Diaper Girl Punishment

Diaper Girl Punishment


Diaper Girl Punishment
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One more word from you susan and I'll spank that bare bottom again said susan's mother harshley, now put your dummy ( pacifier ) back into your mouth and face the corner like I told you!!.
The fifteen year old sullenly returned her dummy back to her mouth sobbing to herself and turned to face the wall. Her mother looked at her pretty 15 year old daughter standing facing the corner, her bare red bottom on full display with her navy school skirt pinned up at the back with a pink nappy pin. Around Susan's knees was the soddon nappy and pink frilly baby pants that her mother had pulled down prior to her bare bottom spanking.
For the past few weeks, susan had been continually wetting the bed and her knickers for no apparent medical reason and her mother had ran out of patience with her daughter. On the previous friday, Susan had been sent home from school with a note from the school nurse explaining that she had wet her knickers in class and not for the first time that week. This was the last straw for Susan's mother and she then decided that as Susan was acting like a baby she would be treated like one.
On the saturday morning , Susan's mother began to prepare for her new baby before susan was awake. Many of the required items had been bought the evening before and whilst Susan slept, her mother began removing all her big girl items from the wardrobes and drawers. Leaving only Susan's school uniforms hanging in the wardrobe. She did however remove the girls navy blue school knickers as she decided that Susan will not be needing these for a long time.
Susan stopped and remembered her time at hardy school for girls. She remembered the strictness of the school and how any disobediance of the school rules were punished by over the knee spankings, slippering or caning and always on the bare bottom. Knickers were always taken down and this she remebered from her own experience had been most humiliating in front of her classmates and on one occassion the whole school during assembly. The reason for her sending her own daughter there 20 years on was the level of education aquired and the old school values that were still present. Even today, the school performed spot checks on school uniform. Girls were lined up and the headmistress would personnally inspect each girl. All girls wore Navy blue skirts, white blouses, white knee length socks and black patent shoes with straps. School ties were worn correctly and navy cardigans were worn buttoned up. During inspection each girl was ordered to raise her skirt and allow the mistriss to check she was wearing her regulation navy blue school knickers. If girls were wearing underwear that was any different, she was ordered to remove her knickers at once and report to the headmistriss for 3 strokes of the cane on her bare bottom. After her punishment, she would spend the rest of the day without knickers and would have to go to the nurse at end of the day to reclaim them. Many of the girls had tried it on in the past and paid the price of being caught. Not only were they caned, but if they had PE or outdoor games that day, they were often very embarressed. The correct uniform for indoor games was a white Sports top and navy knickers, if you had been unfortunate to have had your knickers confiscated earlier that day, then the pupil would be running around the gym without underwear and often with the three tell tell stripes across her bottom. Outdoor games such as hockey and netball were played in the same uniform but the girls also wore Navy games skirts. many times as the girls skirts rode up during games, the bare bottoms were exposed to tell the school they were being punished.
Susan's mother gently prodded her sleeping daughter, " Susie wake up darling its time for mummy to get you ready." Susan woke up and found her mother sitting on the side of the bed. Why had she called me susie the girl wondered, she hasn't done that since I was a small child and she knows I hate it now. Susans mother pulled back the sheets and discovered that she was wet again. Susan's nightie was bunched around her waist and she was laying in a very wet patch. Her small bush of pubic hair protuding just reminded her mother of how young and pretty she was. " I will go and run you a bath while you remove those wet sheets and nightie" her mother said and off she went to the bathroom. Susan did as she was told and followed her mother into the bathroom to find a soapy bath waiting for her. " Thanks mum" she said and went to close the door but her mother stopped her and ordered susie into the bath. " I'm quite capable of bathing myself mother" susie exclaimed as her mother picked up the sponge and began washing her daughters back and neck.
Susans mother now provoked decided to explain to her daughter how things were going to be now!!.
" Firstly susie, as you cannot seem to stop wetting your bed and your knickers like a little baby, you are in no position to decide whether or not you can bathe yourself. I am no longer going to wash your soddon sheets and pee stained knickers and have decided that as you act like a six month old baby, I am going to treat you like one until further notice. I will tell you this right now, this punishment is going to last for at least the next six months and probably for 18 months" Susan was ordered to stand up in the bath whilst her mother continued to wash her daughter. She was about to protest when a her mother gave her a hard slap on her wet bottom and told her not to say a word. Susan's mother then produced a razor and soaped her daughters pubic area, " Susie you are now a baby and Babies do not have any body or pubic hair " she explained. She then removed all traces of Susan's maturity and continued to explain the new regime.
