Dick Size

Dick Size


While results vary slightly across reputable studies, the consensus is that the mean human penis, when erect, is in the range 12.9–15 cm (5.1–5.9 in) in length.

A 2015 systematic review published by Veale et al. of medical research on the topic over the previous 30 years published in BJU Internationalshowed si…
While results vary slightly across reputable studies, the consensus is that the mean human penis, when erect, is in the range 12.9–15 cm (5.1–5.9 in) in length.

A 2015 systematic review published by Veale et al. of medical research on the topic over the previous 30 years published in BJU International showed similar results, giving mean flaccid, stretched non-erect, and erect lengths of 9.16 cm, 13.24 cm, and 13.12 cm respectively, and mean flaccid and erect circumferences of 9.31 cm and 11.66 cm respectively. Erect lengths in the included studies were measured by pushing the pre-pubic fat pad to the bone, and flaccid or erect girth (circumference) was measured at the base or mid-shaft of the penis.

One study (published in 1996) found the mean flaccid penis length to be 3.5 inches (8.9 cm) (measured by staff). A review of several studies found average flaccid length to be 9–10 cm (3.5–3.9 in). Length of the flaccid penis does not necessarily correspond to length of the erect penis; some smaller flaccid penises grow much longer, while some larger flaccid penises grow comparatively less.

The penis and scrotum can contract involuntarily in reaction to cold temperatures or nervousness, referred to by the slang term "shrinkage", due to action by the cremaster muscle. The same phenomenon affects cyclists and exercise bike users, with prolonged pressure on the perineum from the bicycle saddle and the straining of the exercise causing the penis and scrotum to contract involuntarily. An incorrect saddle may ultimately cause erectile dysfunction (see crotch pressure for more information).

Neither age nor size of the flaccid penis accurately predicted erectile length. Stretched length has correlated with erect length in some cases. However, studies have also shown drastic differences between stretched and erect length. One study found that a minimal tension force of approximately 450 g during stretching of the penis was required to reach a full potential erection length. this study also found that tension forces exerted in this study by the urologist were shown to be significantly (P<0.01) lower than 450g. This may account for differences between stretched and erect length.
• The 2015 study of 15,521 men found that the average length of a stretched flaccid penis was 13.24 cm (5.21 inches) long, which is near identical to the average length of an erect human penis which is 13.12 cm (5.17 inches) long.
• An 2001 study of about 3,300 men published in European Urology concluded that flaccid stretched length was measured on average to about 12.5 cm (4.9 in). In addition, they checked for correlations in a random subset of the sample consisting of 325 men. They found a few statistically significant Spearman's correlations: between flaccid length and height of 0.208, −0.140 with weight, and −0.238 with BMI, flaccid circumference and height 0.156, stretched length and height 0.221, weight −0.136, BMI −0.169. They also reported a few non-significant correlations.

Scientific studies have been performed on the erect length of the adult penis. Studies that have relied on self-measurement, including those from Internet surveys, consistently reported a higher average length than those that used medical or scientific methods to obtain measurements.

The following staff-measured studies are composed of different subgroups of the human population (in other words, specific age range or race; selection of those with sexual medical concerns or self-selection) that could cause a sample bias.
• In a study of 80 healthy males published in the September 1996 Journal of Urology an average erect penis length of 12.9 cm (5.1 in) was measured. The purpose of the study was to "provide guidelines of penile length and circumference to assist in counseling patients considering penile augmentation." Erection was pharmacologically induced in 80 physically normal American men (varying ethnicity, average age 54). It was concluded: "Neither patient age nor size of the flaccid penis accurately predicted erectile length."
• A study published in the December 2000 International Journal of Impotence Research found that average erect penis length in 50 Jewish Caucasian males was 13.6 cm (5.4 in) (measured by staff). The study intended "to identify clinical and engineering parameters of the flaccid penis for prediction of penile size during erection." Erection was pharmacologically induced in 50 Jewish Caucasian patients who had been evaluated for erectile dysfunction (ED) (average age 47±14y). Patients with penis abnormalities or whose ED could be attributed to more than one psychological origin were omitted from the study.
• A review published in the 2007 issue of BJU International showed the average erect penis length to be 14–16 cm (5.5–6.3 in) and girth to be 12–13 cm (4.7–5.1 in). The paper compared results of twelve studies conducted on different populations in several countries. Various methods of measurements were included in the review.
• A 2015 study by BJU International concluded the average erect penis length to be 13.12 cm (5.16 inches).
• An Indian study (published in 2007) of 301 men ages 18 to 60 published in the International Journal of Impotence Research found flaccid, stretched and erect length to be 8.21 cm (3.23 in), 10.88 cm (4.28 in) and 13.01 cm (5.12 in), respectively.
• A Korean study (published in 1971) of 702 men ages 21 to 31 identified the average erect penis length to be 12.70 cm (5.00 in). Another study (from 1998) of 150 Koreans found the average erect penis length to be 13.42 cm (5.28 in). The most recent study (published in 2016) of 248 Korean men identified the average erect penis length to be 13.53 cm (5.33 in).
• A 2020 review in the Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy found that the majority of men believed that the average erect penis length is more than 15.24 cm (6 inches). This inaccurate belief has likely been fed by inaccurate and exaggerated data presented in studies where the size of the participants erect penis is self-reported. Participants may report overestimates of the size of their penis in the belief that a larger penis is more socially desirable. The same review analyzed the results from ten prior studies where measurements of erect penis size were made by researchers. They reported an erect penis to be between 12.95 and 13.92 cm (5.1 and 5.5 inches, respectively) in length, a result significantly below the average obtained in self-reported studies. The authors commented that results of such measurement studies made still be inflated due to volunteer bias – the possibility that men with larger penises may be more likely to choose to participate in such studies.

