Difference Between Midget And Dwarf

Difference Between Midget And Dwarf


Difference Between Midget And Dwarf
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Dwarf and midget are sometimes used synonymously. That is because these two terms refer to people that are vertically challenged. However, the terms dwarf and midget are not similar. They are totally different from each other. Here are some major differences between a dwarf and a midget.
First of all, you have to be careful when using these terms when referring to vertically challenged individuals. Midget is considered not politically correct and has derogatory connotation. Among the community of vertically challenged individuals, the term dwarf is not offensive.
In terms of physical characteristics, the term dwarf refers to very short individuals with disproportionate body. A dwarf could have a normal sized head but with very short arms and small hands . In contrast, a midget is an individual with very short stature but has proportional body. Because of these distinguishing characteristics, there is no associated problem with the growth of a midget while the growth of a dwarf can cause disability.
A dwarf person has a medical condition called dwarfism. This is caused by a genetic disorder. Meanwhile, a midget usually inherits the condition from his or her parents. It can also be caused by malnutrition.
Because dwarfism is a specific medical condition, a dwarf can suffer from lots of physical and health problems. It should be noted that a midget is a person in perfect health. A dwarf can suffer from malformed bones and joints, nerve compression, and possible disorientation of the organs. These conditions will not happen to midget people.
A dwarf can correct the condition through surgery. A procedure called limb lengthening surgery is usually performed. A midget can add more inches to his or her height by taking hormonal supplements and proper nutrition.
These are the characteristics that distinguish a dwarf from a midget. Do take note that the socially acceptable term for vertically challenged individuals is dwarf and not midget.

, . (2018, July 23). Difference Between Dwarf and Midget. Difference Between Similar Terms and Objects. http://www.differencebetween.net/science/nature/difference-between-dwarf-and-midget/.

, . "Difference Between Dwarf and Midget." Difference Between Similar Terms and Objects, 23 July, 2018, http://www.differencebetween.net/science/nature/difference-between-dwarf-and-midget/.

