Died Sex

Died Sex


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10 People Who Actually Died While Having Sex
I’m not sure if it would be the best way to go out or the worst. You’re there, pumping along, enjoying a quick bout of healthy, happy, consensual sex when, suddenly, something goes very wrong. In your last few minutes, you go from absolute bliss to an absolute nightmare situation. In French, it’s called, “la mort d’amour,” or, “the death from love,” a term that’s often used medically to describe coitally-induced cardiac overload which can cause a slew of other bad things to happen to your body which can cause death. In English, we colloquially refer to it as, “dying in the saddle,” which implies that one died while performing their customary duties, and death can come in a number of different ways, including cardiac arrest or stroke.
A 1996 publication called Coital Emergencies discussed in detail all of the most common ways people die while having sex, covering everything ranging from heart attack to injury, all in just a few pages. Sex is actually quite traumatic on the circulatory system. I think we all know that feeling after sex where you lay there wondering if your breathing and heart rate will go back to normal. Fortunately, the chances are extremely good that they always will. A lot of this has to do with the preexisting heart health of the person in question.
But still, some few unlucky (or lucky, if you’re Matthew McConaughey’s father — more on this later) people, sex will be their final act. A German publication following that one, in 2003, titled Sexualität, erektile Dysfunktion und das Herz: ein zunehmendes Problem states that dying during sex is representative of 0.6% of all sudden deaths.
Countless people throughout history have died during consensual sex, though most of them went undocumented and thus have been lost to the passing flow of time, but some famous or quasi-famous souls have been unfortunate enough to die while doing the deed and their stories were later told. So, without further ado, let’s get down to business — and hope we don’t die in the act…
Here are 10 people who died during sex…
Felix Faure was the French president from 1895 until his sudden death in 1899. His presidency was a tumultuous one, characterized by conflicts with England, but he led the French charge into Madagascar and visited the Tsar of Russia twice, in 1896 and 1897, in diplomatic contexts.
On February 16th of 1899, old Felix decided to have a sexual rendezvous with a woman named Marguerite Steinheil. She was an affluent woman who dallied about with high society French men of the day and Felix knew exactly what he was getting himself into. Marguerite showed up in the afternoon and shortly thereafter, the maidens at the President’s house heard a scream. They entered the room to find Felix laying on the ground dead.
The next couple would die during sex in a way that would redefine autoerotic asphyxiation. The teenage Austrian couple Reinhard Wallecker and Stefanie Tanzer decided to sneak off into the garage for some steamy car sex, in 2009, but they didn’t quite envision what would happen next.
Considering the cold temperatures of Austria, they decided to leave the car on so they could enjoy the warmth of the heater, but they left the garage door closed so they could also enjoy a private romp. They both died mid-sex from carbon monoxide poisoning from the trapped exhaust fumes.
Be careful out there. See the work of Ena Dahl, particularly A Survival Guide for Successful Outdoor Sex, for ideas on how to have sex in different places safely and responsibly; she covers it all and that story will be featured at the bottom of this one.
An unnamed couple was having sex in a high-rise building in the Wuhan province of China, in 2013. What could be more romantic than a little sex while peering out to the sights of the city below? Right? Wrong.
The couple shifted positions and eventually made their ways to do the deed while pressed up against a glass window that was poorly constructed. Under the pressure of both bodies, the window gave out, shattering, and the couple tumbled to their deaths on the pavement below.
This one sounds stranger than fiction, so I dug up as many sources as I could on it and, then again, I look at the world’s affairs and a quick glance at the news brings me back to the reality that truth is often stranger than fiction…
Like most good stories, it all started with a bet. Two female friends of Sergey’s bet him $4,300 (3,600 Euro) that he wouldn’t be able to fulfill an all-day sex marathon with both women, satisfying them both. Being the stud that he was, Sergey took the bet and took something like an entire bottle of Viagra before having sex with the women. Twelve hours later, the sex was finished, and Sergey went to collect when he died from a heart attack. The women called the Moscow Emergency Services but they weren’t able to save the man.
No, not like an Egyptian Pyramid, don’t get your hopes up…
This tragic tale would occur in June of 2007 when a young couple by the names of Brent Tyler and Chelsea Tumbleston decided to escape the monotonies of life by climbing atop a roof to have sex on it. The two 21-year-olds didn’t think much about the fact that the rooftop in Columbia, South Carolina, was pyramid-shaped, and though the inclines were not too steep, it had been raining prior and the metal was wet and slick.
