Dirty Library Feet Pt. 02

Dirty Library Feet Pt. 02

On the weekend attending hours at the library were much shorter, however, Ms. Stuart offered overtime if Christie and David used the extra time to do some clearing up. Today, the plan was to clear all of the old furniture out of the old spare room. Christie mentioned that she didn't have any appropriate shoes for the job- all of them were open toed or high heeled, if not both.

"Really?" David asked. "Don't you even have some sneakers for exercising?"

"Can't you guess?" Christie laughed. "I exercise barefoot!"

"I should have," David remarked. "Do you have anything you like to have on your feet?"

"Yeah- your lips!" Christie grinned.

"That's not quite what I meant," said David. "What about second favourite?"

"Your tongue?"

"Okay, never mind," David chuckled. They decided to go shoe shopping on morning break so Christie could break the new shoes in over the day. Ms. Stuart agreed to give them some extra break time since it was such a slow day, so within a few hours they had headed to the nearest shoe store.

"Do you need any help?" A retailer asked.

"Nah, my boyfriend'll help me," Christie replied. David swelled inside as he realised this was the first time Christie had referred to him as her boyfriend. Not only that, but the way she'd said it so casually left a big impact on him. Christie simply started walking along the shelves, with no idea of any significance as to what she'd said. David laughed inwardly at himself and went to help find a pair of shoes for Christie's big feet.

It turned out to be easier said than done. Deciding early that boots would be overkill, they gathered the few sneakers and leather shoes in size 13 and up they could find. Once Christie had stripped off her sandals and started trying pairs on, though, they found that most of the women's shoes were too small and the men's too wide. Eventually with even their extended time running out she decided one pair was good enough. They hurried back to the library and Christie changed into the shoes inside. Then she busied herself over the next few hours sorting books and trying to get used to the shoes.

"How are the shoes going?" David asked.

"I feel like my feet are gonna fall off," Christie groaned. She quickly sat down, unlaced her shoes and yanked them off. "These are worse than my heels when we first met!"

David watched her toes alternately clench and spread. "You could try wearing socks..."

"You wouldn't be suggesting that if you knew how much worse this smell could get," Christie replied. "Still though, could you help me out real quick?" Looking around and seeing no one in their secluded corner, David sat down and took Christie's feet. The soles were bright pink and had little beads of sweat running down them. He didn't think the smell was too bad; there was just a slight scent mixed with a hint of leather, to be expected from wearing shoes without socks. As he began to lick, he noted that her salty sweat did taste rather nice. Christie, for her part, just sat with her hands clamped over her mouth, trying to keep quiet as her ultra-ticklish feet were licked. Soon she had to pull her feet away.

"Better not push our luck too far," she explained. She stood up and picked up her shoes. "I don't want to put them back on..." she sighed.

"You can't do the moving job barefoot, it's too dangerous," said David. "And your sandals would barely be any better."

"Alright," Christie conceded, "I'll put my sandals back on until it's time for the job, then I'll put up with the shoes." Unfortunately, by the time she and David headed to the park for lunch, her feet were killing her again.

"Those shoes must have worn my feet out already," Christie groaned as they entered the park gate. "That's it, I can't take it anymore!" Resting one hand on David's shoulder, she raised one foot, unstrapped her sandal and tossed it aside before doing the same with her other foot.

"There, much better," she sighed as she wiggled her toes in the grass. As they set out across the park, David noticed Christie was giggling under her breath.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"The grass is tickling my feet," Christie gasped. "My soles getting rubbed raw must have hyper-sensitised them!"

"Are you going to be alright?" David asked.

"Actually," Christie continued, forcing down a titter, "compared to what else my feet have been through today, this is a pleasure." They walked through the flower gardens where the paths were made from bare soil, Christie enjoying the feeling of her soles sinking into the soft dirt. They headed to the area populated by food trucks and carts, Christie quietly giggling again as she stepped back onto the grass. A little girl dropped a huge dollop of ice cream out of her cone and began bawling as her mother dragged her away. Christie was too distracted by the commotion to notice the spill of strawberry ice cream in front of her until she stepped right in it. She gasped as she felt the cool puddle engulf her feet and began to wiggle her toes as the pink goo oozed between them.

"Mmmm..." she moaned. She began to slowly stamp her feet up and down, grinding the soothing ice cream into her soles. Then she remembered she was in public.

"Did anybody notice what I was just doing?" she asked David.

"Nah, everyone was watching that girl," he replied with a smile. "Lucky break, huh?" They laughed and lined up for hot dogs. David was hungry enough to eat on the move and was already finished when they sat down at a bench. Christie put her feet up in David's lap.