It’s a bit rough to be called a dwarf when you don’t suffer from dwarfism. If midget is offensive then there should be a more acceptable term than dwarf to describe these perfectly proportioned people. If I were one of them I would hate people to insinuate that I’m not just vertically challenged but could also be suffering from poor health.
I think that this term shouldn’t be considered offensive simply because it is a medical condition. Although I am not a dwarf, and cannot speak for them, I believe that if i were in the same position it wouldn’t offend me.
Besides, most people wouldn’t assume it’s from malnutrition.
midgets make me laugh. THEY do have awesome good short games
Dwarf, Middget ,what ever. What happened to the Late night Middget wrestling?
“Vertically challenged”? Seriously? Is there something wrong with the word “short” or “small” or “little”?
And as already pointed out, how can it make sense to call someone a “dwarf” when they are not, in fact, a dwarf?
And some people who are vertically challenged are horizontally successful!!!
Sooo… the whole point is that the two Are in fact different yet can’t be called different things. Great. Thanks for clearing that up …..btw…..the horizontal comment is laugh out loud funny! I love it!
sincerely, a vertically “average” person
average sounds so .. average. perhaps I need a new name… hmm ive been called & somehow lived through, bean pole, tomboy, brainy, bimbo…oh & I’m a 2nd child 🙂 life goes on Anyway
Well being a Dwarf, I have had to deal with this my whole life. I used to get upset when someone called me a midget, for the simple fact that the person using the term was calling me something im not. But honestly its just another way of people labeling you, it doesn’t matter what they call you, it happens in all sizes and all races of people. I now try and focus on getting rid of all that crap, I don’t care what you call me, just don’t call me late for dinner! LOL If society feels it necessary to put a label on me, by all means if that’s what makes you feel better have at it, if you wanna ask me what i am or what you should call me, my friends and family call me Brandon or Lil B, I have no problems with shorty or short stuff or whatever, but realize this, I am just a human being trying to get along in this world just like everyone else, we are all tied together in the great chain of life. So when you have an issue as what to call another person, whether they be short, tall, skinny, thick, black, white, brown, or purple, just ask them their name! God Bless!
Thanks Brandon…you made more sense than the article! lol
Love the humour Brandon. I’m writing a book which includes a dwarf/midget who has a name and is a much loved character. I’m undecided which form he takes. Maybe you can answer a question for me. I know you can suffer with joint problems but could someone with dwarfism be pain free without medication and otherwise fit and healthy? Appreciate your contribution to my book. Thank you
Well Brandon what I honestly believe is that people have been calling short people the m word for years it have only changed to dwarf not that long ago but I get it I am 5 ft and people call me a midget all the time I don’t even worry about it cause I know great things come in tiny packages and we are all great in our own ways .
Well said. I am of lower average hight and I believe we are all equal.
So if there are characteristic differences between a person who has dwarfism and the people deemed ‘midget’ (meaning Dwarf=diproportionate body parts vs Midget=proportioned just small) what do we really call the ‘midget’ if he or she is not a dwarf? because you said that the word doesn’t fit both but the word midget is offensive. I am not using the word to be offensive so please no one take it that way. I genuinely want to know. Is it just a matter of they are a small person? or is their a term better suited that isn’t revolving around ‘vertically challenged”? I like someone who is ‘small’ but he doesn’t see himself as a dwarf and nor do I. I just don’t want to say the wrong thing.
How about the term Humoncoulous. (Not sure of the spelling) it means perfectly proportional small person.
im a dwaff and its very hard in life iv got bad legs and also i would love to make friends with people like me can any one find a friend for me i would be very greatfull thank you deborah thorley
Are you okay with having a midget for a friend? And no… I am not offended by the word midget… However, I rather like being called a “mini” or “fun sized”
What I think is WHO Cares what is politically correct? We might offend someone!??! Like they don’t know they’re a freak with their stubby arms and crap, along with being 4 feet tall, so we better get the term right! Its so “retarded”, you know like something a retarded person would say?
What the crap is that? Horizontally successful? They’re able to go to sleep, or have sex? Some of them? Or was it just a ridiculous statement, as dumb as it sounded? Some are successful in a few areas. Most are jokes to everyone else. But we need to be so careful about dignifying them, since they’re obviously jokes, that we’re being the exact opposite.
What I mean about being dignifying to the extent that its the complete opposite is that the last 5 times I heard the term “midget” come up, people freaked out and said “you can’t say that!” . so that’s what EVERYONE thinks, and Everyone calls them behind their back, but they don’t want to be called that anymore, so we make a huge deal over saying it anyway and then everybody going around whispering and crap. Cuz that’s better.
Whoa! ‘the terms dwarf and midget are not similar’? Yes they are similar; it is the conditions that are not similar.
If some midgets inherit the condition from their parents, isn’t that also genetic? Just like dwarfism?
Finally, I don’t get the derogatory connotation in the word ‘midget.’ If I don’t smile or smirk when I say someone is a midget, I don’t feel like I am being derogatory, because that is not my intent.
The socially acceptable term is little person
This could be used in the same way as what to call a “skinny” person or a “fat” person. They could be called waistline challenged. This could refer to either one of them. The problem is with the person who is labeling the person by their physical appearance instead of who they are as individual. Smart, dumb, athletic, bookworm, easygoing or uptight. The problem is the label, the best thing to call them by their given name or what they want to be called…just ask them.
I know this sounds very un-PC, I really don’t like dwarfs I find them scary evil looking, creatures,, It all started way back in the 1960s, there was a kids TV series called the singing ringing tree, to this day I’m still fairly uncomfortable with a Dwarf, although it’s been greatly lessened with the introduction of the character Tyrion Lannister.
Hi little james (and I’m sure you’ve been called little James before by many or maybe ‘Jamesy waymsy’ awwww poor you – I bet you don’t even know what that means
Wowzers ….
So ….
– you really don’t like dwarfs eh , you find them “scary looking creatures” “evil” too yeah? ( you’re very own words yeah?)
I am laughing my little arse off here (lmfa)
and I’m not a dwarf but hey what are you? That’s the question?
Do you want me to tell you or shall I let you have a few guesses………..? Aw just because you’re ignorant bless you I’ll give you a head start …
Go on … have a guess little James……
You, yep You little James is the SCARY one !
How tall are you James?
How’s your brain James ?
What’s up with you James ..?
Think about it and get back to me yeah
Very very interested in what makes YOU think you’re better than dwarfs n why you have the right to think what you think re ‘dwarfs’
(waiting for your littlw response Big Man)
Midget = homunculus ??? no.
Midget = short torso
The fact that every article I’ve found on how midgets don’t have the capability of getting height related issues is complete crap. I’m a midge – no I don’t find it offensive – at 4’8 and have several problems and complications DIRECTLY related to my height, my most major ones being constant spinal pain, joint pain including displacement, and gastrointestinal complications due to my organs being normal size and my body being too small and cramping them.
I’m not saying it happens to all midgets, but pretending like they can’t have health issues from it is insulting.

