Dies Latin

Dies Latin


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Ante de lecto surgo, de rebus postmodum eo die mihi faciendis breviter meditor.
Прежде чем встать с кровати, я какое-то время думаю о том, что буду делать оставшуюся часть дня.
ru единица измерения времени, приблизительно равная периоду обращения Земли вокруг своей оси (24 часа)
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Gaia astronavis est observatorium intermundiarum quam Ordo Europaeus spatio cosmico investigando die 19 Decembris 2013 ad stellas et galaxias investigandum misit.
Gaia — космическая обсерватория, выведенная на орбиту 19 декабря 2013 года с целью построения трёхмерной карты нашей Галактики.
Qua epocha 5585 Parks per dies 1633 circa solem movebatur.
Обычно используется модуль 65535, по тем же соображениям, что и 16-битная сумма.
Lex hebdomadalis requiei praecipiebat ne opus fieret die septima, “ut requiescat bos et asinus tuus, et refrigeretur filius ancillae tuae et advena” (Ex 23, 12).
Закон еженедельного отдыха обязывал воздерживаться от работы в седьмой день, «чтобы отдохнул вол твой и осел твой и успокоился сын рабы твоей и пришлец» (Исх 23, 12).
Die 11 Decembris eiusdem anni haec officia renuntiavit.
На следующий день, 4 февраля, эти слухи официально подтвердились.
Obiit anno 633(?) et festum suum die 6 Septembris celebratur.
Телефон был представлен 3 апреля вместе с Lumia 630.
Factio Libertariana est parva factio politica die 11 Decembris 1971 fundata.
Либертарианская партия была основана 11 декабря 1971 года.
Primum officium die 27 Septembris initiavit.
Занятия в учебном заведении начинались 27 сентября.
Omne anno Mariae obliviscitur Thomas diem natalem.
Том каждый год забывает про день рождения Мэри.
Die 30 Maii 1913 Londinii de pace conventum est.
Война завершилась 30 мая 1913 года подписанием в Лондоне мирного договора.
Virginia Occidentalis se per bellum a Virginia disiunxit, et pars Unionis facta est die 20 Iunii 1863.
Во время Гражданской войны северо-западные округа Виргинии отделились и образовали новый штат, принятый в состав США 20 июня 1863 года.
Ты с ними в понедельник разговаривал?
December unum et triginta dies habet.
Israel praecepit Deus ut octavo quoque die, Shabbath, requietis dies haberetur (cfr Gn 2,2-3; Ex 16,23; 20,10).
Бог повелел Израилю праздновать каждый седьмой день как день отдыха, шабат (ср. Быт 2, 2-3; Исх 16, 23; 20, 10).
Dies Russiae (Russice: День России) festa publica principalis Russiae est.
Prime Time Russia — вечернее шоу о главных событиях в России.
Die 15 Maii magistratum summum iniit.
Отход основной массы войск 5-й армии начался с наступлением темноты.
Per principium columbarii, probabilitas 100 centesimas attingit cum numerus hominum 367 assequatur (quia solum 366 natales fieri possunt, die 29 Februarii non excluso).
Как ни удивительно, необходимое число людей равно M + 1 = 366 (у 365 людей дни рождения могут распределиться по каждому из 365 дней года без совпадений), хотя в среднем нужно лишь 25.
Philippus Kerr, vulgo Philip Henry Kerr et denuo 11th Marquess of Lothian (Londinii natus die 18 Aprilis 1882; mortuus Vasingtoniae die 12 Decembris 1940) fuit vir publicus Anglicus.
Филип Керр, 11-й маркиз Лотиан (англ. Philip Henry Kerr, 11th Marquess of Lothian; 18 апреля 1882, Лондон — 12 декабря 1940, Вашингтон) — британский политик.
Die 26 Iulii 1979 ab Edwardo Bowell, astronomo apud Observatorium Lowell (Statio Anderson Mesa) versato, repertus est.
Он был открыт 26 июля 1979 года американским астрономом Эдвардом Боуэллом в обсерватории Андерсон-Меса и назван в память астронома Фабио Мильорини, трагически погибшего в 1997 году.
Die octavo et vicesimo mensis Iulii, anni millesimi octingentesimi octogesi octavi natus est.
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Back-formed from the accusative diem (at a time when the vowel was still long), from Proto-Italic *djēm, the accusative of *djous, from Proto-Indo-European *dyḗws (“heaven, sky”). The original nominative survives as *diūs in two fossilised phrases: mē diūs fidius (an interjection) and nū diūs tertius (“day before yesterday”, literally “now (is) the third day”). The d in diēs is a puzzle with some suggesting dialect borrowing and others referring to an etymon *diyew- via Lindeman's Law. But note the possible Proto-Italic allophony between -CjV- and -CiV-, which may be the cause for this divergence (See WT:AITC).
Cognate with Ancient Greek Ζήν (Zḗn), Old Armenian տիւ (tiw, “daytime”), Old Irish día, Welsh dydd, Polish dzień, but not English day (q.v.) which is a false cognate. The Italic stem was also the source of Iovis, the genitive of Iuppiter and was generally interchangeable with it in earlier times, still shown by the analogical formation Diēspiter.
diēs m or f (genitive diēī); fifth declension
Dates in the Roman calendar were reckoned according to the calends (kalendae), the nones (nōnae), and the ides (īdūs). The calends of every month was its first day; the nones and ides of most months were their 5th and 13th days; and the nones and ides of the four original 31-day months—Mārtius, Māius, Quīntīlis or Iūlius, and Octōber—were two days later. January 1st was thus kalendae Iānuāriae or Iānuāriī. The day preceding any of these three principal days was called its eve (prīdiē). January 12th was thus prīdiē īdūs Iānuāriās or Iānuāriī (pr. Id. Ian.). All other days of the month were expressed by counting inclusively forward to the next of these three principal days and, in early Latin, this was expressed in the ablative. January 11th was thus diē tertiō ante īdūs Iānuāriās or Iānuāriī (iii Id. Ian.). By the time of classical Latin, however, the ante had moved to the beginning of the expression and it became an accusative absolute: ante diem tertium īdūs Iānuāriās or Iānuāriī (a.d. iii Id. Ian.).[1] In this form, the date functioned as a single indeclinable noun and could serve as the object of prepositions such as ex and in.[2]
Unlike most fifth-declension nouns, diēs is not exclusively feminine. It was typically masculine, particularly in the plural. It appears as a feminine noun when being personified as a goddess, in some specific dates, in reference to the passing of time, and occasionally in other contexts.
Aragonese: diya
Aromanian: dzuã
Asturian: día
Catalan: dia
Dalmatian: dai
Extremaduran: día
Franco-Provençal: di
Friulian: dì
Galician: día
Guinea-Bissau Creole: dia
Istriot: dèi
Istro-Romanian: zi
Italian: dì, die
Kabuverdianu: dia
Ladin: dì
Leonese: día
Lombard: dì
Arabic: ديية‎ (diya)
Hebrew: דיִיה‎ (diya)
Megleno-Romanian: zuu̯ă
Mirandese: die
Occitan: dia
Old French: di
Papiamentu: dia
Portuguese: dia
Romanian: zi
Romansch: di, gi
Sardinian: dí, die
Spanish: día
Venetian: dì
Vulgar Latin: *dia
a day's journey: iter unius diei or simply diei

