Diapered At Daycare Stories

Diapered At Daycare Stories


Diapered At Daycare Stories
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1918547-My-Diaper-stories/map/121
Rated: GC · Interactive · Other · # 1918547
Created: February 10th, 2013 at 9:04 am
Modified: March 24th, 2018 at 10:56 am
This choice: chapter 2 · Go Back...
think we'll need that shopping cart, baby", Lauren said; "bring that one along for Mommy." Stevie flushed but didn't say a word as he pushed the cart along beside Lauren as they headed down the diapers aisle at Babies R Us. Lauren loaded several packages of Gerber flat 24.5" by 27" diapers into the cart, the picked up an equal number of extra thick prefolded diapers and added them to the cart as well.

"Look, baby," she said, "the package says these are the same diapers used by diaper services." Then she added with a laugh, "Should Mommy get baby a diaper service? Just imagine having the diaper service delivery van pulling up in front of our house once a week -a reminder to the neighbors that a little diaperboy lives there!"

Next Lauren selected half a dozen packages of toddler size vinyl baby pants. "Mommy is going to have to figure out a way to get these baby pants up over the back of your diapers, Stevie; we can't have your diapers sticking out from under your baby pants can we?"

The next stop was a huge array of diaper bags. Lauren searched for the most babyish looking one she could find. "There is no sense pretending baby's diaper bag is Mommy's gym bag or travel tote; Mommy wants everyone to see that its for you - maybe we can even get baby's name put on it!"

While Lauren shopped, Stevie began fidget and finally whispered, "I need to go to the bathroom". Lauren just look at him and said, "Well, go ahead and use your diapers!" The she added with a chuckle, "Did baby forget that he wears his bathroom wherever he goes?" And so as Mommy examined the diaper bags, Stevie soaked his diapers like a little baby. Finally, Lauren found an adorable diaper bag adorned with pictures teddy bears and other baby toys. "This will be perfect," she said and added it to the cart.

"Next stop - baby bottles!" Lauren announced and Stevie's face turned redder. On the way to the display of baby bottles on the front wall of the store, Mommy spotted bibs and said, "Oh, we will need some of these, too." And before Stevie knew it the cart contained three baby bibs. Two of them said "I love my Mommy"; and the third read "Mommy's little angel".

AS Lauren surveyed the huge variety of baby bottles, Stevie fidgeted then said, "Look, Lauren, really � ". Lauren whirled and took Stevie by the chin. "Look, who?" she asked sharply. "Mommy has explained this before, baby. Baby's don't call their mommies by name."

"Alright," Stevie whispered, "but I don't want to drink from baby bottles."

"I see," said Lauren. "Tell Mommy what you are wearing."

Stevie looked down at his diapers, turned deeper red in the face and whispered, "Diapers."

"That's right - baby diapers � WET baby diapers" Lauren replied in a slightly louder than normal voice. "And what else?"

"Um, er, ah, baby pants," Stevie muttered

"Right again, diaperboy," said Lauren; "and what do we call people who wet their diapers and wear baby pants?"

"Babies," Stevie sighed softly.

"Very good," said Mommy Lauren. "Now then, since you agree that you are a baby you will need to be fed like one. Babies nurse from their mommies or from their baby bottles. Since I am not lactating, you will get a bottle or nothing at all. Now let Mommy pick out some bottles."

When she had selected several baby bottles Lauren decided that they had accumulated enough for one shopping trip. "We'll stop for baby food at the grocery store on the way home, baby," Mommy noted as they started to the checkout counter.

At the checkout counter Mommy said to the helpful sales associate "Just look at what a big baby my Stevie! Is; he just couldn't wait until we got home and he has soaked his diapers." Then she further shamed the big baby by pulling down his baby pants and saying to the lady, "Just feel those diapers; they are sopping wet. Now you can see why I have him diapered! Can I change him here?"

"Of course," said the clerk as she rang up Lauren's purchases. "Actually, I think there is a diapering demonstration going on in the changing room. Maybe you would like to see it - and show them how to diaper a bigger baby!"

"Excellent idea," Mommy exclaimed as she signed the credit slip, put her card back in her purse and turned the cart toward the back of the store.

In the changing room, half a dozen expectant mothers were watching as a store associate finished diapering a doll the size of an 18 to 20 month old baby. Snapping baby pants over the diaper and tucking them in around the diaper's edges she said, "And that's all there is too it!

