Different Types of Voltage Cables That You Should Know

Different Types of Voltage Cables That You Should Know

In the world of electrical engineering & construction, do you know that voltage cables play a crucial role because they transmit safety across electrical power? Well, if not, then you should have a look at this informational post. Through this post, you will get an idea of the various types of voltage cables, their characteristics, and their applications, which will help you make informed decisions.


Not only this, you will get to know how to choose HV cable from different available extra high voltage cable manufacturers or MV Cable Manufacturers.

Now, just look at the details to be more informed & well-versed with the available numerous types:

1. Low-Voltage Cables (LV Cables)

Definition and Characteristics: Low-voltage cables are the ones that are designed in such a way that they can carry electrical currents even at a voltage of up to 1,000 volts (1 kV). Not only this, but due to their ease, they are commonly used in residential, commercial, and industrial applications where the voltage does not exceed this limit.

Applications: Low-voltage cables are extensively used in building wiring, lighting systems, domestic appliances, and small machinery. Due to this, these have become the internal power sources for the distribution of industrial plants. And the cables, even due to their design, make the installation convenient for those locations where space is limited.

Types of Low Voltage Cables:

●      Due to their affordability and simplicity of installation, PVC-insulated cables are frequently utilized in-home wiring. Although they have a reduced temperature tolerance, they are resistant to chemicals and dampness.

●      Better mechanical strength and heat resistance than PVC cables are provided by XLPE-insulated cables. Higher durability requirements are met by them in industrial environments.

●      Low voltage cables that have been further covered with metal armor to stave off mechanical harm are known as armored cables. When physical security is essential, they are utilized in subterranean or outdoor installations.

2. Medium Voltage Cables (MV Cables)

Definition and Characteristics: Now, let’s have a look at the other type that is available, medium-voltage cables. This is the type that is designed in such a way that it can transmit electrical power at voltages ranging from 1 kV to 35 kV. Because of this, the type plays an essential role in distributing electricity from substations to various end-users, including commercial and industrial facilities.

Applications: Medium-voltage cables are used in those kinds of applications that usually require the transmission of electricity over longer distances and at higher voltages than low-voltage cables can handle. They are commonly used in power distribution networks, large industrial plants, and wind farms.

Types of Medium Voltage Cables:

●      Because of their superior electrical characteristics, heat resistance, and mechanical strength, XLPE-insulated cables are extensively utilized. Subterranean and above-ground installations are both appropriate for them.

●      Flexible and impervious to chemicals and water, EPR cables are insulated. These find frequent applications in settings where cables are subjected to severe weather.

●      Medium voltage cables specifically made for underwater installations, like linking offshore wind farms to the mainland power system, are known as submarine cables. To survive in the hostile maritime environment, they are well-armored.

3. High Voltage Cables (HV Cable)

Characteristics and Definition: Electrical power is transmitted using high-voltage cables, which have voltages between 35 and 230 kV. Usually used to transfer electricity from power plants to substations over large distances, these cables are essential. For better electrical and mechanical performance, high-voltage cables are typically constructed using copper or aluminum conductors and XLPE or paper insulation that has been treated with oil.

Applications: High-voltage cables are used to link power plants to substations and sizable industrial units in power transmission networks. Where it is not practical to run overhead transmission lines, they are also utilized in subterranean and underwater installations.

Types of High-Voltage Cables:

●      XLPE Insulated Cables: These cables are the most common type of high-voltage cables due to their reliability and efficiency. They are used in both underground and overhead power transmission.

●      Oil-Filled Cables: These are high-voltage cables with conductors insulated by paper and impregnated with oil. They offer excellent insulation and are used in critical installations where reliability is paramount.

●      Gas-Insulated Cables: These cables use gas, such as SF6, as the insulating medium. They are typically used in environments where space is limited, such as in urban areas or inside buildings.


The above-mentioned detail so far gives the idea that understanding the different types of available voltage cables makes it easy for them to choose wisely & won’t regret it later. So, if you are also unaware of the different types of cables, then this information would be best for you. Without wasting any more time, have a look at the details, & if you need any help, then schedule a session with us for better clarity as well as understanding.

Also Read: What Are The Types Of Reeling And Trailing Cable?

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