" Starting immediatly, you will be kept and treated like a six month old baby girl. You will wear nappies and frilly pink baby pants 24hours a day and will use your nappies for their intended purpose. You will not be able to use the bathroom under any circumstances and I will make no secret of you baby status to anyone." Susie immediatly burst into tears and at the thought of having to wear nappies and was utterly mortified as her mother continued. " In future I will dress you , feed you, bath you, change your wet and dirty nappies and put you to bed. You will be dressed in baby clothes at all times with the exception of school, Whilst you are now a baby full time, your education is important and you will continue to go to school but in future you will be wearing your nappy and frilly baby pants under your school skirt instead of your navy blue school knickers".
Susan's mother continued, " Any disobediance or bad behavour will result in me immediatly taking down your nappy and Baby pants and putting you over my knee for a bare bottom spanking. And trust me I will spank you wherever we may be and in front of whoever is present young lady. After any spanking, you will stand in the corner for one hour with your nappy round your ankles and your baby dress pinned up at the back. I won't care if we have or are expecting visitors during this punishment, it will be carried out immediatly."
Susan's mother ordered the sobbing girl out of the bath and began to dry her. She continued to explain the new life for baby susie, " I want you to know susie that I will not keep your baby life a secret from anyone. Whilst you are at home you will be dressed in your baby clothes and your nappies and frilly baby pants will always be visible to whoever is present. If your friends visit they will see you as a baby and you will be spanked in front of them and also sat on the potty in front of them whenever it's neccessary.When we go out shopping or to the park or beach or to visit any of mummys friends, you will be dressed as a baby and again your nappy and frilly baby pants will be visible for all to see."
Susie could not believe what she was hearing and cried uncontrollably as her mother led her back to her bedroom and laid her down on the bed. She picked up a large white fluffy nappy and slid it neatly under susan,s bottom. She then picked up a tub of nappy cream and began to rub it into the girls now shaved and hairless pubic area. Lifting the sobbing girls legs high in the air, she began rubbing the cream into the girls small bottom and then sprinkled an ample amount of baby powder into the girls nappy area. Quickly and expertly she then drew the nappy up between the girls legs and pinned it tightly on either side with large pink nappy pins. Next she put susies's legs through a pair of pink frilly plastic baby pants and pulled them up securely over the bulging nappy, tucking in all parts of the nappy that were outside of the leg and waist holes. Susie tried to pit her legs together but found the nappy so bulky that this was impossible. Next her mother pulled a pair of white ankle socks over her feet. These had pretty pink bows on either side and looked very babyish. Then to susie's suprise and astonishment, her mother produced a short baby dress with puff sleaves and a smocked top in pale pink and ordered susie to sit up whilst she pulled the baby dress over the girls head and zipped it up at the back. Susies mother then brushed the poor girls hair and tied her hair into two pig tails with pink ribbon To complete the baby attire, a dummy attached to a piece of matching pink ribbon was put over her head and the dummy placed into her mouth. Susan still in tears was then led over to the full length bedroom mirror and stared in horror at the reflection of herself. her hair tied up in pigtails with ribbons that matched her pretty but very short pink baby dress that left her nappies and frilly baby pants clearly exposed. Susan looked every bit the baby she was now to become and her mother delighted in continuing to expain the new rules.
" From now on susan, this is how you will be dressed when you are not at school. As I told you earlier, I don't care if we have company or not, or if we are visiting, shopping or simply at home on our own. You will NOT touch or attempt to remove your nappies at any time and I or whichever grown up is present will change your nappies when they need changing. In future after I have fed and changed you when you come home from school you will be put to bed at 6:30pm every night unless we have company and I allow you to stay up until 7:30pm. If I have to go out and you can't come with me I will have a baby sitter for you, who incidently will spank you in the same way as I will if you are naughty. All bare bottom spankings will result in you standing in the corner or put to bed immediatly."
