Diapered By My Sister

Diapered By My Sister


Diapered By My Sister

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Remember me
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Big sister wears diapers chapter 7









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· November 7, 2014

Everyone returned to their dorms where there was still a lot of giggling going on about what they had just witnessed downstairs.
Taylor was downstairs coming to terms with what had just happened. All those years of her establishing herself as the school bully were now over. She knew the only option for her now was probably to move schools where she wouldn't be tormented for her diapers.
Back upstairs Sammie thought to herself "I don't know how Chelsea can sit there laughing about Taylor's diaper problem when she has the same issue herself". Sammie was thinking that Chelsea must have just got lucky last night to not have wet the bed without a diaper on. "Hopefully tonight she will wet the bed and everyone will see her for the diaper wearing bedwetter she is".
As the day went on Taylor was tormented badly by everyone, one girl who Taylor had bullied in the past went up to her and pulled down her jeans and said to Taylor "where's your diaper you big baby, you don't want to have anymore accident now do you". This set Taylor off crying again which everyone laughed at.
In the evening people were starting to get ready for bed. Chelsea took her pyjamas with her and went into the communal bathroom to get changed. She checked to find that her diaper was still hidden under the back of the toilet. She diapered herself, put her pj's on and went back to her dorm.
Sammie thought to just check that Chelsea hadn't found her diapers which she hid from her in the dorm bathroom under the sink. Sammie went into the bathroom locking the door behind her. She reached under the sink pulling out the diapers, she counted one two three, they were all still there meaning Chelsea would likely wake up wet in the morning Sammie thought.
At the same time Taylor was getting ready for bed, searching through her bag she found her diapers had been taken which she half expected really. She got herself ready for bed conceding that should she wet the bed as she usually did she would have to deal with the abuse she would get from everyone. She got a few comments from people like "hope you're wearing your bedwetting diaper" and "show us your diaper baby".
All the dorms settled down for the night and before long everyone had drifted off to sleep.
Taylor awoke at 2am and found she had soaked the bed. She felt really uncomfortable as she wasn't used to anything other than a wet diaper. She knew there was nothing she could do about it so she just tried to get back to sleep which she eventually managed.
When she woke up in the morning her covers had been pulled off her and a crowd had gathered around her bed. She soon realised she must have wet the bed twice as she was even more soaked than when she woke up the first time. She was taunted about it by everyone who was stood around the bed and pictures were taken again which were uploaded to her facebook page.
Back in the other dorm where Sammie and Chelsea were staying Sammie woke up, she was again excited to hopefully find Chelsea had wet the bed, and yet again she was dissapointed to find as Chelsea got up that her bed was dry. She couldn't work out how she had managed two dry nights without her diaper.
Sammie decided that as her plan to expose Chelsea's diaper secret had failed, she'd wait for another good opportunity to arise rather than just spread a rumour about it.
After breakfast Chelsea walked into the bathroom to get ready, she was very conscious that the diaper she was wearing did seem a bit louder than her normal ones. She untaped the sagging wet diaper, rolled it up and stuffed it into the gap under the back of the toilet where she knew no one would find it until she had long gone.
Very soon it was time to get the coach back home which put an end to an eventful trip which Chelsea was glad had ended really.
When Chelsea returned to school the next day she discovered that following the humiliation Taylor had been through she had decided to leave the school and her family planned on moving away to another area.
For some reason Chelsea felt really satisfied that she had a part to play in this happening. Taylor Smith was the main topic all day at school people found it so funny that she wore diapers, they just couldn't believe an 18 year old still wets the bed. Videos of Taylor crying and messing her diaper were being played all around the school. Even the younger students who didn't know her were laughing about it.
That evening Chelsea had been sat chatting and watching tv with the family but it was finally to get ready for bed. Chelsea discreetly diapered herself like she did every night to try and prevent Tina from discovering her problem. She headed straight for bed after getting changed and it didn't take her long to drift off to sleep.
