was bare. I was back on my stomach crawling towards the bushes. When in the bushes, I made sure the coast was clear before crawling to the fence. Once at the fence I quickly climbed up trying not to make any noises. When I started my mission, I was standing on the fence the canoe was leaning against. This boosted me up so climbing over the fence was easy.
Now I was lying across the fence when I realized that there was about a ten-foot drop into Lorraine’s backyard. No time to think of a different plan so I just rolled off the fence and luckily landed in soft snow. Thank heavens for the snow.
I then moved quickly to the lean-to.
My hands and face were so cold because I had taken my gloves off to undo the clothespins. I was also holding five panties in my gloveless hands. Once the panties were in my coat, I could put my gloves back on. My face was so cold from all the crawling plus my dive off the fence did not help either but in the end it was worth it.
Looking thru the fence again making sure the kitchen light had not come on.
**Stop at this point re-read the previous part again then try to visualize what just happened before you go any further**
I started to feel good, so I left the canoe only this time walking slowly to the sidewalk in front of Lorraine’s house I quickly then turned and then up my driveway into my house.
Once home and I started to think of what I had just done and now I was scared. What if I had been watched the whole time and was followed back to my house? I never thought about someone in Lorraine’s house watching either. If Cathy’s. husband did follow me home when is he going to knock on our door? What would he say to my parents? That your son just stole my wife’s panties off our clothesline.
I shudder to think the outcome of my parents finding out what I did. I am also sure Cathy, along with her husband would be telling neighbors that the Sacketts kid stole Cathy’s panties off our clothesline. We know because we caught him doing it. Also be careful if you should see him and do not leave panties out at night. That would also have earth shattering results because my best friend’s sister (Kathy A) was the sister I never had, but she was also my prime source of panties along with her mother since I first started “pinching” panties. If they were missing panties, they would now have an idea who was taken them!
My parents would have been totally embarrassed but in the end, I was relieved because I had not been followed home.
As soon as I was in the house, I headed straight for the basement. My mother called me and asked why I was down there. I told her that I was soaking wet from a snowball fight and was taking off my wet clothes. “That’s a good idea then put your wet clothes in the sink.”
Now what do I do with the wet panties. With the panties in my coat, they must have thawed out because they were no longer stiff from being semi-frozen just soaking wet. I cannot hang them on the inside clothesline because my mother would see them and start to ask questions, she would know they were not hers.
It is amazing how a girl/woman could tell if they found a panty in their drawer that was not theirs. I know this to be true because I put a pair in my SIL drawer, and when she found them, she asked me if I had put them there. Of course, I denied it. I wonder if Lorraine’s mother ever noticed the blue Sears panty was not hers. I would think only if she looked at the tag and saw they were a size six and she knows that she wears a size seven.
I had a Lionel (still do) train set. My grandfather and father built a layout. The layout was large and because of its size there was enough room for storage underneath.
A lot of boxes were stored under the layout, so I took the wet panties and laid each one across a box so they would dry. The following day I checked and indeed the panties were dry.
I took the now dried panties and put them with all the others that I have “pinched” in my secret hiding spot.
Another story where I kept them from being found.
My plan was executed just like Sergeant Saunders on “Combat” would have planned it.
Except for one thing that might have seemed minor but could have turned out disastrous. “Footprints”
I never gave it a thought with the snow on the ground I was leaving a trail of footprints directly from and back to my house.
Looking at my map I should have made my approach between Cathy’s house and house # 23 jumping the fence and into Lorraine’s backyard heading straight to the canoe. Escape route would have been the same and the footprints would lead nowhere near my house.
The only reason I can think of why I was not caught is because more snow had fallen during the night and filled in my footprints.
This event happened at least 50 years ago but I can still visualize it every time I think about it. I also think of the consequences should I have been caught.
In the end nothing did happen, and I got away with “pinching” five pairs of panties from Cathy E.
Pretty brazen if I do say so myself.
I would love to have been a fly on the wall when Cathy told Renee (Kathy A’s) mother that she left panties out on her clothesline, and they were taken during the night.
I always make it a point to look at the inside tag of every panty that I “pinch”. Cathy’s where from Sears as most women shopped at Sears during that time. They were also the same style as the ones I “pinched” from Lorraine’s mother. The panties were called “Blue Package” and were Sears Best. These panties were sold three to a package usually all in white. They also had blue, pink and yellow in the same three to a package. I was bummed the yellow pair was not on the line. Maybe Cathy was wearing them?
I did end up with three white, one blue and one pink.
If you read my story “Pat goes camping” you will see she also wears Sears panties. Pat wore the same “Blue Package” panties that I “pinched” off the clothesline. The only difference was Cathy wore a size 6 and Pat wore a size 7.
In closing Cathy E’s blue panty has been worn by four people. Cathy who bought them, Pat because of the swap, my wife and her cousin Laurie each taking turns wearing them
I adore wearing my wife's sexy underwear! It feels so nice and I love the way my rear looks in her Victoria's Secret bikini panties! I love wearing a dress, and I love other men seeing me this way and wanting to make a baby in me
I adore wearing my wife's sexy underwear! It feels so nice and I love the way my rear looks in Victoria's Secret bikini panties! I'm dreaming of another man taking me, here on the toilet with me aching for him to make a baby in me.
Now this is a blast from the past. The panties my wife chose to wear are on the left side. The panties she let her cousin choose are on the right side. The blue pair are from Sears and these are the ones I "pinched" that one snowy night from Cathy E's clothesline. These are the same blue panties that I put back into Pat's drawer after cumming in the gusset. The tag was also cut so I knew which one was Pat's and which one was Cathy's. I would eventually have both of them. The black pair are very special because they were my Mother's "Movie Star" brand. The white pair are Pat's and they are also from Sears. I was able to "pinch" these when I was at Lorraine's house.. These panties came from a "hamper dive" The other pair are my wife's "Big Sisters" She was with her when she bought these and two others.
Oh ye these arses are double the happy today for sure... However the pic was taken before they was properly made happy lol
Panties and bra set worn by us both are from #EMPIRE. They are gachas mine is rare and my wife's are common the text is a common in a hud. You can find these currently at this round of the Arcade. Sign is a gacha from [KRES] and can be found at this round of Kinky. Pose is from ::GR::Pose and can be found on MP. Our hair is from Truth and can be found on MP and in store.
Something that really excites me is crossdressing; I love the feeling of being dolled up, looking like a beautiful girl with makeup, jewelry, in cute bikini panties with a pantyliner in them. Lately I've been dwelling on a hot fantasy of mine. I'm having more and more feelings of intense desire to become woman through having unprotected sex with another man or another crossdresser. I desire being kissed as I feel him putting his penis in me from behind laying on my side, turning into hours of delicious lovemaking in all positions in my wife's bed while she's at work. Feels so nice and I moan as women do. At the end I cry out for him to make a baby in me, I strongly desire him to cum inside of me as he's above me while I'm in the missionary position, my stiletto heeled legs high in the air wrapped around him, pulling him deeper into me, feeling th
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