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Monday February 20, 2006

12:57 PM

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Recommended! Excellent work, as usual. Branching out from Plameology, I see :-)
Perkins' book is excellent reading. Also read "Imperial Hubris" by Mike Schuer.
oh, also Armstrong's boy friend is Benton Love, scion of another big time Texas political family. You could start in on the Loves today, if you want to make deadline by Wednesday.
Here's another contradiction but when I read the police report, the vp says he was on the far right of the line, and turned around, counter-clockwise (left). Since at least shot hit Whit near the right face and shoulder, that would be aimed just about or above shoulder height, meaning Cheney would have had to turn left, aiming his shotgun damn near level with the head of the hunting guide--Bo--who curiously didn't issue an instruction like, oh, CEASE FIRE!!! Don't Shoot!! Don't point that damn thing at my head!! or some variant of the above.
  If the hunting party was walking on line, that means that the vp's weapon was also briefly aimed at the head of guide Bo and the hunter behind him, Pam Willeford.
 When I looked at the Police report, I saw no sketch of the incident. So there is even less investigation than would go into an ordinary fender-bender in a grocery store parking lot. The level of amateurism here can not be by mistake--something clearly is being omitted from the official reports.
 By the way, topo evidence makes it hard to support the claim that Whit was below Cheney in a depression. Maps indicate that the elevation was relatively flat, sloping upward from an elevation of 26 ft. above sea level up to 31 feet above sea level. Or basically UP by 5 feet, approximately shoulder-high for an average male.
See USGS maps.
  Topo also gives another interesting detail. The incident looks like there were three county roads in the area where the incident occurred, and it appears that if the vp turned around as claimed, then the shots would have been in the general direction of people coming up behind them, i.e., the support party. It would make more sense that the quail would be in the more remote spots, i.e. generally East of the roads. VP reported to have shot in a Westerly direction, basically turning away from where you would expect to find birds, and shot in a direction (West) where the birds would be flying into contact with humans, and there was a greater chance of hitting a human. Tech specs indicate while max effective range of shotgun is on the order of 25-35 yards, it can still do damage up to 200 yards away. Testimony on police report was that that vp hunting party was only 100 yards away from convoy of three vehicles, and that as many as seven people were in the hunting party.
  For the VP to turn around and fire in that direction violated all safety rules.
  Thanks for keeping to raise questions. I don't argue with your basic starting point, because I have seen that cited also. What we can both agree on, I think, is that we are both having trouble reconciling accounts that contradict one another. The Secret Service is supposed to be one of the highest positions in law enforcement. Some professional can not be happy that the Service is being made to look so bad.
What bothers me about his testimony on FOX How is it that he couldn't see him when he pulled the trigger, but watched him fall? He said he watched him fall! I'm not a hunter, but I assume the shot travels fast if it is meant to hit a moving target...
Exactly my thoughton hearing Cheney's description
I'm glad you're our side Your dating mining skills are the envy of the NSA.
This isn't to say she isn't qualified She was an ambassador, she was on the Murphy Commission in the mid-'70s. I don't doubt her qualifications. But having one foot in govermental intelligence operations and the other in private companies at the same time is a snapshot of the short bridge between foreign policy and the private sector.
geez, I'm sorry but I think Chomsky has been the closest to the truth over the last 30 years. You can talk Chomsky any time.
And if you look at what's happening economically to the US, that is exactly what is happening here. Bolton at the UN, Wolfowitz at the World Bank, massive borrowing by the US, and Nobel Prize economists predicting that the next depression seems to be around the corner, with maybe a 27 percent contraction just waiting for some event to trigger it off.
 I'm sure it'll be on the evening news at some point after it happens.
Perkins is not a great writer, but he tells a riveting story that jibes with what we know about how our foreign policy "works." He is a bit full of himself, but, still, scary stuff to read.
yeah he does seem a little flakey - at least the part of him that went along with what he said he went along with.
nevertheless Joseph Stiglitz' book "Globalization and it's Discontents" although it doesn't have any conspiracy theories, basically also says that the IMF shakes down third world countries on behalf of wall street. (if I remember it correctly)
So whether or not you buy Perkins egocentric view of this nasty business or not, the bottom line seems to be that foreign policy is run by and for large corporations, paid for by our tax dollars and used to clean up on foreign natural resources at the expense of third world people.
That's why I don't want another Democrat running for president who thinks it's okay to continue this regressive foreign policy. (Hillary comes to mind at the moment and anyone else who voted for the Iraq war - part of the same deal)

