Dirty Panties Stories

Dirty Panties Stories


Dirty Panties Stories
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2176389-Life-Change/map/1112
Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Sci-fi · # 2176389
With an ability of swap traits ... the life had changed
Created: December 4th, 2018 at 12:55 am
Modified: July 8th, 2022 at 2:20 am
This choice: Panties · Go Back...
Your standing there looking down at a laundry basket full of unwashed clothes thinking to yourself this is absolutely crazy what am I doing here? there is no way wearing someone else’s clothes will allow them to swap body parts.

The idea is extremely intriguing leaving you thinking about how awesome It would be having the opportunity to experience what it would feel like having vagina or even seeing one up close. You haven’t been lucky enough to see your girlfriend Chelsea undressed up until this point you have only seen one on the internet porn sites you visit.

Well nothing ventured nothing gained you say under your breath and decide to give it a go. A deep sensation of shame washes over you as you start going through all the dirty clothes as you have never done anything like this before. However when you have your first pair of soiled panties in your hand the feeling of shame soon starts to be replaced with a feeling of exhilaration.

You look down at the light blue sheer thong in your hand the fabric feels so delicate against your skin. It’s tiny there is no way mom could fit into these they must belong to Stephanie you think to your self as there is no way Anna would wear something like this as she is way too much of a tomboy. A wave of sexual excitement washes over you gaze at what must be Stephanie’s panties, you feel your penis start to slightly firm up absentmindedly you bring the panties up your nose and inhale. The sensation is intoxicating you recognise the subtle scent of the perfume Stephanie usually wears combined with a hint of sweat and musk. Again without realising you slowly run your tongue along the thin piece of fabric you can taste the salty mixture of your sisters sweat and her vagina.

You come out of your daze in total disbelief of what you had just done. Your penis is rock hard in fact harder than it has ever been it feels like it’s made out of steel. The dirty thought of tasting and inhaling your sisters most private item her soiled panties that spent an entire day tightly pressing against her ass and vagina soaking up her juices.

You had never in your life experienced this level of sexual excitement. The thrill and pleasure of doing something so wrong gave you a sense of power experiencing your sisters most private shame. You think to your self I tasted Stephanie’s ass and vagina I know what it smells like. You knew then and there you had to have more and knowing you have a unlimited supply or both your sisters and your mother’s panties was like a dream come true.

You had almost forgotten why you were there in the first place. This time around there is no feeling of shame as you rummage through the dirty clothes only a feeling or totally excitement.

You find a pair if white cotton panties again quite small you notice some light stains on the crotch and along the back. This time around you deliberately bring them to your nose and purposely inhale deeply. The scent is completely different than Stephanie’s thong there was no subtle hint of perfume, these ones had a strong pungent scent of sweat mixed with urine and what you imagine would have to be the wearers backside. You find the scent intoxicating and sexy in a completely new way, again you bring the white cotton gusset to your nose and deeply inhale finding the scent even more sexually intoxicating than the last time. You run your tongue along the entire length of the gusset and along the back covering your taste buds with a strong tart salty sensation, you find the taste amazing your hands start to tremble your knees weaken while your penis gets even harder again you take it out of your pants watching it twitch you think to your self fuck I’ve never seen it this hard before. You take the white cotton panties and rub the soiled crotch against your ever so hard twitching penis. You then stop yourself as you think fuck I came here for a reason and I have to go on.

You recollect how your mum would quite often tell your sister Chelsea off for not showing and changing her panties and by the plane look and extremely strong smell and taste you know they are Chelsea’s panties that your holding.

Once again that strong sexual thrill and feeling of power washes over you. As you realise you had just tasted your younger sisters panties you had your tongue against the the fabric that would have been sitting snugly against her ass and vagina. You think to yourself I tasted her dirty little private secret this would be the same taste if I actually ran my tongue over her dirty ass and vagina. Another wave of excitement rushes over you as you remember you also just rubbed your penis against her secretions another invasion of her most private shame

Why the fuck had I not done this before you think to yourself I live in a house where I can have access to these fantastically dirty panties any time I want. All of a sudden the main reason you started this comes back to you fuck I hope this works rather than tasting and smelling my sisters and moms vagina through their panties I can have the real thing if actually works. At this point you have never wanted anything more in your entire life.

You go through the laundry basket again with the hope of finding a pair of your moms panties. You keep finding pairs that look like they belong to either Stephanie or Chelsea and nothing that you think would belong to your mom. You think to yourself shit I guess it won’t be moms vagina that I’ll be swapping with. You go through all the panties and select a light blue cotton pair the crotch and backside section of the panties were heavily stained. You know they would belong to your younger sister Chelsea and judging by the strong scent and stains they were probably the ones she wore at school all day and then soccer practice.

