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Posted on 27th Jun at 9:39 PM, with 2 notes

Anonymous asked: Where can I find Skye's Digimon 03 story? (^ ^)


#Anonymous ,

Posted on 23rd Nov at 8:09 AM, with 3 notes


#digimon fdd ,

Posted on 8th Feb at 12:01 PM, with 2 notes

Posted on 6th Feb at 12:00 PM, with 3 notes

Posted on 5th Feb at 12:01 PM, with 2 notes

Posted on 3rd Feb at 12:00 PM, with 2 notes

Posted on 2nd Feb at 12:00 PM, with 6 notes

Posted on 1st Feb at 12:00 PM, with 1 note

Posted on 30th Jan at 12:01 PM, with 1 note

Posted on 29th Jan at 12:01 PM, with 4 notes

Posted on 28th Jan at 12:00 PM, with 3 notes

Posted on 27th Jan at 12:00 PM, with 4 notes

Posted on 26th Jan at 12:00 PM, with 3 notes

Posted on 25th Jan at 12:01 PM, with 2 notes

Posted on 24th Jan at 12:01 PM, with 4 notes

Posted on 23rd Jan at 12:00 PM, with 1 note

Posted on 22nd Jan at 12:00 PM, with 3 notes

This blog is for purely nostalgic purposes and is not intended to ridicule or shame anybody. The artifacts posted here are cherished childhood memories for many people; however, if any reader is upset or offended by a post and would like it removed, do not hesitate to ask.

You can find working links to the first three sections here via the Wayback Machine! And then here’s the last section . It’s a cute fanfic and I remember having fun reading it back in the day!
Have you all seen Digimon tri yet? The new girl digi-destined is soooo FDD. ♥ 

Deanna, of the Deanna and Teddymon duo
Art by Musashi: Lexxy’s Cunomon and Musashi’s Endermon bickering
Arika Kamiya from Digital Hype. Art by Koji Cloud I believe.
Jennifer’s Foximon with Squall’s fanmade Pokemon, Devilchu, by Squall
Dungamon, Bubomon and Esse in a comic from Esse’s Digimon Adoptions
Cinimon, one of Tamara’s many partners
Jessica (of the Jessica and Finnimon duo), art by Tiara
Jennifer and Matt from JaFDH, art by Midori (of the Midori/Perromon duo)
Image from Tears of Faith, Skye and Magimon’s web site, by Skye
Blitz’s Mahoumon, by CoolestMew (creator of Diratimon and Lina)
Eve lovin’ on Izzy, art by Tiara (of Above the Clouds)
Alex and Katrisha in a comic by Ghost of the Dawn (of Ghost’s Anime Kitties fame!)
Tamara (of the Nebamon, Tekiamon, Cinimon and Harumon team)– note the distinguishing claw marks on her arm
Hazelmon, from Navi and Hazelmon’s Dream


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This page will be edited periodically to include links for the Character Sheets and the current versions of the Handbooks. This is to keep these all in a nice, neat place so people visiting won’t have to scroll through potentially dozens of posts just to find the one thing they’re looking for. If clicking doesn’t work, try opening it in a new tab.

# Ma'iimon

# Chotramon

# shipping

# crush

# crushes

# shipping art

# Tyket and Ma'iimon

# Christina and Chotramon

# Christina's Digi-World


# banner

# banners

This page was created to help preserve old Digimon FDD (Fictional Digimon and Digidestined) art and writing from the early days of the fandom, back when everyone had their own fansites!

Most of the content found and posted here was uncovered from the Wayback Machine, and was originally posted to the net between 1999-2004.

If you have any art, fics, or memories from that time that you'd like to share, please let us know!

Thanks, Digi-Dudes!
“Voroboromon *gulps* Voroboromon: I find Auroramon very attractive bt only as a friend… Ali: Yea sure Voroboromon: Fine, Fine I like her!“
Wallkamon, one of Auroramon’s crushes - From the AC Crush’s page of Christina’s Digi-World  

“ Baby: Cheeteemon Attack: None Description: It looks like it only has a head with two ears and a tail. It is white and fluffy with saphirre blue eyes

In-Training: Ketramon Attack: White Prism White Prism: From around her she forms a white prisim that protects and when she stricks at the enemy with a bite. A little white dog that is very soft and fluffy and very loveable.

Rookie: Chotramon Attack: Spirit Flames Spirit Flames: White Hot fire Forms around her in a circle she closes her eyes and realses the flames at the enemy. Descritption: A white wolf-pup that has a necklace and braclets of brown wood. She is very shy and has a big heart.