Perkins rerun Thanks for the heads up on this show. I'll tivo it.
Aren't we the bankrupt country, now? Or nearly so. John Snow raiding the Fed. employees pension fund. We cannot manage our own ports. All the quail, along with all the other birds living in the wild, might be dead in two years from Bird Flu. Even given that it won't be so easily transmittable to humans. The country run by a nut that gets his science from that reationary novelist Michael Crighton. 
Yup That's why I say our own elite are going to be colonizing us soon. We're basically in the same boat as many in developing nations that have gotten stuck with too much debt--the elite will abscond with the dough and the perks from all those loans (war profiteering, anyone), and we'll be stuck holding the bills. Which they'll use to rationalize ever-lower wages and shitty working conditions, so we can earn enough to pay back the bills BushCo stuck us with.
Arrows There sure are a lot of arrows pointed in the same direction. Interesting comments.
Good digging and recommended I think there's more here yet to be uncovered also.
Personally, I find this line of reasoning misguided. President Cheney is to be applauded. Allow me to explain:
  We are all well aware that the administration is incapable of making positive efforts on behalf of the American people -- indeed, were it ever to attempt an actual improvement of our lot, they would undoubtedly fuck it up. Alas, we shall never know, as they have no intention of improving anything but the position of the very rich.
  On the other hand, our Republican leaders have proven quite adept at screwing people over. If I were a real American, this would disturb me. But as I am only a Democrat, I spend my time being upset more at the inequitable distribution of negative consequences rather than the evil nature of the policies themselves, since administration policies weigh most heavily on the working classes.
  But now Mr. Cheney has begun to ease my mind. If he wants to go around having a beer and shooting rich Republicans in the face, I say bully for him! It seems a little less efficient than the "deficit reduction" package recently passed by the Republican legislature, which screws over millions at one fell swoop, but remember that there are far fewer rich Republicans than there are working people. I haven't run the numbers, but with a little effort, Mr Cheney could shoot a good number of them in the face before the Holiday Season.
Recommended Thank you for making a really good diary showing how some of these folks are related, emptywheel!
Interesting thought, but wouldn't that happen at The Hague, in The Netherlands?
Maybe that would be the venue for the tribunal but I think the Swiss wont shy away from initiating it. I think the Swiss by statute has a right/obligation to initiate prosecution of war crimes whereever they occur and whomever is carrying them out.
Kosovo? Is that what we liberated that place for? Ironic how the former KLA Prime Minister, Ramush Haradinaj and former Croat General, Ante Gotovina, are both looking at charges in the Hague right now. Gotovina for war crimes committed duing Operation Storm, the Croat offensive reaching into Bosnia after a training stint with US PMC MPRI. And while the former PM for Kosovo is awainting trial as well, we are running these prisons. In his country. The hypocrisy is unwieldy.

Maybe the torture-intel operation is somehow used to advance an agenda other than stopping terrorism. Broadly, the agenda is "globalism" - elite control of most everything, without governments interfering / governments as puppets, and shut down that nasty bunch of republic "city-builders" in the U,S.A. Maybe they use it to recruit or turn the folks they kidnap into assets of various kinds.
Reminds me of the Happy Valley in Kenya more than anything else, not just back in the 1930s and 40s but recently when it became clear that the heirs of those aristocrats still consider themselves above the law when it comes to the peasantry...
nyceve ... can you expand on this? I'm a little thick-pated this morning. By conspiracy of silence are you refering to something specific (Rove's extra-marital sex life? something else?) or just in general? Thanks.
I noticed news clips showed Matalin at Cheney's side last week. When these guys get in trouble they call their women back from retirement, no?
Weren't Bush pere and Bob Dole chairs of the RNC around the time of Watergate?
It went much deeper than the CREEP group - they just didn't go any deeper at the time because the Congressional leaders at the time believed that taking out the top was as deep as they needed to go. My Dad investigated Watergate and he followed the money for a congressman on the Hill - a congressman who happened to have access to the records of the money. It went deeper and anyone at her level would have been a participant. 
Good point, and Iran-Contra I think you make an excellent point. Ford's pardon for Nixon did set the precedent. But I think the real problem is that no-one had to answer for Iran Contra. And the felons in that operation are back on the job for Shrub. 
if his eye is on the sparrow it's on the quail as well.
Good work on the research and putting it all together for us. It is more than just a beer--whetehr lying and cover-up is just their default setting or whatever, I feel better knowing as much as I can about people involved.
The Missing Billions in Iraq.... Seems to tie in interestingly with the Ambassador of Switzerland/Swiss bank accounts and RNC Chair/Watergate money laundering mentioned upthread....
if you think I am on here.... for someone to stroke my ego with ratings you are incorrect.
9 billion missing in iraq. follow the money. follow the money? this shooting has perhaps turned a light on the route to secret swiss bank accounts in secure hands for the texas mafia.
does the missing money trail go thru swiss ambassador willeford? who knows, but its a plausible thought. any experts on swiss banking have ideas on this? is it plausible that the missing 9 billion could be funneled thru willeford? if it were, the texas mafia (bush/rove/cheney/halliburton/exxon/defense/and who knows who else) would want to keep her close and make her feel part of the clan. she could be in a very critcal position. just trying to follow the missing money....
Here's a thought on untraceable collectibles since there might be a touch of smuggling involved, what about this angle as a route of inquiry? Checking out whether the casket business is being used to move around contraband in plain sight? In the transportation business, we are familiar with the term "deadheading," whereby cargo or company employees take up space in a flight/car/bus/vehicle that would otherwise be unused, thereby raising total cost of operations.
  Caskets, or anything convenient, have been used by smugglers to move contraband. One wonders whether contraband is being moved in such a way throughout the various operations that are afoot. Whit was prominent in the regulation of that business. Another loose thread.
Wonder what role The Ambassador to Switzerland has in the Davos meeting.
Could Willeford's role at the hunt weekend have been to report on what had happened at the recent meeting in Davos that Kerry attended? (Remember Judith Miller reporting on that conference meeting in Aspen to Cheney in Wyoming in the summer of 2003.)
Swiss branch of Carnegie Foundation? I searched Google on "Carnegie-Stiftung für Lebens" and found this pdf newsletter which seems to indicate that the Swiss organization that Willeford is a part of is somehow connected to the Carnegie Foundation. That's just a sort-of educated guess, though.
If Willeford has no authority to sign for the foundation, does that mean her membership is purely honorary? (I wonder if it's ex officio for the U.S. ambassador to Switzerland, since this is a Carnegie foundation.)
This would be normal I think. Signing authority involves the ability to spend the money, and a Board member's role is usually defined differently and not in administration.
Maybe the opposite If it's says "no signature?" then perhaps whatever "authority to sign" means she doesn't even need to sign when she executes it? That's how I read it at first.
Willeford in White House On 8/17/2002, Willeford was among those listed by the Washington Post as having had an overnight stay in the White House between 1/20/2001 and 5/1/2002 (Anne and Tobin Armstrong are also on the list).
Great catch But you don't tell us why Martha was mean to her. And is that why they prosecuted Martha to the full extent??
Interesting Particularly in light of the info seeping out about the construction of four big American superbases strategically located around Iraq (plus one smaller one for the Brits in the south, and a huge new fortified US embassy compound in Baghdad) -- big projects that are discussed openly by the Iraqis and the international media, but officially denied by the administration and no longer covered by the U.S. press. See the main page diary: Traditional Media Repeat After Me: "Permanent Bases in Iraq." 
Here's another question FCC regulates telecommunication and broadcasting in our country . So what does the Chair need an advisor for international affairs?