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Written by : Mabelle.
and updated on 2018, July 23

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Dwarf refers to a person with one of the several varieties
of a specific genetic condition called dwarfism. A dwarf is an unusually small person (less than 147 centimeters tall)
with disproportionate body parts. Regardless of sex; the average adult
height among people with dwarfism is 122 centimeters (4 ft 0 inch), although
some individuals with dwarfism are slightly taller.
Dwarfism is the result of a variety of genetic disorder and
it affects people, animals and plants. People with dwarfism can suffer bone and
joint problems, disoriented growth of some organs as well as nerve compression.
The term dwarf is also used in fiction/fantasy writing to refer to a small person
with magic ability.
Intelligence is usually normal and most have a nearly normal
life expectancy. People with dwarfism can usually bear children, although there
are additional risks to mother and child, dependent upon the underlying
Proportionate dwarfism results from medical conditions
present at birth or appearing in early childhood that limit overall growth and
development. So the head, trunk and limbs are all small, but they’re
proportionate to each other. Because these disorders affect overall growth,
many of them result in poor development of one or more body systems.
Growth hormone deficiency is a relatively common cause of
proportionate dwarfism. It occurs when the pituitary gland fails to produce an
adequate supply of growth hormone, which is essential for normal childhood
Most people with dwarfism have disorders that cause
disproportionately short stature. Usually, this means that a person has an
average-size trunk and very short limbs, but some people may have a very short
trunk and shortened (but disproportionately large) limbs. In these disorders,
the head is disproportionately large compared with the body.
Almost all people with disproportionate dwarfism have normal
intellectual capacities. Rare exceptions are usually the result of a secondary
factor, such as excess fluid around the brain (hydrocephalus).
A midget is a person
of very small stature whose bodily proportions, intelligence and sexual
development are within the normal range. While not a medical term, it has
been applied to persons of unusually short stature, often with dwarfism,
particularly proportionate dwarfism.
Diminutive stature occurs sporadically in families, the rest
of whose members are of ordinary size. The children of midgets are usually of
ordinary height and proportions. The term midget is often considered offensive
or pejorative and instead the preferred term is proportionate dwarf or little
Both midgets and dwarfs have to suffer the psychological or
social problems with their condition. Social prejudice against their extreme
height may reduce their social confidence and opportunities. Sometimes they are
mocked and may suffer from low self esteem. 
The term midget may also refer to anything of much smaller
than normal size, as a synonym for ‘’miniature’’ or ‘’mini’’ such as midget
cell, midget crabapple, midget flowerpecker, midget submarine, midget mustang
airplane or to anything that regularly uses anything that is smaller than normal.
However, the term cannot be used for
animals and plants.