While in the middle of their sex session, they slipped and fell to their deaths. They both died from the impact of the fall. A subsequent investigation would show that the couple died accidentally, turning up no evidence of foul play, just a tragic case of two youths looking for a little fun and making a grave mistake.
He was the Vice President of the United States of America and the heir to the infamous fortune of the Rockefeller family, a dynastic family of capitalists who amassed nearly unthinkable amounts of wealth over the past two centuries, and he, too, would succumb to la mort d’amour. His name was Nelson Rockefeller.
On January 26th, 1979, the then-former Vice President was 70 years old and was sleeping with a woman 50 years his junior, 22-year-old Megan Marschack. I guess that’s how rich people do. He called her over late in the evening the day prior and the two began to tango. Due to the fact that she was less than forthcoming, and their secret love affair would later be revealed by witnesses at the scene that something lewd was transpiring at the time of his death.
He would fall unconscious and die during their sex act and the tabloids and the Rockefeller family tried to deny any affair was going on to the public, even going as far as to deny that Marschack’s presence, even though when the emergency services were called, they described Rockefeller and Marschack as being, “in undeniably intimate circumstances.” Doctors later ruled that Nelson died of a heart attack at 12:20 a.m., a heart attack he suffered during sex. It turns out that all the money and power in the world can’t save you from dying during sex.
Sir Billy Mackie Snedden was the leader of the Australian political party, the Liberal Party, from 1972 to 1975, when he retired. A football (soccer, for you Americans) fan, he would spend his later years in retirement as a chairman of the Melbourne Football Club and, of Scottish heritage, he was the senior vice president to the Melbourne Scots club. He was also known to sleep around and was quite the ladies’ man.
On June 25th, Billy went to a campaign lunch like any other ordinary day and then retired to a hotel room in the Rushcutters Bay Motel. Shortly thereafter, he would die suddenly in the act “with a female companion” of a heart attack related to coronary artery disease. The female companion remained unnamed. But the story doesn’t end there…
Years later, her identity would be revealed to Billy’s son, Drew Snedden and sure enough, she was also his lover as well. Apparently, the woman was both Billy and Drew Snedden’s lover, but Drew was reportedly in good spirits about the discovery, remarking, “He’d had a number of lady friends around Australia and abroad. He got around a lot. I’m sure the old man went out happy — anyone would be proud to die on the job.”
In 2008, actor Matthew McConaughey revealed that he’d like to die while having sex. “I hope my own death is way down the line,” he said, “but when it happens, that’s my preferred exit strategy.” To understand this confession a little further, we need to back up a bit, as the confession came out after Matthew’s mother, Kay McConaughey, published a book titled I Amaze Myself.
In the book, she had a confession of her own, stating that years prior, her late husband, James Donald McConaughey, had died after one of their usual Monday morning romps, something the couple had forged into a bit of routine. They thought it was a good way to spend the morning before the toils of labor that lied ahead of them. And when Matthew heard the story, he felt that he needed to confess that he, too, wanted to die having sex…just like his father.
Jean Daniélou was a Roman Catholic Cardinal in Paris, after a life in religious academia, being the professor of Early Christian History at Institut Catholique de Paris. After a long life of clerical work and extensive literature he published on sexual morality, the cardinal went to the house of a well-known sex worker and exotic dancer — a brothel — in May of 1974. He died there and his cause of death was initially reported by the church as a heart attack that he’d had on the street. But then the story changed.
The church later walked back that story and said that he died in the home of close friends. Eventually, the real story was published and got out. A satirical French weekly magazine first published the story, claiming the cardinal died at the brothel with a large sum of money, and asked the church for an investigation, though the latter continued to hide all of the details of what happened. The church refused to open any investigations whatsoever. Speculations ran wild.
The story then changed, again, and they said that the cardinal did, in fact, die in a brothel belonging to a young woman, this time of a brain hemorrhage, and claimed he was doing his clerical duty. The woman also disappeared and couldn’t be found. I’ll let you be the judge.
Never mind cardinals, even popes weren’t always the epitome of moral virtue they claim to be today. In fact, problems with sex, gambling, and other immoral behavior have been with the Roman Catholic Church since its inception. There are actually several popes reputed to have died during sex. How many popes, to be exact? While one’s tempted to say, “Just about all of them,” the real answer is four. Four popes have reportedly died during sex.
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