Diaper Girl Mess

Diaper Girl Mess


Diaper Girl Mess

May 8, 2009 at 10:28 pm - Reply

May 9, 2009 at 1:06 am - Reply

May 9, 2009 at 2:27 am - Reply

May 9, 2009 at 4:05 am - Reply

May 10, 2009 at 8:07 am - Reply

May 10, 2009 at 8:12 am - Reply

May 11, 2009 at 2:53 am - Reply

Robert Sutton
October 18, 2015 at 11:33 am - Reply

May 12, 2009 at 2:30 pm - Reply

May 12, 2009 at 8:27 pm - Reply

May 13, 2009 at 12:01 am - Reply

May 14, 2009 at 7:00 am - Reply

May 15, 2009 at 2:42 am - Reply

May 17, 2009 at 11:05 pm - Reply

May 19, 2009 at 4:21 pm - Reply

May 19, 2009 at 10:57 pm - Reply

May 21, 2009 at 4:09 pm - Reply

June 9, 2009 at 2:28 am - Reply

June 17, 2009 at 3:52 pm - Reply

July 6, 2009 at 2:25 am - Reply

July 10, 2009 at 8:24 pm - Reply

incontinent for life
September 5, 2009 at 10:38 am - Reply

December 21, 2009 at 5:07 am - Reply

March 15, 2010 at 12:28 am - Reply

September 6, 2010 at 12:48 am - Reply

January 3, 2011 at 12:18 am - Reply

April 5, 2012 at 9:18 am - Reply
I have been meaning to write about this topic for some time now but never got around to it because I always thought of something else or had something else to write. But, first off, some people seem to think that just because I am incontinent means that the whole “diaper loving” thing goes out the window and does not exist for me. They are correct AT FIRST, when I was younger I will admit that diapers were a burden on me but then coming to the realization that they were going to be a part of my life – you learn to deal with something and make the absolute best out of it. So, slowly from between middle school and the end of high school I became more and more accepting and loving of diapers. And, it just grew from there. So, the aspects that many typical diaper lovers and adult babies enjoy – I enjoy most of them as well. I love the feeling of a wet diaper, having a diaper change, the crinkle noise, and the feel of a messy diaper. I am going to try and describe what it is about a messy diaper that I like and makes me feel satisfied, I guess you could say.
A messy diaper for many is probably is the ultimate babyish feeling when wearing diapers because it represents the ultimate loss of control and needing to be changed. That is probably one of the main reasons I love the feeling of a messy diaper. When you mess in your diaper its a feeling of satisfaction because now you have done the ultimate babyish thing. There you are sitting in a poopy diaper needing someone to change you. I like that feeling. I am lucky that I have Peter to be there whenever I do accidentally poop my diaper. He makes sure to take care of everything because he knows I like when he takes control in situations like that. So, here is how it goes down a lot of times. I come home from work and typically he gets home before I do so he is watching TV (usually sports lol) and I just come in and put my stuff down and kiss him “Hello”. Then, I usually get on the computer and check everything and for some reason that period of the day (evening) is a trigger for something in me to poop. Sometimes I feel it kind of coming and sometimes I don’t – if you don’t have fecal incontinence then its an extremely hard feeling to describe when you have to poop. You can’t control it but sometimes know it is coming. So, that is a big time when I mess my diaper and Peter knows to check me a lot of times around that time based on history. So, I will go start making dinner and he will usually wander into the kitchen and pull back my diaper and check me. Which, by the way is probably one of my FAVORITE feelings is just the act of having him check me. Then, when he knows I pooped my diaper he will let me finish what I am doing and change me. But, I will say that I don’t like being in a poopy diaper too long because it can get uncomfortable and I am not the biggest fan of the smell. I like the bulky feeling at first but once you start moving around and sit down and a few times – it can become uncomfortable with the fecal matter against my butt. So, I typically like to be changed if possible within 30-40 minutes of messing my diaper. But, it is more the satisfaction of feeling babyish and the needing to be changed that really makes me love it. I mean, I do like the feeling of a poopy diaper physically, but I like the babyish mentality of it more. Sort of hard to describe, honestly. But, hopefully I got my point across…Oh, and hopefully you enjoyed the photo I included with this post.
Are those vintage True Religion? I just bought a pair from Neimans a few days ago… Seriously, what is with designer clothes and diapers? LOL
nice post i really enjoyed it, its the same way i feel. you should have a photo of you in that messy and wet diaper at that time of the day
Ha, Yes they are True Religion jeans. All the designer jeans I have though – I never pay full price – Ebay, Sales, Etc.