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We've all been talking a lot about what Dick was trying to hide last weekend at the Armstrong Ranch. I don't think any of the current reasons can fully explain his secrecy. To figure out the real reasons for his secrecy, it pays to review the history of Anne and Katharine Armstrong. The former has been present, as a trusted insider, for every major Republican scandal of the last half-century. And the latter seems to hang around high-level meetings where Republicans plot war.
The Other Possible Explanations for Dick's Silence
By now, I think all reasonable people agree there are a number of curious discrepancies in the Deadeye Dick shooting story. And while I think the rumors floating out there have a germ of truth to them, I don't think they can fully explain the story. Oh, sure, I'm sure alcohol was a big part of the story. First Katharine Armstrong the 100-yard eyewitness says "No, zero, zippo" then she admits on background that there might have been a few beers in the picnic basket? Then Dick sheepishly admits to a beer. (Though a friend tells me that the hunters around Jackson Hole--where Dick lives when he's not playing Texan--don't drink beer when they hunt, because it makes them pee; they drink whiskey.) I think the alcohol aspect is especially likely since the people who went to the hospital on Saturday night--Ben Love, Mercedes Whittington, Bob Hixon, and George Willeford--made up the entire other hunting party. If Dick's hunting party was drinking heavily, it would make sense that none of them would go to the hospital while still shit-faced.
But the alcohol can't be the sum of the story. If it were, Katharine Armstrong and Dick would not have made such herculean efforts to avoid mentioning Pamela Willeford, who after all really did see the accident since she was standing right there next to Dick (that is, if we can believe the stories they've been telling).
Now, I don't buy the rumors that Dick was hiding an affair with Willeford. I mean, if I were a cuckold, I don't think I'd be visiting the guy whom my wife's lover just shot. Not unless this is a real 1970s swinger crowd, Texas style. (Though I am reminded of the rumors about John Bolton at Plato's retreat , so I suppose it is possible.) I think Dick was trying to hide the presence of Willeford for other reasons.
The other reason folks have mentioned for the secrecy about the shooting is that Katharine Armstrong, a registered lobbyist for Baker Botts, wanted to hide her close meetings with Cheney. I think there's more promise here--to which I'll return shortly. But before I look at that, I want to consider the way the manager of a nearby ranch characterized the lunch discussion on Sunday.
The manager of a ranch in neighboring Brooks County attended a quail lunch at the Armstrong Ranch headquarters midday Sunday with Cheney. Lavoyger Durham, manager of El Tule Ranch, said the luncheon talk was of "North Korea, India, China, Taiwan."
This conversation, remember, occurred shortly after Katharine Armstrong finally revealed news of the shooting to the Corpus Christi Caller-Times, but before the Caller-Times had published the story. This is the period when Dick is supposed to have been "in meltdown" (indeed, Durham says that Cheney canceled Sunday's quail hunt, so he must have been in meltdown). But in spite of all this, in spite of the fact that this crowd is still deeply in crisis mode, they're talking about world affairs.
Anne Armstrong, Grande Dame of Republican Scandal
Given that background, consider Anne Armstrong's amazing biography. In additi
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