Different Ways To Make Delicious Coffee At Home

Different Ways To Make Delicious Coffee At Home

Different Methods To Brew Coffee

Coffee, the beverage of early risers and homework all nighters. It does something to the soul, to wake up and smell the coffee in the morning. It's not hard to make coffee, you just have to know which steps to take in order to make it. You will be making coffee in an instant. You only need a few ingredients to make it and a couple tips.

Ground Coffee

First, you have to know the difference between ground coffee and whole bean coffee. Ground coffee, is already ground up coffee that is ready to immediately go into the coffee pots. It is said that real coffee drinkers don't drink ground coffee because it's already past it's due date. Coffee has a roast date and needs to be used within a week. Plus, when the grounds are ground up, the oils from the coffee are released already. But, to me in really doesn't matter, coffee is coffee.

Whole Beans

Whole beans are better to coffee drinkers because it is the whole bean with unreleased oils in them, once you ground them, and brew it then you will taste the richness of it. They are better to some people because they retain taste. It doesn't matter to me as long as I get a well-balanced cup. There are different types of brewing methods to prepare your coffee. You have the most common, the drip method, where you have a coffee pot, put water into it and add the grounds.

Pour Over Method

Then you have the pour-over method which is basically the same concept as the drip, but manually, where you pour hot water over fresh grounds and wait. There are several different places you can get coffee. The most common is the coffee house. houses are places where you can enjoy a cup of coffee and read a book, work on school work, or just hang out and smell the different aromas off coffee.

Pour Over Method

These include Starbucks, Dunkin doughnuts etc. Not to say I don't like it, because I will every now and then but buying from a coffee house is expensive with most cups costing well up to $3. Then you have the more affordable method, buying your own. This is better because you get more for your money. All you have to do is by a bag of whole beans and ground them up yourself.

 It will be less expensive and taste good. Even better is that you can buy your favorite coffee house's beans like Starbucks, Folgers, and caribou. Then you take them home and store them in an airtight container to retain freshness. We know we can make coffee without coffee maker but it is convenient for when you wake up, you can simply go to your coffee beans and quickly brew a pot with coffee maker. It is better than going to a coffee houses.

Coffee Maker

The Coffee maker use you will determine the quality of the coffee. Some have different options such as stop drip, etc. These functions vary with each coffee maker. There are different price points with them too. According to Cnet.com it states that "At its core a cup of coffee is merely a water solution containing tiny particles of dissolved solids and compounds".

 "You pour hot water over ground coffee beans. The resulting liquid then passes through a filter of some sort, either paper or gold mesh or steel strainer (as in the case of a French press)."

"Depending on how you create this concoction though, this beverage can either taste truly sublime or be downright undrinkable. More confounding is that if you're not careful the results can potentially vary wildly, even when you use the same coffee beans from an identical bag roasted within the same batch and at the same time. This is why consistency is important in each step. www.KitchenBathGuides.Com states that "it’s amazing what a difference that one single thing makes".

Coffee maker - best Espresso machine

"When you grind coffee, you increase the surface area of the coffee bean that is exposed to air, hastening the release of the oils that give coffee its rich flavor. If possible, grind coffee right before you use it. If you don’t have a coffee grinder, buy at a store that sells whole beans that you can grind yourself. Buy just enough for a few days at a time, and store it in an airtight container at home." "The better the coffee you start with, the better the coffee you’ll end up with."

" Of course, good coffee is a subjective thing. The one big suggestion I have here is that you avoid those big supermarket displays with plastic bins of coffee beans – the kind where you scoop or pour out beans into a bag. The bins aren’t airtight, and you have no idea how long they’ve been sitting in those bins getting stale. Vacuum-sealed bags or cans of coffee beans are better. Even ground coffee in a vacuum sealed bag is a better choice."

"Coffee oils cling to everything, and once they’re deposited they start growing rancid. Wash out your pot and filter basket every time you make a fresh pot, and clean your coffee maker once a week. Descale it once a month. And do remember to clean the shower heads up under where the filter basket goes. That’s an area most people never think to clean. "The biggest mistake that people make when making coffee in a drip coffee maker is using too little coffee".

" So, how much coffee for one cup of coffee? You should use a full tablespoon of ground coffee for each 8 ounces (about 227 grams) of water. Measure it out the first few times and you’ll be surprised how much coffee that actually is. All these things are very valuable to your cup of coffee. That's why the whole beans you buy, the coffee maker you buy, and you understanding the water to coffee ratio so you will have a well-balanced cup".

It is simple yet complex at the same time. That is why the coffee maker is the essential kitchen appliance to me because I love coffee and wake up to it and need it when I'm doing my homework. If you're a real coffee drinker like me, then it’s necessary to do all of those things that I mentioned. To me whether ground or whole bean, Starbucks or Folgers, coffee is coffee to me.

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