Champion: Ketoramon
Attack: Howling Curse, Snowy Illusion Howling Curse: Howls a high pitched howl and screams. Snowy Illusion: Forms a snow blizzard that conceals her and others and freezes the enemy. Descritpion:
A white wolf with braclets on her front paws, and back legs. There are
cresent moons on her front shoulders. The braclets are like Chotramon’s. Ultimate: Kintamon

Attacks: Flower Staff, Imperial Curse Flower Staff: She forms ivy around her staff and sends razor sharp leaves at the enemy. Imperial
Curse: She angers so her eyes glow bright yellow, with movements of her
arms she realses the staff into a cross and sends it at the enemy. Description:
A white wolf that is the goddess of nautre. Here eyes glow yellow. She
wears a nautre dress with golden sandles. Flowers are in her corn-flower
hair. SHe carries a staff. Mega: Tinatamon Attacks: Liberty Beam, Justice Arrow Liberty Beam: Her staff forms ivy around it and she throws it at the enemy with red, white, and blue colors. Justice Arrow: Her Staff forms into an Arrow. She gets a cross bow and she aims at the enemy Description: A white wolf with golen sandles. She wears an american flag toga and carries a staff of gold with ivy on it.

” - From Chotramon’s World page on
Christina’s Digi-World 

Katey Shoji and Aranamimon (whose image actually of
Umi Ryuuzaki

from CLAMP’s “Magic Knight Rayearth”), Christina’s Frontier character.
Friends: Lynn, Tomkie, Ryo, Izumi, Ryo, Kouji, and more
Family: Caitlin Shoji, Yugi Shoji, Jenny Shoji

Name: Aranamimon Level: Hybrid Attribute: Variable Beast form: Ashendramon
Special Attacks: Ocean’s Rival,
Tusami Blade,
Ocean Gate Evolves From: Katey+ Spirit of Water H Name Origin:
Japanses: High Waves”
Christina’s Tamer’s Digidestined,
Caitlin Muzuno
Description:Blond hair green eyes and looks like Rika.
Personality:Acts like Jeri and Rika.
Family:Christy Muzuno, Wes Muzuno, Erin Muzuno
Friends:Jakie, Eric, and the rest from the rpg”
“Baby: Tintamon Attack: None Descritption: Tintamon
is a little cutie with two little drops on her head. She has a
wonderful perosnality and is really soft! Even with no attack she is one
powerful bouncer…

In-Training: DemiLavendermon Attack: Magic Spell Magic Spell: Covers chest, realses arms and purple and white stars attack Description: A cute little digimon. Light purple and purple she is a small kitten and is upright. A very loving digimon!
Rookie: Lavendermon Attack: Magic Tornado Magic Tornado: She starts to spin and stars of white and purple come around and she blasts them at the enemy Descrption: She is sweet, and looks a lot like her in-training but bigger and more prettier. Champion: Auroramon Attacks: Violet Claw, Cat’s Eye Confusion Violet Claw: Leaps into the air, left claw glows purple and she stricks at enemy Cat’s Eye Confusion: Her eyes glow light purple and she forms a barrier against the enemy which is a mist color thing. Description:
She loves her owner and is very stubborn. She loves to sleep, play,
watch T.V and run around. She is very loving though ^^ Ultimate: Violetmon

Attacks: Light Staff, Angel Ball Light Staff: Puts hands together, she spreds them out forms a light purple, and white staff. She throws at enemy. Angel Ball: Forms a white energy ball and throws at enemy Description: She is a heavenly angel. She will fight for only a good cause and loves flying.

Mega: AngeAuroramon Attacks: Flaming Ring Flaming Ring: Puts her hands together, around her writs forms a circle of white hot fie. She sends it twords the enemy. Descritpion: The
most beautiful of her Aururomon’s forms. She is very truthful and a
little over pretective. She loves to watch fights and loves being in a

Co-Champion: Yasakiamon: The Eyes Of Honesty

Attack: Truth Beam, Gigamesh Slicer,Wind of pain Truth Beam: From her chest appers a purple beam Gigamesh Slicer: Beam of light with feathers flying fast at the enemy!
Wind of Pain: Red balls of energy form on her hands and says a spell and points at the enemy!
She looks like a women and bird combind. She loves to fly around and is
very shy. She is very protective and will strike when ever she needs
A banner for Chotramon and Ma’iimon’s shrine, which was originally hosted on one of Tyket’s sites, potentially Tyket and Wultamon’s Lake of Love , though it isn’t on the archived version of the site. - From the AC Crush’s page of Christina’s Digi-World 

Images of Auroramon and Chotramon - from the Cute pics! page of
Christina’s Digi-World
Icons of Christina (AKA Cristy) - From the Mugshots section of the Cute pics! page of
Christina’s Digi-World
“Love Fight” - a comic starring Voroboromon (Ali’s partner),

(one of Tyket’s Digimon), Wulmon (Tyket’s partner), and Auroramon (Christina’s partner). Drawn by Tyket - from the Comics page of Christina’s Digi-World

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