Tina awoke in the middle of the night and needed to pee. She slowly got up and walked towards the hallway. Just as she was in her bedroom doorway she watched as Chelsea darted out of her room and into the bathroom. There is no way Chelsea had seen Tina as Tina was stood in the darkness of her room and Chelsea seemed too pre occupied with making it to the bathroom.
Tina made her way to the bathroom door and because it was at night there was no background noise so she put her head right up against the bathroom door and listened. She was very surprised as she could hear a plastic rustling noise and then what sounded like a plastic untaping noise. She then heard Chelsea relieve herself as she could hear pee hit the toilet. When the peeing stopped she again heard some rustling and a taping sound.
Tina then hid in the shadowed corner of the hallway as her sister came back out of the bathroom. She observed her sister closely but struggled to hear anything really.
Tina then used the bathroom herself and then went back to bed.
Chelsea was lying in her bed after having just come back from the bathroom. She had woken up desperate to pee and just managed to make it to the bathroom in time without using her diaper. It was a very hot night so Chelsea decided to take her pyjama pants off for the rest of the night in the hope of getting a good sleep for the rest of the night.
Tina couldn't get back to sleep, she was lying in her bed thinking about what that noise could have been she had heard when Chelsea used the bathroom. She waited a little while and got up.
She tiptoed her way to Chelsea's room, gently opening the door she could hear Chelsea was asleep by the way she was breathing. She slowly walked up to her bed, gently pulling the covers back revealing her sister lying on her chest, with her night shirt covering her to just below her waist. In the darkness she could just make out something white sticking out of the bottom of her night shirt.
Tina pulled the shirt up fully revealing that Chelsea was wearing a thick adult diaper . She closely examined it feeling how thick and crinkly it was whilst having a big grin on her face. She could not believe her eyes as she struggled to contain her excitement at this discovery. She couldn't believe after all this time that her big sister was a bedwetter.
This was the moment she had dreamed about. She took her phone out and took a couple of photos of her diapered big sister, she risked waking her up by leaving the flash on. The whole time Tina couldn't hold back an evil smile from her face.
She pulled the covers back over Chelsea and headed to bed. She thought hard about what to do about her sisters' diaper secret.
In the morning Tina had to check the photos on her phone to make sure that what she discovered last night wasn't just a dream. Sure enough the pictures showed clearly that her sister was diapered.
In the morning at breakfast Chelsea noticed Tina seemed unusually happy about something. "What are you so happy about this morning then Tina " "Oh nothing Chels".
Over the course of the day Tina devised a plan for her sister. She ordered a few things online which had arrived a couple of days later.
It was nearly supper time and mum was laying out the table ready. Everyone always sat in the same place and mum always put a glass of water on the table for everyone. Tina was ready to put her plan in to action.
When she had the chance she slipped some diuretics into Chelsea's drink. Soon after everyone sat down for supper in their usual places. By the time they had finished the meal Chelsea had drank her whole glass of water.
Later that evening Chelsea and Tina were watching tv when Chelsea quickly got up and ran to the bathroom. "My plan is working" Tina thought to herself. Tina planned to make her sister need diapers day and night before exposing her.
When Chelsea came back from the bathroom Tina asked "You didn't have an accident did you Chels it looked like you were about to pee yourself" "Shut your mouth Tina I made it easily" "I think you need diapers if your bladder is that weak that you keep nearly wetting your pants but I don't know if they make them in your size" Tina said laughing. "You actually think you're funny don't you what are you on about anyway I've hardly ever been as desperate as that to get to the loo" "Yea I believe you what about the other night I was just coming out of my room and you came running across the hallway into the bathroom, you were so desperate you must of nearly wet the bed".
I just stumbled upon this story, and I really like it. I feel like the character's might do well with some more fleshing out, but you managed to match what I like in a story really well.
I just stumbled upon this story, and I really like it. I feel like the character's might do well with some more fleshing out, but you managed to match what I like in a story really well.
I agree completely. There are a few things in these stories I find a little questionable, but on the whole I like it. Interested to see where it goes from here.

