Diapershannon Video

Diapershannon Video


Diapershannon Video
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Soon after the video begins the camera zooms in on her diaper and she releases a hissy torrent in her baby diaper. For a good thirty seconds you can hear the hiss of her pee as it collides with the diaper. Finally, she lets one last release and she's finished. The camera pans back out and Shannon has a look of astonishment on her face.
Anyone have copies of the old diapershannon .com videos before she took them down? nsfw. They were some of my favorites, just good solid (and often heavy) wettings posted to a blog that was a very good read. Suddely she vanished and took her site and videos down.
This video was uploaded from an Android phone.
Сайт Diapershannon - video .lovesbo.ru не работает сегодня февраль 2022? Не получается залогиниться? Не открывается сайт, не грузится, не доступен или глючит - ответы здесь. Оставьте Ваши и посмотрите другие сообщения и жалобы
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Soon after the video begins the camera zooms in on her diaper and she releases a hissy torrent in her baby diaper. For a good thirty seconds you can hear the hiss of her pee as it collides with the diaper. Finally, she lets one last release and she's finished. The camera pans back out and Shannon has a look of astonishment on her face.
Anyone have copies of the old diapershannon .com videos before she took them down? nsfw. They were some of my favorites, just good solid (and often heavy) wettings posted to a blog that was a very good read. Suddely she vanished and took her site and videos down.
This video was uploaded from an Android phone.
Сайт Diapershannon - video .lovesbo.ru не работает сегодня февраль 2022? Не получается залогиниться? Не открывается сайт, не грузится, не доступен или глючит - ответы здесь. Оставьте Ваши и посмотрите другие сообщения и жалобы
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