"How about a quick foot massage?" she asked.

"With pleasure," David replied, "I can still smell the ice cream on them." He took her feet and began rubbing her relatively clean arches. He moved down to her heels, back up to the balls of her feet and then her toes, wrapping his fingers around each one at a time.

"How much time do we have left?" Christie asked.

"Still nearly half an hour," David replied. "Maybe I should go wash my hands." He held up his thumb, showing the amount of dirt that had rubbed off on it.

"Good idea," Christie laughed. She sat up and let David walk off to find a tap. She dropped the remains of her hot dog bun on the ground and began to idly play with it with her feet, crunching it between her toes-and unknowingly smearing ketchup and mustard over them. Then she twisted the cap off her cola, but she must have jostled it more than she realised and it began to bubble over. In her slight panic, she ended up spilling some and it landed right on her feet. With a sigh, Christie stretched her wet, sticky feet out in front of her and left them there as she drank. Leaning back, she closed her eyes and lazed in the midday sun. Then she suddenly lurched and nearly choked on a mouthful of cola as she felt something wet flicking along both of her feet. With a start, she looked down to see a pair of dogs lapping at her feet, moving their tongues around her toes, soles, insteps and even her ankles.

"Eheheheheh!" Christie shrieked, frantically wiggling her toes. She tried to pull her feet back but found her legs and back seized up from the ticklish jolts shooting up them. Aside from thrashing her head around and flailing her toes, she couldn't move at all. She was completely helpless.

David came to find her in this state, and for a moment he simply stared slack jawed before coming to his senses and shooing the dogs away.

"My hero," Christie panted. " l guess you were right about my feet- I'd better clean this mess off before they attract any other animals." David opened his mouth to reply but she cut him off.

"Or you decide to give them a taste," she teased. David blushed, laughed, and then they headed over to the duck pond. Sitting at the bank, Christie rolled up her slacks and dipped her feet in the water.

"Aah," she sighed, "my feet needed a good soak anyway." However, she soon started giggling again as a group of fish swam up and began nibbling at her feet. A few of the bigger ones even looked like they were trying to suck on her toes.

"Man," Christie said, managing to pull her feet back on her own this time, "what is it with animals and my feet today?"

"I guess they just have good taste," David joked, nudging her. Christie laughed and contented herself with digging her feet into the mud of the bank.

"This feels nice and cool on my feet too," she grinned, squishing it between her toes.

"Oh, we'd better get going," David said suddenly. "Bad idea to come in late after Ms. Stuart already gave us extra time off today." With a nod, Christie wordlessly stood up and began crossing the park.

"Wait, what about your sandals?" David called.

"What about them?" Christie snorted. David picked them up and carried them for her anyway.

"Don't you at least want them to cross the road?"

"Nope," Christie smiled, enjoying the feeling of her soles sticking slightly to the warm pavement. They decided to take a shortcut back, which took them over a cleared lot covered in upturned earth and dusty concrete, a railway track with black soot all around and an old parking lot full of oil and axel grease stains. Christie walked through all of it without even breaking stride. The hairs on David's neck stood up as he watched her feet become filthier and filthier with every step.

Ms. Stuart was waiting for them at the door.

"Right on time," she said. "Ahem," she suddenly cleared her throat and pointed down at the foot Christie was about to put through the door. Christie winced as she examined her feet. The soles were covered in a thick coat of stomped-in grime, even her arches and under her toes from where her feet had sunk into the dirt. Toes, balls, arches, heels- every inch of both soles was completely black. Smudges of dirt curled around the sides of her feet, wedging under her toenails and speckling the tops of her feet.

"Sorry," Christie said as she and David grinned sheepishly.

"I just don't want to risk you tracking footprints on the carpet." Stuart explained as she re-entered the library.

"Better give me my sandals back after all," Christie told David.

"No point in messing them up," David replied. "I'll go get your new shoes since you need them anyway."

"Alright," Christie agreed. She reluctantly slipped her feet back into the shoes and laced them up.

"So I've got these back on... yay..." she sighed.

"Well you don't want risk stepping on an old nail or something do you?" David asked. "Or a spider?"

"Uh, no!" Christie shuddered. So she and David headed into the spare room and got to work hauling the old broken furniture and pieces of wood out to the dumpster behind the building. Christie didn't really think her feet ever came in danger of being injured, but she kept her shoes on until the last piece of junk had been removed and she David were examining the now empty room.

"There, all clear," she said. "Now I can finally get rid of these damn things!" she practically ripped the shoes off her feet and threw them out of the room as hard as she could.

"You really hate them, huh?" David asked.

