Дипломная работа по теме Speech act of gratitude as a speech ritual in modern English

Дипломная работа по теме Speech act of gratitude as a speech ritual in modern English


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Отредактирован 27.04.2012 17:42
Минск: БГУ, 2009.
- 39 с.
Содержание: Введение.
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Дипломная работа состоит из введения, двух глав, заключения и списка использованной литературы.
В первой главе описаны основные подходы к терминологическому определению понятия «речевой акт» и его разновидностей.
Во второй главе дипломной работы рассматривается Speech Act of Gratitude как один из видов речевых актов.
The thesis consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a list of literature used.
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Помощь студентам и аспирантам в учебе в Москве
Writing a Speech in English: The Grammar of Speaking.
The Grammar of Speech is a book by David Crystal, the founder of English Language Teaching.
This book is written for students of English who want to improve their speaking skills and the grammar of their speech.
In this book, David Crystal explains the grammatical rules of speaking in detail.
It is a very easy to read book and is very detailed.
Part I. Speech act in the modern language
2.1 Speech acts: their definition, their study and classification
2.2 Speech acts in modern languages
2.3 Speech acts of gratitude: their study
2.4 Speech act as a ritual
2.5 Speech act and language
2.6 Speech act, grammar and meaning
Part II.
Research of speech act of thanksgiving in English language
Section 1. Speech act of thankfulness in modern language.
1.1 Speech act: its definition and study.
1.2 Speech act in modern languages.
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Образцы выполненных работ
K003632 The modern society is changing every day.
The society is becoming more and more complex.
It is impossible to predict the future.
We can only guess.
However, we can learn from the past.
Дипломная работа на тему Speech act of grateful as a ritual in the modern English language
Thesis: Speech act of thanks as a speech rite in English
Аспирант: Савинкова Елена Николаевна
Научный руководитель:
кандидат филологических наук, доцент,
доцент кафедры иностранных языков
ИРЯиК, к.ф.н. Савина Н.Ю.
Дипломная работа на тему Speech act of thanks as a ritual in English language.
Диплом на тему: Speech act of thank as a ritual
The topic of this dissertation is Speech acts of gratitude, which are the most frequent in the modern English.
This topic has been studied by many authors.
In his book «The Nature and Function of Speech Acts» Edward J. Shils said that «speech acts are not actions that people perform, but the ways in which people act».
«The speech act is the way in which a person acts».
Дипломная работа: Speech act of Gratitude as a Speech Ritual in Modern English
In this paper I will discuss the speech act of thanksgiving as a ritual speech in English.
I will focus on the structure, the content, and the mood of the speech, as well as the function of the ritual speech.
The research was based on both a corpus of texts and interviews with native speakers.
In the corpus of text I have selected two texts from a popular TV show called Friends.
Готовые дипломные работы на тему Speech act of thanksgivng as a speech rite in modern english
A thesis on Speech act of thank you as a ritual speech in modern English. The thesis is a research of the history of speech act of thank-you and the research on the speech act and rituals of thank- you. This research is conducted in the field of English and cultural studies.

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