Erect circumference
Similar results exist regarding studies of the circumference of the adult fully erect penis, with the measurement usually taken mid-shaft. As with length, studies that relied on self-measurement consistently reported a significantly higher average than those with staff measuring. In a study of penis size where measurements were taken in a laboratory setting, the average penis circumference when erect was 11.66 cm (4.59 inches).

Size at birth
The average stretched penile length at birth is about 4 cm (1.6 in), and 90% of newborn boys will be between 2.4 and 5.5 cm (0.94 and 2.17 in). Limited growth of the penis occurs between birth and 5 years of age, but very little occurs between 5 years and the onset of puberty. The average size at the beginning of puberty is 6 cm (2.4 in) with adult size reached about 5 years later. W.A. Schonfeld published a penis growth curve in 1943.

Size with ageing
Authors of a paper reviewing research on area of penis sizes conclude that "flaccid penile length is just under 4 cm (1.6 in) at birth and changes very little until puberty, when there is marked growth."

Age is not believed to negatively correlate with penis size. "Individual research studies have... suggested that penis size is smaller in studies focusing on older men, but Wylie and Eardley found no overall differences when they collated the results of various studies [over a 60 year period]."

Size and height
A 2015 review of the literature found two studies finding height and stretched or flaccid length to be moderately correlated, seven studies finding weak correlation for flaccid, stretched, or erect length, and two studies that found no correlation between flaccid length and height.

Size and hands
One study investigated the relationship with digit ratio and found that men with longer ring fingers than index fingers had slightly longer penises. However, the common misconception that hand size predicts penis size has been widely discredited.

Size and other body parts
A statistically significant correlation between penis size and the size of other body parts has not been found in research. One study, Siminoski and Bain (1988), found a weak correlation between the size of the stretched penis and foot size and height; however, it was too weak to be used as a practical estimator. Another investigation, Shah and Christopher (2002), which cited Siminoski and Bain (1988), failed to find any evidence for a link between shoe size and stretched penis size, stating "the supposed association of penile length and shoe size has no scientific basis".

There may be a link between the malformation of the genitalia and the human limbs. The development of the penis in an embryo is controlled by some of the same Hox genes (in particular HOXA13 and HOXD13) as those that control the development of the limbs. Mutations of some Hox genes that control the growth of limbs cause malformed genitalia (hand-foot-genital syndrome).

Size and race
The belief that penis size varies according to race is not supported by scientific evidence. A 2005 study reported that "there is no scientific background to support the alleged 'oversized' penis in black people".

A study of 253 men from Tanzania found that the average stretched flaccid penis length of Tanzanian males is 11 cm (4.53 inches) long, smaller than the worldwide average, stretched flaccid penis length of 13.24 cm (5.21 inches), and average erect penis length of 13.12 cm (5.17 inches).

A recent 2016 study of 248 Korean men identified the average erect penis length to be 13.53 cm (5.33 in). A study of 115 men from Nigeria found that the average flaccid stretched penis length of Nigerian males is 13.37 cm (5.26 inches) long, which is near identical to the worldwide average, stretched flaccid penis length of 13.24 cm (5.21 inches) and average erect penis length of 13.12 cm (5.17 inches). A 2015 systematic review of 15,521 men found "no indications of differences in racial variability", and stated that it was not possible to draw any conclusions about size and race from the available literature and that further research needed to be conducted.

According to Aaron Spitz, a urologist, many websites and studies promoting variation of penis size between races use unscientific methods of collecting information and often ignore contradictory evidence. He concludes that "when you really take a good look at the naked data, there’s not a whole lot there [showing racial variation in penis size]."

Size preferences among sexual partners
In a small study conducted by University of Texas–Pan American and published in BMC Women's Health, 50 undergraduate women were surveyed by two popular male athletes on campus about their perceptions of sexual satisfaction and it was concluded that the width of a penis feels better than the length of a penis, when subjects are asked to choose between the two (size was left unspecified). It was also concluded that this may show that penis size overall affects sexual satisfaction since women chose between the two options they were given.

In a cover story by Psychology Today, 1,500 readers (about two-thirds women) were surveyed about male body image. Many of the women were not particularly concerned with penis size, and over 71% thought men overemphasized the importance of penis size and shape. Generally, the women polled cared more about width than men thought, and less about length than men thought, although the strength of caring for either among women showed a similar pattern.

