Dilan Mirror shares price increase + 10%

Dilan Mirror shares price increase + 10%

Dilan Mirror Team

Please note that within three business days, the company's share price will increase by 10% due to the filing of a new patent application in Mexico.

The increase in the price of the company's shares will occur - 07/25/2024
Time: 9:00 GMT+0 | 13:00 AM Dubai time | 12:00 Moscow time | 06:00 PM Vietnam time | 11:00 Paris time |

This is due to the fact that we are gradually approaching the desired result - ensuring intellectual protection in most advanced countries of the world, where the implementation of activities may have great potential.

Each new application brings us closer to our intended goal, providing our product with the necessary intellectual protection, and strengthening our position in the global market.

 Sincerely, the Dilan Mirror team.

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