"Damn right," Christie replied as they took a pair of brooms to the floor. For a few minutes, the only sound was the soft thud of David's shoes contrasted with the slightly-sticky slap of Christie's bare feet against the dusty old floorboards.

"On the plus side, at least I don't have to worry about my feet getting any dirtier at this point," Christie joked. Or so she thought. After Christie and David had finished sweeping the floor, they both gasped aloud when they looked down at her feet. The amount of dust kicked up by the work as well as her rubbing her sore feet together as she'd been walking around had smeared the grime right up over the tops of her feet, all the way up to her ankles. It looked as though her feet had been dipped in black paint. Christie lifted a foot and grimaced as she flexed her toes, causing the layer of dirt to crack and small flakes to drift off.

"Wow," she said, "what must be on here? Dust, soot, oil, not to mention that dog slobber... and fish slobber too, I guess."

"Yeah, I'm not licking that off," said David, while paradoxically also trying to hide the tent growing in his pants.

"Fair enough," Christie laughed. She shuffled her feet on the ground. "Um, what if you scrubbed them clean and then licked them?"

"That'll work," David smiled. Ms. Stuart had long closed up and gone home, so they were free to head to the bathroom to get Christie cleaned up.

"Wait, I can't put my feet on the carpet after Ms. Stuart already warned me," Christie sighed. "But I really don't want cover my feet anymore today."

"I've got an idea," said David, who proceeded to pick Christie up and piggyback her over to the bathrooms.

"Careful, careful!" Christie cried, trying to pull her filthy feet back as they nearly brushed against the shelves. They stumbled laughing into the bathroom where Christie sat somewhat awkwardly on the toilet seat with the lid down and stuck her feet in the hand basin after David had filled it with hot water.

"Ooh, sss, aah," she sighed as she let her feet soak while David lathered up his hands with soap. Christie lifted her feet and David started to rub the soap into them. Christie's joints turned to jelly as David not only soaped up her feet but also started rubbing away the day's aches and pains. Before he'd only had time to do a rush job of massaging her feet, but now he was free to be as thorough as he needed. Christie's soles were still so tender that it tickled a little when his fingers brushed them, but it was such a relief that she barely even reacted. Then, the whole performance got repeated under the water. Christie lay back, going limp. She was so relaxed she nearly fell asleep until David suddenly gave a little,

"Hm." Christie opened her eyes and winced again when she saw what he meant. The water had turned completely black. David drained the sink and refilled it.

"I think I'm going to need some help," he said as he slipped out the door and came back with a washcloth from the break room.

"This is definitely going to tickle," he warned.

"That's okay," Christie smiled, wiggling and spreading her toes invitingly. David took her right foot by the ankle and began scrubbing the cloth up and down her sole.

There was no need to worry about people hearing now. Christie threw her head back and let her laughter ring through the library.

"Ahahahahahahhaha!" David made sure to get into every little crease he could find. He had even more work than usual, having to scrub around her ankle and the top and sides of her foot, as well as between and underneath all of her toes. He made sure no dirt was left stuck in the little wrinkles at the bases of her toe stems, going back over each toe individually. He paid extra attention under her toenails and even to her cuticles, making sure to get out every speck of dirt lodged in there. Christie's lungs were starting to get tired from laughing and this was before David even started on her other foot. Still, she stuck through it and finally David was rinsing her feet off. They agreed to just throw out the washcloth. David washed his hands before drying Christie's feet off for her. She stood up and gave him a long kiss.

"I don't know what I'd do without you," she sighed.

"Well, you'd probably keep your shoes on in the first place," he shrugged.

"No way, being barefoot's fun!" Christie grinned. "It's just even more fun when I'm with you." They proceeded with their original plan for the night. David grabbed a DVD while Christie took a bag of microwave popcorn out of her bag. They headed to the break room which luckily had a microwave and a modern-ish tv. Christie snuggled next to David on the couch, her feet propped up on the coffee table next to a big bowl of popcorn.

"You know," she said, "you've done so much for my feet today. I think they need to return the favour." She started pushing her foot into the popcorn, picking up pieces between her toes and smearing butter all over her sole.

"Are you going to-" David began, and was cut off by Christie dropping her toes into his lips.

"Shhh..." she whispered. "I can think of something much better you could behttp://www.searchquotes.com/Fourkindex/










using your mouth for right now." David took her toes into his mouth, picking up pieces of popcorn with his tongue and sucking off the butter. Christie moaned, running her other foot over his groin and grinding her heel into his painfully erect penis. It became too much for David, who grabbed Christie by the shoulders and pulled her down on top of him for a kiss.

Needless to say, they forgot all about the movie.

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