Diapered Sissy Stories

Diapered Sissy Stories


Diapered Sissy Stories
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R This is so humiliating! A bedwetters new status.

A Terrifying Shopping Trip, for a bedwetting husband.

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I enjoyed reading the story, it is very humiliating for the husband. I get the idea he is starting to like being babied.

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WOW actually wished one of my ex's would have done that because of my wittle bladder, and damp panties.... Well no need now me nice an comfy in my diapers. More of this good story pwease

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  I could see myself as the husband in this story??  

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Loving this story so far, I hope you continue it. Everybody around here loves their diapers so there aren't too many potty training themed stories, and there is so much humiliating ground to work with there.

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This is just a adorable story can't wait to hear more ;)

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Posted August 25th, 2012 ~ 11:31 am

more please, i love being humiliated.

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What fun! I hope there will be more! :)

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Such an awesome start. I can't wait for the next chapter.

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I love this story! Please write more!

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What a wonderful surprise, finding this little jem. I really enjoyed it. I hope her sissy hubby gets paddled by Mommy's new boyfriend and then put in a secure chastity cage.

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I really enjoyed this widdle stowy. It was... vewy pweasing, and I'd love to see more of it.

I'm kinda jealous of the hubby...

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Welcome to Sissy Kiss. I suggest looking at the forums and seeing which ones look interesting to you. There is no "right" way to be a sissy; sissyhood can be whatever you want it to be. But you might find inspiration here for things you might want to try.

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lovley caps, where can I apply fdor jennifers new job ? :)

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I like the update for this, it was lots of fun :) *waves, hugs, crinklybottomy pats, anna warm baby bottle of formula*

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I like the update for this, it was lots of fun :) *waves, hugs, crinklybottomy pats, anna warm baby bottle of formula*

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Poor little sissy shouldn't have started bedwetting.

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Posted January 15th, 2022 ~ 9:53 pm

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Posted January 16th, 2022 ~ 5:00 pm

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This is so humiliating! A bedwetters new status.

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ppbenn , October 14, 2021 in Story and Art Forum

"Good morning my beautiful sissy baby," Mommy smiles at me as she says this as I rub the sleep from my eyes. I yawn and stretch in the bed that we are lying in together.

"Good morning Mommy." Just like I always do; normally it's through text, but when I can tell her that in person it means more to me.

"Now baby I know we had fun last night while we were out with our friends, but Mommy has big plans for you today, and we can't be lounging around all morning if we are going to get everything done. Don't you agree?"

"Yes Mommy. I'll get up." I tell her as I start to move and take the covers off of me. 

"Not so fast baby. First rule of today is that you don't do anything unless I tell you to. Is that clear?"

"Yes Mommy." I can already feel butterflies as she tells me that she is in absolute control today.

"That's my good sissy baby. Now what kind of Mommy would I be if I didn't give my baby some breakfast? Not a good Mommy that's for sure, and I am a good Mommy aren't I diaper butt?"

"You're not a good Mommy. You're the best Mommy and I love you."

"Awww you're sweet crinkle slut, but first you need to eat." Mommy tells me and she pushes me down flat on the bed and sits up. 

Within seconds I am looking up at her breasts as she sits on my chest. I can feel the heat from her pussy on my bare skin. My cock is beginning to stiffen inside the confines of my diaper, but Mommy obviously has other plans. 

"Do you know what's for breakfast for you diaper slut?"

"Pie?" I ask trying to be coy, but Mommy isn't having none of that today.

"No baby you're getting Mommy's pussy and you're not going to stop eating that until Mommy is satisfied."

Having said that, she moves up and places her hands on the wall behind me and slides her body up mine until her pussy is just above my mouth.

"Go on crinkle butt eat your breakfast for Mommy."

I stuck my tongue out and began to lick her. I always enjoy pleasing Mommy like this, and today is no exception.  

“That’s right baby, make Mommy cum. You are just for Mommy’ pleasure today.”

Within minutes Mommy came on my face, after she slid off my face and cuddled up to my naked body I could feel her breath calming; as she came down from her orgasm.

“Ok slut. Now it’s time to get something to eat for real and then we can go have some fun.”

Breakfast was a simple affair of eggs, bacon, toast and coffee and as soon as it was finished, Mommy had me wash the dishes and put them away. When the dishes were cleaned to her satisfaction; Mommy led me back downstairs and told me to lie back down on the bed while she got my outfit ready for the day.

I thought I would at least get to see what I would be wearing before Mommy dressed me in it, but Mommy had other plans as she grabbed my blindfold and put it over my eyes.