Lauren cleared her throat and said, "And now let me give you a demonstration on a real live baby! He's bigger than most, but you never know how long your baby will be in diapers!" The ladies all turned and laughed to see Stevie standing there in his soggy didees.

Lauren opened a package of flat diapers and a package of the Diaper Service prefolds and began laying them out on the table used for the demonstration. She showed them how to lay out one flat diaper then put two prefolds down the middle and add a flat diaper on top. "When I get baby down for his nap I will lay out his diapers like this, secure them in place with straight pins then just sew around the edges and down the sides of the middle panel formed by the prefolds," she explained.

Then she laid out a second set of diapers and set it on top of the first, folding in the sides, "Stevie needs double diapers," she observed, then said too Stevie, "Hop up here on the table - its diaper time."

Stevie was speechless with embarrassment as he lay on the table and Lauren slid down his baby pants and unpinned his soggy diapers. One of the ladies watching whispered to another "Just look at those diapers - he drenched them!" Her friend nodded in agreement and said, "I bet he goes through a lot of diapers!"

Lauren lifted Stevie by the ankles and slid his diapers under him, took some baby powder that has been used in the earlier demonstration and powdered Stevie and pinned his diapers securely on him. "Stand up, baby," she order and Stevie stood up on the table, wearing nothing but his diapers and little t-shirt. Lauren helped him step into his baby pants and pulled them up as far over his diapers as they would go.

One of the ladies watching her diaper her big baby said, "You know, if you cut one pair of baby pants from one leg hole to the other, you could put it inside the second pair and it would slide up over the back of his diapers."

Lauren thought for a moment then reached for a second pair of baby pants and said, "Lets give it a try!" She slid Stevie's baby pants down off his diapers. The associate who had done the demonstration produced a pair of scissors and Lauren cut from one leg hole to the other toward the front of the crotch of the second pair of baby pants. Then she slipped the cut baby pants inside the whole pair and slid them up Stevie's legs.

When Lauren stood her baby up again she could pull the whole pair of baby pants up over his diapers, then slide the inside pair on up over the back of the diapers. "Just look at my big baby;" she exclaimed, "he's wearing exactly the same diapers and baby pants your babies will wear!"