Another study, conducted at Groningen University Hospital, asked 375 sexually active women (who had recently given birth) the importance of penis size the results of which showed that 21% of women felt length was important and 32% felt that girth was important.

A study conducted at the Australian National University, published in early 2013, showed that penis size influences a man's sex appeal, and the taller the man, the bigger the effect. The study showed 3D computer generated images at life-size, altering the height and other physical attributes, with women typically registering preferences in under 3 seconds. A preference for taller men's larger penis size was notable.

A U.S. study published in 2015 of the stated preferences of a panel of 75 women using 3D-printed models as scale references showed a preferred penis length of 16 cm (6.4 inches) and a preferred circumference of 12.2 cm for long-term sexual partners, with slightly larger preferred sizes of a length of 16.3 cm (6.3 inches) and circumference of 12.7 cm for one-time sexual encounters.

Condom use
One Australian study of 184 men looked at penis length and circumference in relationship to condom breakage or slippage. 3,658 condoms were used. The study found that when used correctly, condoms had a breakage rate of 1.34% and a slippage rate of 2.05%, for a total failure rate of 3.39%. Penile dimensions did not influence slippage, although penis circumference and broken condoms were strongly correlated, with larger sizes increasing the rate of breakage.
Перевести · 07.12.2020 · The average measurements were as follows: flaccid penis length: 9.16 cm (3.6 in) when …
Перевести · On average, women perceived the average male penis length to be 5.5 inches (13.8 cm) and the ideal penis size to be 6.3 inches (15.8 cm). Men, on the other hand, thought the average penis length on average is 5.6 inches (14.1 cm) and the ideal length is 6.6 inches (16.6 cm).
Перевести · 31.08.2018 · According to one study published in the British Journal of Urology International (BJUI), the average length of a flaccid penis is 3.61 inches, while the average length of an erect penis is 5.16...
Размер полового члена мужчины — характеристика мужского полового члена по длине и ширине. Правильным признаётся измерение длины полового члена — у стоящего прямо индивида наложением линейки сверху на полностью эрегированный член, ширины — в самой широкой части члена. Документально подтверждённым самым большим членом считается пенис длиной 33,5 см и 15 см в обхвате, который был описан в начале ΧΧ столетия. По данным ряда исследований, средняя длина полового члена около 12—15 см. И хотя вопрос о предпочтениях женщин является спорным, во все времена вопросу увеличения размеров полового члена уделялось особое внимание.
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Dick size and how to deal with size queens
Перевести · 22.05.2015 · Men in this bracket have a penis that measures 5 to just over 6 inches in length when erect. This is the average penis size in most countries, particularly the United States. For a long time, many men in America thought 7 inches was the national norm thanks to early – and flawed – reporting on human sexuality.
Перевести · Строк: 89 · Over all countries the average size of a penis is about 13.58 cm. The longest one is 17.61 cm long and carried by …
Перевести · 27.07.2017 · As of 2019, the average human penis size is 5.16 inches. Here is a more detailed breakdown of the …
Перевести · Строк: 8 · Welcome to calcSD, a lightweight website made so you can easily view the rarity of specific dick sizes. Feel free to type different …
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The Ideal Penis Size In 10 Countries
Lookin’ good, Poland.
(George Marks via Getty Images)
What’s the ideal penis length? Depends where you live. 
A new survey conducted by British online medical website Dr. Ed asked women and men from Europe and North America about their sexual health and happiness. Respondents had to guess the length of the average erect penis and also answer what an ideal penis is, length-wise. 
No matter what people thought the average penis length was, everyone’s ideal length was always bigger. Some things really are universal. 
Of the 2,121 respondents, between the ages of 18 and 75, 1,148 identified as male and 973 identified as female. Almost half of the survey pool was from the United States (1,055) while the rest lived in nine different countries throughout Europe. The survey did not account for sexual identity or ethnicity of respondents. And because Dr. Ed is a UK-based website, the results are measured in centimeters (1 centimeter = .4 inches). 
While the study’s results were intriguing, you might want to take the findings with a grain of salt. Because the researchers didn’t account for sexuality, the definition of “ideal” is in the eye of the beholder. Is “ideal” in the context of a sexual relationship or in the context of self-confidence? And if you’re a lesbian? Well, just take a wild guess about penis size!
We can assume that the survey was measuring heterosexual preferences because the conclusion reveals how important penis size is to women, but not how important penis size is to men. (It did, however, ask men how size affected their confidence.)
The research revealed that men believe both the average and ideal penis sizes are larger than what women thought. 
For all the American readers, a little math: Length in cm X .4 = Leng
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Human penis size - Wikipedia
What size is the average penis? - Medical News Today
Average penis size by country: worldwide ... - Worlddata.info
Average Penis Size: length & girth, erect & flaccid - by ...
calcSD - Penis Size Percentile Calculator
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