“Mommy is so excited for today. However I need to make sure that you look pretty too. Mommy is going to plug your ass cunt today and cage that little clitty of yours today. Don’t worry though Mommy will make sure that your diapers are extra thick because I know that once a plug is in your ass and your little clitty is all caged up; you’ll be a leaky mess so Mommy will keep you all padded up and make sure that she has extra diapers on hand when we go out so that I can change you. Does that sound good sissy slut?”

“I’m glad it does because you didn’t have a choice anyways. Now for what to wear”

After a few minutes of looking through clothes Mommy decided on an outfit and dressed me up. It was nothing overly fancy just a pair of sweatpants ( which I was thankful for, due to my wonderfully thick diapers,) one of my printed onesies and a large tshirt.

“Ok sweetie you’re all ready. Now I want you to take your diaper bag out to my car while Mommy gets dressed. Oh and get the red bag beside your diaper bag out there too, but don’t look inside it Mommy packed some extra things in there for you to wear later.”

I grabbed the two bags and took them to the car. When I got back inside Mommy told me that I could go wait for her outside and she would be there after she put on some make up.

A short while later as I stood outside on my porch smoking one of my cigarillos and drinking a monster: Mommy came out looking as beautiful as ever and with a sharp smack on my thick bottom told me it was time to go.

Since Mommy does not like driving she had me drive and told me where to go. The first stop was a grocery store where we went in and got some alcohol. I was conscious of my diaper as I crinkled and waddled down the aisles but just to be sure Mommy smacked my butt a few times to further remind me of my padded state. Before we left the store though Mommy led me over to the cosmetics aisle where she told me to pick a lipstick but also to make sure that it was good one that wouldn’t smear when she had her cock in my mouth later. 

I decided on a bright red one that supposedly was long lasting and wouldn’t stain later. When I handed it to Mommy I was rewarded by her telling me that it was a good choice and I was going to be such a pretty little sissy cocksucker for her later.

Our final stop after leaving the store was a small hotel room that Mommy had already reserved a room at. She went into the lobby and checked in and then came back out a few minutes later with the room key. I drove around to the back of the hotel and got the bags out while Mommy unlocked the door. 

“Are you still dry sweetie or does Mommy need to change you?”

“I’m still mostly dry at the moment Mommy.”

“Mostly dry? Hmmm Mommy had better check you because I know how much of a little pee pee pants you are and I don’t want you to leak all over the bed while Mommy is having her fun with you. Go ahead and strip down to just your onesie and diaper and Mommy will be with you in just a minute. I have to step out and make a quick phone call.”

“Yes Mommy.” I did as she told me while she stepped out of the room. 

I was a little self conscious when she came back in and there I was in nothing but an obviously thick diaper and onesie laying on the bed in full view of the parking lot, but luckily no one was nearby that could see in the room.

“Ok sissy slut; let Mommy see just how “mostly dry you are.”

Mommy sat on the bed in front of me and undid the snaps of my onesie and told me she was proud of me for staying mostly dry up to this point, but she added that she was sure that would change soon. 

“Well it’s still a little early but since Mommy has plans for you here in a bit and I want to make sure you stay hydrated go ahead and get something to drink, but for every two of your beers that you drink I want you to drink one bottle of water, and to make it easier for you to do that Mommy put a bottle in your diaper bag and I will give it to you myself.”

I grabbed a beer and fixed Mommy a coke and rum and then cuddled up beside her on the bed so we could watch a little Saturday college football while we relaxed and enjoyed each other's company.

After my second beer Mommy had me fill up the baby bottle she had put in my diaper bag with a bottle of water and let me lay my head down in her lap while she fed me the bottle. I have to admit that lying down in her lap and having her rub my freshly shaved head while she told me that I was her good little diaper boy, had a very relaxing effect on me. After the bottle was finished I told Mommy that I had to pee.

“Go ahead and go potty in your diapers then baby, Mommy made sure they were extra thick because you are such a heavy wetter.”

I got up and went to the other side of the bed closer to Mommy and while I wet my diaper like the little baby I was, Mommy cupped my diaper and I shivered in near orgasmic bliss. I can’t explain why though. Maybe it was because I was in such a vulnerable state at the moment and feeling Mommy’s hand cupping my diapered crotch reassuringly while I voided my bladder had me feeling loved and cared for, but also a little humiliated; because I felt like I had no choice in this matter while she watched me. Whatever the reason, I know that I liked it and when I had finished wetting my diaper, I nearly fell down on the bed beside Mommy.

“You’re such a good diaper slut using your diaper for Mommy. Come lay down beside me and show me how else you can be a good slut for me.”

I laid down between her legs and moved her shorts and panties to the side so that I could please her with my mouth again for the second time that day.