Then she helped Stevie off the table where she had diapered him and said, "Come along now diaperboy; we still have to stop at the grocery store and get you some yummy baby food!"
Where will this interactive story go?
Anything Goes Transformation  3,472 story chapters The Simpsons Diaper Story  188 story chapters Giant Baby in Diapers  726 story chapters Teens end up back in diapers  733 story chapters Accidents Happen  1,887 story chapters Ash's misadventures  512 story chapters Die Kinderwohngruppe  10 story chapters A new world by you.  173 story chapters From Teen to Baby  175 story chapters The Attic's Chest  440 story chapters 
Anything Goes Transformation  3,472 story chapters The Simpsons Diaper Story  188 story chapters Giant Baby in Diapers  726 story chapters Teens end up back in diapers  733 story chapters Accidents Happen  1,887 story chapters Ash's misadventures  512 story chapters Die Kinderwohngruppe  10 story chapters A new world by you.  173 story chapters From Teen to Baby  175 story chapters The Attic's Chest  440 story chapters 
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Summary: Edward, an average 13-year-old, finds out he must attend a mysterious and newly opened nursery in the local mall. Little does he know the many surprises that are in store in this 'Young Person's Day- Care'... "Kelly! I won't, you know I'm too old!" "Of course you're not, now come on!" "I am, for God's sake, you're being stupid!" "Keep talking like that and I'll tell Mum and Dad." Kelly practically dragged her younger brother, Edward, further along in the mall. Luckily, both she and Edward thought, it was just after opening, so very few people were around to see them squabble. Edward was 13 years old, well, only just 13, his birthday had been four days ago, and Kelly was 18 and very nearly late for work. Edward and Kelly's parents had left town, their company had sent them to a convention down south and several meetings with "Important people," as they always said. Not wanting Edward to be left alone at home during the holidays, they asked that Kelly should find some kind of activity or something for Edward to go to whilst she was working. As luck would have it, an apparently small and hidden-away 'nursery and young person's day-care' had opened in the very mall that Kelly worked at. Because of the daycare's grand opening deal, both Kelly and her parents agreed it would be perfect place to leave Edward if it proved to be up to their standards. Edward's parents both visited the day-care and spent most of an afternoon there, to oversee it and talk with the staff. They came home and announced that it was indeed 'perfect.' This is how Edward found himself being almost literally dragged there by his older sister the morning after their parent's departure. He went quiet after Kelly's threat of telling Mum and Dad, and allowed himself to be led there, with slightly less of a struggle. The daycare itself looked small. It was situated at the very end of one of the malls' many zones, set against the back wall. It was overshadowed by a large chemist on its other side. A poster had been put up across the door, advertising the 'grand opening deal,' with a list of bargains included in the deal, such as 'Helpful staff', 'Constant supervision' and 'Food and diapers all included.' Edward found himself being led inside much quicker then he would have liked, and being almost pushed towards the desk that sat directly to the right. The lady sitting behind it was about 30 years old, maybe slightly younger, dressed in a clean white uniform. She looked up immediately when the door was opened and listened as Kelly introduced herself and Edward. "Edward…" the lady said, looking down a list on the wall. "Yes," she continued. "You are slightly early, but no worry, you can leave him with me," she said to Kelly, who nodded, said goodbye to Edward and left through the door. "Just wait in there," the lady said to Edward, pointing with her pen to one of the two doors leading further into the back of the daycare. "You'll find some drink and snacks in there." Edward peered through the door. It looked like a fairly ordinary waiting room, with a low table lined with paper cups of milk and various juices, and numerous plates piled with various snacks. Soft chairs lined the walls and a television sat in one of the corners of the ceiling. Taking some orange juice and a biscuit, Edward sat down, very nervously. He looked up at the television, which was playing cartoons. He sat there for about twenty minutes, looking down from the TV whenever the door to the day-care opened. Several children of different ages entered with their guardians. Some looked very young, hardly three or four, a couple looked about eight, maybe nine years old. Mind you, Edward did look quite young, too, so he doubted he looked that out of place compared with the children coming in. None of the other children joined him. They were sent straight into the other door leading out of the reception. After the twenty minutes, the lady at the reception called Edward through. He dropped his three empty paper cups in the bin as he left. The lady said "You can go in now, the lady inside will help you." Obediently, Edward entered the second door and closed it behind him. A second lady, dressed in the same uniform as the receptionist looked over at him as he entered. "Okay," she said. "Nothing to be nervous about." She guided Edward over to a table of some kind, with small doors under the top. She asked Edward to remove his shoes, watch and several other items. She placed these in one of the small compartments under the table and she then asked Edward to get on top of the table. She helped him a little. The table had a slight rubbery feel to it, thought Edward as he was motioned by the lady to lie down. "Now, don't be scared," she said, placing a hand on a small computer console on the wall. "You're in safe hands; just try not to move much." She pressed a couple of the buttons and Edward felt himself move towards the wall. He looked up to see where the table connected to the wall a hatch big enough for him had opened, and the surface of the table was more like a conveyer belt. He was very scared, but stayed still, not wanting to disobey the lady's instructions. He stopped moving once his whole body and head had moved into the alcove. After a moment's pause, several lights above him sparkled and shone. Laser-like lights moved over his body, almost like a scanner or something. The lights stopped after a few seconds, and for a moment or two nothing else happened. Without warning, he felt the floor by his feet drop, and felt himself sliding forward. He was terrified as he slid for what felt like a long time. After several moments, he felt himself slide to a halt, but before he could think about where he was or what happened, several mechanical arms loomed towards him, as they did, lights slowly came on, illuminating the circular passage he was lying in. Before he could sit up to have a better look, the robotic hands had hold of him. He felt them tug at his shirt, pulling it off completely. He felt a similar tugging sensation on his trousers, and felt them slide off his legs. Lastly, his underwear was pulled from him, leaving him naked and at the mercy of those mechanical hands. The arms then moved back towards the walls, letting go of him completely. Before he could even realize his freedom, the floor dropped again, once more he felt himself slide into blackness. After a much shorter journey he felt himself slide to another stop. Like before, lights slowly came on and more mechanical arms seized him. He felt himself rise into the air. Terrified, he watched as the arms holding his legs prized them easily apart and raised them further up, exposing him completely. Several more arms descended from the ceil
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