to give some one a few days for reflection: paucorum dierum spatium ad deliberandum dare

in our time; in our days: his temporibus, nostra (hac) aetate, nostra memoria, his (not nostris) diebus

year by year; day by day: singulis annis, diebus

the intercalary year (month, day): annus (mensis, dies) intercalaris

when it is growing dusk; towards evening: die, caelo vesperascente

the day is already far advanced: multus dies or multa lux est

while it is still night, day: de nocte, de die

the succession of day and night: vicissitudines dierum noctiumque

night and day: noctes diesque, noctes et dies, et dies et noctes, dies noctesque, diem noctemque

from day to day: in dies (singulos)

to live from day to day: in diem vivere

every other day: alternis diebus

four successive days: quattuor dies continui

one or two days: unus et alter dies

one, two, several days had passed, intervened: dies unus, alter, plures intercesserant

to adjourn, delay: diem proferre (Att. 13. 14)

on the day after, which was September 5th: postridie qui fuit dies Non. Sept. (Nonarum Septembrium) (Att. 4. 1. 5)

to-day the 5th of September; tomorrow September the 5th: hodie qui est dies Non. Sept.; cras qui dies futurus est Non. Sept.

yesterday, to-day, tomorrow: dies hesternus, hodiernus, crastinus

to appoint a date for an interview: diem dicere colloquio

at the appointed time: ad diem constitutam

to live to see the day when..: diem videre, cum...

time will assuage his grief: dies dolorem mitigabit

to depart this life: mortem (diem supremum) obire

on one's last day: supremo vitae die

to put off from one day to another: diem ex die ducere, differre

the date: dies (fem. in this sense)

immorality is daily gaining ground: mores in dies magis labuntur (also with ad, e.g. ad mollitiem)

to keep, celebrate a festival: diem festum agere (of an individual)

to keep, celebrate a festival: diem festum celebrare (of a larger number)

to decree a public thanksgiving for fifteen days: supplicationem quindecim dierum decernere (Phil. 14. 14. 37)

to pass the whole day in discussion: dicendi mora diem extrahere, eximere, tollere

to summon some one to appear on a given day; to accuse a person: diem dicere alicui

to fix a day for the engagement: diem pugnae constituere (B. G. 3. 24)

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Dies - The Latin Dictionary
dies in Russian - Latin-Russian Dictionary | Glosbe
dies - Wiktionary
What does dies mean in Latin? - WordHippo
dies, diei [m.] E - Latin is Simple Online Dictionary
die - Wiktionary
dies — Wiktionnaire
How to say dead in Latin - WordHippo
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