Susan was then led down stairs and due to the thickness of her nappy she could only waddle like a baby. Her mother sat her down at the kitchen table and produced a baby bottle of warm milk for her. Before giving her the bottle to suck on, her mother tied a pretty white satin bib around the girls neck with " Baby" in large letters embroidered into it. Susan sucked on the nipple of the bottle and began pondering how she was going to manage on monday at school wearing nappies and frilly baby pants under her navy school skirt. perhaps she could take them off when she got to school and she still had a pair of navy Knickers in her locker she could change into. The utter shame and mortification she would endure if her classmates found out was too much for the poor girl to bear and she burst into fresh tears again. Susan's mind began to wander back to the previous Monday at school, She had been shopping with her best friend Jenny the weekend before and they had bought some rather sexy underwear. Both had vowed to wear their new purchases to school on the monday and had laughed with nervous apprehension at the thought of a spot check that day and the resulting caning that would follow. Netherless they had decided to risk it and with no spot check that morning were giggling and making jokes during lessons. Susan had been warned to stay quiet and to stop misbehaving earlier and her teacher was getting more than annoyed that her warnings were going on deaf ears. Without further warning her teacher bellowed " Susan bards come out here this instant " . Susan got to her feet and proceeded to the front of the class to face her now fuming teacher. " I have warned you enough times already today and now I'm going to give you the spanking of your life" with that the teacher placed a chair in front of the giggling girls and pulled susan over her lap with her bottom facing her classmates. Susan's short skirt was pulled back over her back and her new pretty undies were displayed to all. " Susan, these are not your regulation navy blue knickers and for a serious breach of school rules you not only will recieve a spanking from me, but will also be caned by the headmistress at break time today". She then pulled susan's knickers down to her knees and proceeded to spank her bare bottom until susan was screaming for her to stop and crying like a baby. At the end of the spanking, susan was told to take the customery position in the corner with hand on head. She was about to pull her knickers back up when the teacher instructed her to leave them round her knees and stand in th corner. The teacher then proceeded to tuck her skirt up above her red bottom and leave her in full view of the class and whoever went by the classroom door. At break time, she was instructed to remove her knickers and hand them over. she was then marched down the corridoor with her skirt still tucked into the waistband and her bottom and pubic bush on full display to the other girls. During break she was caned for improper uniform dress and spent the rest of the day without knickers and with a very sore bottom.
Susan was awoken from this memory by her mother taking her bottle and replacing it with another full one. This one tasted slightly differently but susan could not place the potent laxitive her mother had mixed with the milk. Her mother was looking forward to some interesting results later that day when she planned to take susan shopping.
Susan's mind went back to her earlier thought, " What if I had been sent to school wearing my thick nappies and frilly baby pants " she thought." How would I have ever lived down being called up in front of the class and having my teacher raise my schoolskirt and expose my nappy and frillies for everyone to see " .Her thoughts continued down the same path, " Would my teacher have taken down my nappy to spank me, What if it had been wet??. everyone would have seen my baby smooth pubic area" The sheer thought of all of this was beginning to frighten her and without realising it she flooded her nappies. I may continue this story to conclude the weekend and what happens when susan is faced with the prospect of attending her very strict school in nappies.
You decide if you want it to continue. Anybody who wishes to put it on their web site has my blessing and anybody who could put some illistration to it has my interest.

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This story has happened about 3 years after my first diapered punishement. It was summer and my parents started potty-training our youngest brother- David. He wasn't doing great job of it, but if i remember correctly - none of us were, when we were his age. My parents started buying pullups for him. But more often than not, if Daivd decided, he would actually try to go on toilet and not in his pants, by the time he got to potty, his pullups were already swagging full (or stinky). One day, I was brushing my teeth in bathroom, and I heard that David was coming. To my suprise, as he come in bahroom, his diaper (or more accurately - pullup) was still dry. He sat down on potty , and I tough "Seriusly, right now? I'm brushing my teeth!", but on secund thought - did I really wanted to change him? I continiuned with brushing, as suddenly I see James sneaking in bathroom in the mirror. I gave him a weird look, but he put his finger to his mouth, signaling me "sush". David pulled down his pullup,, not seeing his older brother just behind him. He closed his eyes trying to concentrate so I could afford to turn annd see what James was doing. As David started to push, James quickly grabed pullups by its sides and slided it back up oon Davids butt. Even more funny was, that David didn't even noticed it. I barely holded my laughter back, and i could see James had the same trouble too. David opened his eyes, looked down, and put on most confused face hecould find. We bursted in laughter, which confused him even more, so he stood up and looked in potty. Valeria came to bathroom to see what was going on. She looked David in his stinky pullup(even if she missed the big bulk in back of his pullup, she couldn't miss the smell), looked and us, and looked back at David. Now she gave us a strict gaze an said:" You shouldn't make fun of him. I know, it's already his fourth time this week, he didn't make it, but you to werent masters of the potty when you were his age. And yes, I'm looking at you James.". "But Val, we are not laughing at him, because he filled his pants on the way to potty, but because he filled his pants ON the potty. I sneaked upon him and pulled his pullup up and then he ... hahaha... then he messed himself" James explained the situation. Seeing transmition from strict face
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