A dwarf is an unusually small person (less than 58 inches tall) with disproportionate
body parts

A midget is a person of very small stature whose bodily proportions,
intelligence and sexual development are within the normal range.

A dwarf has disproportionate body parts.

A midget has proportionate body parts.

The children of dwarf can be of normal height or dwarfs as well.

The children of midget are usually of ordinary height and

Dwarfism can be considered as a disability.

Midget cannot be considered as a disability.

Dwarfism condition is known to affect humans, animals and plants.

The term midget is only used for humans only. It cannot be used for
plants and animals. 

Dwarfism is a condition caused by a genetic disorder.

Midgets usually inherit the condition from parents. It can also be
caused by malnutrition.

Dwarfism in human can be corrected through a procedure called limb
lengthening surgery.

A midget can add more inches to his or her height by taking hormonal
supplements and proper nutrition.

Home Science Difference Between Dwarf and Midget
Last Updated : August 25, 2022 / By Piyush Yadav
/ Fact Checked
Comparison Table Between Dwarf and Midget (in Tabular Form)
Main Differences Between Dwarf and Midget The dwarf can be found in humans, animals or plants but midget is a term used for humans only. Dwarf describes a small person and has disproportionate body parts, on the other hand, Midget referred to a person who is extremely small but has proportionate body parts. Be that as it may, now and then in our general public, an individual may be considered as a Dwarf dependent on their short stature alone. Dwarfism is a medical term for extremely short persons, animals or plants but the word midget is not a medical term and is also considered offensive nowadays. Dwarfs are small people just like the Midgets but they suffer from physical problems like enlarged heads, bow legs, dental problems, hunched back, physical deformity or scoliosis. The dwarf is derived from the German language, in old English, it was “Dweorg” with time it turned into Dwarf whereas Midget first recorded in 1850-55 and it was only Midge, later the word became Midget.
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By Chara Yadav
/ Fact Checked / Last Updated : August 25, 2022
By Chara Yadav
/ Fact Checked / Last Updated : August 25, 2022
By Chara Yadav
/ Fact Checked / Last Updated : August 25, 2022
By Chara Yadav
/ Fact Checked / Last Updated : August 25, 2022
By Piyush Yadav
/ Fact Checked / Last Updated : August 25, 2022
By Chara Yadav
/ Fact Checked / Last Updated : August 27, 2022
Piyush has been working to strive to provide the best differences and comparisons. He is the founder of AskAnyDifference.com website. He holds a major in Communications and MBA in Finance from NMIMS, Mumbai, India.
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As time passes, we humans continue evolving, we are adding new terms and words in our language to communicate in a better way. Sometimes we use words from ancient languages and sometimes we modify the old words to define things easily.
Just like that the word “Dwarf” derived from the ancient German language. The dwarf is used for a very short person, someone less than 58 inches tall.
Midget comes from the word “mycg” used for the small fly. Both Dwarf and Midget describe a short person. however, midget is considered an offensive word nowadays.
If a person has an adult height of 147 cm (4 ft 10 in) then he/she is considered a dwarf. Medically when a person has a condition that causes them to be very short with the disproportion of body parts is known as dwarfism.
Midget can also be used for a very short person, but normally proportioned. but nowadays this word is rarely used and also considered offensive. It’s been utilized until the finish of the twentieth century.
The word dwarf is used for a person to have a very short height (147cm) in their adulthood and have a body disproportionate medically this is called dwarfism.
The primary cause of dwarfism is hereditary clutters and dwarfism can likewise be because of metabolic issues or malnourishment. Dwarfism is not a disease and therefore it has no medical definition.
A person with dwarfism can have these problems – enlarged head, bow legs, dental problems, hunched back, physical deformity or scoliosis.
The most generally realized dwarfism is skeletal dysplasia . Skeletal dysplasia’s are states of strange bone development that because lopsided dwarfism can prompt other medical issues, for example, osteoarthritis .
Dwarfs also can have the proportionate body type and most of the dwarfs can do all things that a normal human can do.
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