You remove your shorts and underwear then lower Chelsea’s your about to step into them when the urge to rub then against your rock hard penis kicks in. As your gently rubbing the dirty crotch of Chelsea’s panties against your penis the thought hits you like a bolt of lightning moms panties are probably in her bathroom. You drop Chelsea’s panties and head straight to your moms room

Once in your moms room you go straight to her bathroom and to her laundry hamper you remove the lid and to your relief the first thing you see is a pair of her panties sitting on top of her work uniform that she had been wearing less then a hour ago before showered and got changed to take Chelsea to soccer practice. To you this was the holy grail in the short half hour that you first experienced the powerful life changing sexual pleasure obtained by playing with your sisters panties and experiencing the smell and taste of their asses and vaginas. And experiencing the thrill of how wrong it all was the ultimate thrill and most taboo and naughty thing you could do was do the same with your moms panties

With trembling hands and your heart beating faster and faster sending even more blood to your impossibly hard penis you pick up your moms panties. They are made from a thin type of Lycra fabric, black full brief with a purple panel at the front and sides with what look like gold flowers embroidered through the purple panels. You hold them up in both hands to appreciate the design and shape they were a lot larger than your sisters panties. You slowly bring them to your nose still held apart in both hands and not turned inside out revealing the crotch as you did with your sisters you wanted to savour the moment and make the thrill last. As your nose came in contact with the front of your moms panties you gently inhale they have a musky sour scent like sourdough bread you find it comforting and highly sexy. You inhale slightly harder and also notice the scent of your moms perfume.

At this stage you don’t even care if wearing your moms panties will allow you to swap her vagina with you the new thrill you discovered is more than enough you think to yourself. You turn her panties inside out and notice the crotch is damp and sticky. You run your tongue over the crotch it has a pleasant acidic sort of taste and you can feel her wetness against your tongue and can smell a slightly stronger sourdough bread smell

You can’t take it any more you have the overwhelming urge to put your moms panties on. You then step into her panties pulling them up into place they quite tight at the front and felt loose around your ass you feel the sticky wet patch that came from your moms vagina pressing against your balls. The tightness at the front of your moms panties is starting to hurt your penis. You look in the mirror and can see the outline of your hard penis along the front of your moms panties.

All of a sudden

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/2176389-Life-Change/map/1112
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I am not a total perv. I don't make a life out of stealing panties. However, one day, I was over at my friends house. I was waiting for him to get home from school. His mom and I were the only ones there. I was about 17 at the time. They lived in a small house so there's only 2 bathrooms. One is his and the others is hers. I asked her could I use the bathroom. She said of course and that I could use hers if I'd like. I guess just to keep from walking to the other end of the house. Well as I walk in the bathroom and shut the door, my mouth just dropped. She had just gotten out of the shower and her panties were laying on the floor along with her 34 b bra. So just as any guy would do, I picked up the panties and started to smell them. Oh my goodness, her p**** hardly had a scent to it but the scent it did have was so good. Right then and there, I instantly wanted more from my friends mom. I didn't j******* or anything with the panties or even try to take them. I just put them back on the floor. Well I walk back out to the living room and sit down. Soon as I walk out, she walks back into her bathroom. I guess to see if I took them or something. Seeing that I didn't, she came back in the living room and instantly becme some what flirty with me. She was "cleaning" the house and bending over tremendously so I could see her beautiful butt. I could see her panties every time she bent over and I wanted that pair. Nothing really happens the rest of that day. Well a couple of weeks later, I go over to hang out with my friend. He's not there again and his mom says he won't be home until Friday. (It was Wednesday). So I started to walk out the door and she stopped me. She said that she needed to go to the grocery store and wanted to know if I would go to help load the heavy stuff up. Well of course I went with her. We get the shopping done and come back. As I'm helping bring the groceries in, someone pulls up and starts talking to her. As they are talking, I finish bringing the groceries in. I'm waiting on the couch for her to come back in for at least 5 minutes. I look out the window and they're still talking. So I thought this would be my perfect chance to find the "panties drawer". I go into her room and boom, the first drawer I open, I hit the jack pot. Bras, panties, thongs, g strings, sexy sexy uniforms and anything you could think of was in that drawer. I started looking around and took a pair or two of panties but couldn't find the ones she was wearing when she kept bending over in front of me. So there could only be a couple other places the panties could be. In the dirty clothes or on her. So I went to the laundry room to find them but never could. Suddenly I hear the truck crank up and hear her coming up the stairs. So I take off running back to the living room. She walks in and comes straight to where I am. I'm breathing so heavy. She asks me why I'm breathing heavy too. I just played it off and said I have heart problems and it makes me this way sometimes. She said well come into the kitchen and ill get you some iced cold tea. I went and sat at the kitchen table. Little did I know, the panties I took fell out of my pocket and onto the couch. A few minutes pass and she spotted them. She went and sat down on the couch and acted very strange from then on. She finally pulled them out from under her and asked why were they in there. I told her that I had no idea. She knew I was lying to her. She asked if I took anymore. I told her I didn't take any to begin with. She asked me could she search me. I said no, that's weird. She said I do it or the cops. I knew I was screwed then. So I went ahead and pulled out the panties. I told her how I saw her panties from before. I told her how bad it made me want her. She just laughed at me. I felt so small and worthless. Out of no where, she says if you want a pair of my panties, just ask me. C'mon, I'll let you pick out a pair. That way you can j******* or whatever you're gonna do to them. I was in total shock. I couldn't believe what she said. So she's standing there with me as I go thru her panties drawer. I told her that i couldn't find the ones that she was wearing when she was "cleaning" the house the other day. She laughed and said, you mean these? She started to pull her dress or whatever she had on down. My eyes were big around as quarters. She was wearing the panties I wanted. I said yes! Those are the ones. She smiled and pulled her dress up and said, sorry hun. You can't have these unless you pull them down with your teeth and your teeth only. My hear
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