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My True Diaper Story
By Diaperman

I would like to start this piece of writing by giving a background of myself. I am currently 16 and am a junior in High School. I stand at 5’8” and weigh around 140 pounds. I play multiple sports including water polo, swimming, and freestyle skiing. The story I am about to write is a factual account of my life and how I came to love diapers. One more thing I would like to add before starting is that I was potty trained at the normal age of around 2 3/4-3 years old and only ever remember wetting the bed a few times although I did wet my pants once in our mini-van and my mom used to joke about that a bit when I was younger.

I believe it started when I was about 4 or 5 years old at my grandparents house in the “playroom” which doubled as kids room when one of my cousins or I would spend the night. I have 2 female cousins, one who is about a year and a half older than me and one who is six months younger than me. I believe that my older male cousins were also there but I my memory of them being there is a bit sketchy. We were in the playroom and my older female cousin decided to play house. Because I was the youngest male cousin at the time I was to be the baby. My grandmother had a stash of I think size 4 or 5 pampers in a cabinet in the room and we came upon those. My cousin convinced me to let them diaper me somehow and I remember them putting a diaper on me, keeping it on for a minute, and then changing me. We were laughing a whole lot and right in the middle of one of the changes her mother came in. We explained that we were playing house and nothing more was said of the situation. Well while I was diapered I had the sudden urge to squirt some pee into my diapers and I did so with every diaper I had on. I was accused of peeing them by my cousins, I denied it, and it was shrugged off. I don’t remember anything after that but that one incident lead to more fun times.

Shortly after that incident I began to go into my sister’s room when she was either asleep or downstairs and steal one or two diapers at a time. Luckily her room was right next to mine and I was able to easily get the diapers without anyone knowing. Once I had the fluffy and smooth plastic covered pamper in my hand I would either hide it in the back of my closet (I have a fairly large messy walk-in closet) or put this “do not disturb” sign I had on my door in hopes that no one would bother me while I was putting on and using my diaper. This continued for a while and I remember wetting these diapers and one time messing one. I would put the used diapers in my sisters diaper pale and I wasn’t caught until one day. I had just begun to put a diaper on when in walked my mom into the room. She was surprised at first but I just told her (or she suggested) that I was just trying the diaper out to remember what it felt like. Miraculously she shrugged this incident off and I was able to continue wearing and using the diapers. The most daring thing I did with a diaper during the period of my life was wearing one under my pajamas to breakfast. No one said anything and I believe I got away with it. This fun quickly ended when my sister became potty trained but I had managed to stash a few diapers in my closet for a few more diaper times.

After my first full experience with diapers my diaper side of me went back into the shadows for a while and rarely appeared unless I felt like letting out a squirt of pee into my underwear before a shower. One day during a trip to Toys R Us (which was a kids paradise), when I was about 6 years old we came upon a lady with a shopping cart and in it were probably the smallest actually disposable diapers you had ever seen. My mom asked the woman if she actually had a baby that small (these diapers were like preemie, preemie, sized diapers) and she said no these were actually dolly diapers that her daughter used on her many dolls. My mom thought it was a great idea to use those diapers on dolls and quickly purchased a bag for my younger sister who at the time loved playing with dolls. These diapers at first had no significance for me but one day I got the idea to get a couple and see if they would fit me. Of course they didn’t but I decided to get some scotch tape and eventually was able to tape one on. I went to the bathroom, stood over the toilet, and wet it. At that time the familiar and wonderful feeling of a wet diaper came back to me. This practice continued on until the diaper supply ran out and I actually believe that I used more of these dolly diapers than my sister did.

Please respond after you read this if you would like to. This story is completely factual and also the first diaper-related story I have ever written.

::Buys a spell-check for Jed::

Lil' Vickie
Forum Co-Moderator and Princess of Knuffles


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