“That’s Mommy’s good little slut, make Mommy cum. Come on baby, you can do it.”

As I licked her she rubbed my head and told me how I was doing such a good job making her happy.

It wasn’t long after I started licking her that Mommy had an orgasm and then another while I sucked on her clit. Finally she had enough and told me to come lay beside her. We cuddled like that for a while and then Mommy told me I could have a couple more beers while she went and took a shower. 

“You did such a good job baby, you make Mommy happy and I love you very much. When I get out of the shower Mommy is going to change your diaper and get you all prettied up for the rest of the evening. No matter what, remember that Mommy loves you and you are mine and I will never do anything to hurt you, and I am going to do my best to make your sissy dreams come true.” 

She gave a kiss on the lips then went and got in the shower. While I laid on the bed for a few more minutes just reveling in how much I felt loved and cared for at the moment. Eventually I heard the shower running and got up to get myself two more beers, but also taking the time to refill the baby bottle with water for when I finished them.

Thanks to the tall boys of beer and the bottle of water I wet myself again while Mommy was in the shower and the thick diaper between my legs became even poofier as I peed. 

When Mommy got out of the shower and saw my soaked state she laughed and commented about how big of a baby I was. Before she changed me though she got dressed in some of her pretty lingerie and told me it was almost time for some fun.

“Obviously Mommy needs to change you first; so let’s go ahead and do that. You know what on second thought I don’t want you smelling like a pissy diaper baby so go ahead and strip and Mommy will draw you a bath so that you are all nice and clean for later.”

I had no idea what was planned for later, but the thought of Mommy giving me a bath had me feeling excited and I quickly took off my onesie and diaper. The latter fell to the floor with a wet plop. Mommy did have to remind me to remove my butt plug though, but I wasn’t allowed to remove cock cage other than to take off the small metal padlock so that it wouldn’t get wet while she bathed me.

By the time I was naked and ready Mommy had already drawn the bath water and had it filled with a lavender scented bubble bath. I stepped into the warm water and felt even more content than I did earlier while she washed me with baby wash.

“You’re being such a good baby today and Mommy is proud of you.”

Her words washed me over and left me with a feeling of warmth and love. 

Before she finished washing me and having me get out of the tub; she had me stand up and turn around so that she could wash my backside. I felt the washcloth between my cheeks as Mommy made sure I was all clean and then her hands on my shoulders and her voice in my ear.

“You have been a very good boy so far today, but we both know you aren’t a baby boy are you sissy?”

“That’s right sissy and not any other day either unless I want you to be. Now you’re going to get out of this shower and Mommy is going to dry you off and then I will lay you on the bed and tell you all that she has planned for this evening and for her diapered sissy slut. Understand?”

“Good girl.” She let go of my shoulders and then gave me a swift smack on my bare ass.

I let out a little yelp; which made me chuckle. “That was nothing slut. Mommy has much bigger plans for that ass of yours tonight.”

I stepped out of the tub and unplugged the drain so that the water could drain and was then dried off by Mommy and led back into the bedroom area and told to sit on the bed. 

“Ok my little sissy slut close your eyes.” Mommy ordered me. 

I did as she told me and then she had me lift my arms. She slipped something over my head and then threaded my arms through presumably the sleeve holes. Whatever she was putting on me felt soft, and silky, and I could feel my clitty try to harden despite the cage Mommy had put on me.

“Ok slut you can open your eyes now.”

I opened my eyes and saw a beautiful satin pink dress on my body. The shade of the pink matched my cock cage perfectly. 

“Yes Mommy I love it. It feels so soft and I don’t know but I feel pretty now.” I felt my cheeks flush as I made the minor confession, but when I looked at Mommy she was just smiling.

“That’s good baby, Mommy loves making you happy and you are correct, you do look pretty but this is all you’re going to be wearing tonight. Now go ahead and lay down on your back so that Mommy can finish getting you ready.”

“Pull your legs back for me slut, Mommy is going to put a toy inside your bottom.”

I pulled my legs to my chest and watched as Mommy poured some lube on her fingers. “Look at this little sissy hole; it’s just begging to have something in it. Do you want Mommy to fill your ass pussy up slut?’

“Good girl, Mommy loves making her slut happy do you know why?’

“That’s right baby you do make Mommy happy, and I can’t wait for everything later either.”

She probed my bottom with her fingers for a few seconds before sliding the toy inside me. I moaned at the feeling of being filled and could feel myself slipping into a sub space as Mommy pushed the toy against my prostate. 

“You’re such a greedy little slut that toy slid right in. Does it feel good”

Before I had a chance to respond to her question an intense vibration overtook me and I shivered with intense pleasure.

“Well Mommy has been wanting to try this toy out for a
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