That is an awesome perspective. Personally I hope I never become incontinent but I am happy that I can finally accept myself as who I am and that me being a diaper lover isn’t a monster or something.
As for eBay
High five for you girl! That website is the best thing made so far, I got some $200 pants for like $80.
Thanks for posting about this. Not too often to read someone posting openly about enjoying a messy diaper. Difficult subject. But i agree with you totally. Ultimate babyish feeling
Great article, hope u keep up the great work, thanks for the pics they are awesome.
Are you going to continue to expand on thr “Sensation you get from a messy diaper”? Like what exactly you like about it?
I like the feeling just before my love button gets the first tingle. I try to lean back and pop or sit on the toilet seat facing the back seat. The small space between my bum hole and the big space in the front let’s the poppy go it likes to go?. Then it time to take a nap and dream naughty dreams.
Thanks for posting!! IT is really cool you can take something that most people would consider to be totally negative and turn it into the most positive thing you can do for yourself.
I recently found your blog, and i am very impressed. I have enjoyed reading your posts and very much enjoy hearing how you have brought diapers to be a happy part of your life.
Did I miss something or is this a “to be continued…”?
Hi Adrian, I think some people are confused by this post. The first time I loaded this page without adobe flash, I could read the entire post, but not view the photo. With adobe flash you can see the photo, but only half your post. It finishes at ‘makes me feel satisfied, I guess you could say.’
Anyway, love your blog. Looking forward to reading Peter’s.
Hi Adrian,
When I started out, I thought I was “the only one”, etc who was into this. Since then I’ve found that everything I discovered on my own has been paralleled by so many others in this community !! I feel this wonderful validation when someone else expresses something with words that eluded me. So, for “satisfaction of a messy diaper” you deserve a big hug-and-a-kiss because, well, for this moment we are the same !!
Shall I say it’s the satisfaction of a Job well done? :]
Great post. Although I’m glad to not be incontinent , I have the same feelings when it is time to make a poopy. For me, it is eventual use of a diaper when in regression mode. I know when I need to go and have control. My challenge is relaxing enough and concentrating on right now to the point its as nature as it can be. I can feel when I start to go and if I just relax and let nature have it’s way, it is a babyish as it can be.
I remember the first time I knowingly made a poopy diaper in the first diaper I ever bought. I was imagining being a toddler trying to make it to the potty, but stopping short and entering the concentration mode standing in a corner. Sitting the first time really put me in the place of being a regressed baby.
You and Peter are lucky to have one another.
I like your blog Adrian. You are pretty cool. I have a cousin who’s a drug addict and he always messes himself. I’ve been trying to get him to put on diapers for a while now.
For those who couldnt read the rest becaue the picture cut it off –
A messy diaper for many is probably is the ultimate babyish feeling when wearing diapers because it represents the ultimate loss of control and needing to be changed. That is probably one of the main reasons I love the feeling of a messy diaper. When you mess in your diaper its a feeling of satisfaction because now you have done the ultimate babyish thing. There you are sitting in a poopy diaper needing someone to change you. I like that feeling. I am lucky that I have Peter to be there whenever I do accidentally poop my diaper. He makes sure to take care of everything because he knows I like when he takes control in situations like that. So, here is how it goes down a lot of times. I come home from work and typically he gets home before I do so he is watching TV (usually sports lol) and I just come in and put my stuff down and kiss him Hello. Then, I usually get on the computer and check everything and for some reason that period of the day (evening) is a trigger for something in me to poop. Sometimes I feel it kind of coming and sometimes I don’t – if you don’t have fecal incontinence then its an extremely hard feeling to describe when you have to poop. You can’t control it but sometimes know it is coming. So, that is a big time when I mess my diaper and Peter knows to check me a lot of times around that time based on history. So, I will go start making dinner and he will usually wander into the kitchen and pull back my diaper and check me. Which, by the way is probably one of my FAVORITE feelings is just the act of having him check me. Then, when he knows I pooped my diaper he will let me finish what I am doing and change me. But, I will say that I don’t like being in a poopy diaper too long because it can get uncomfortable and I am not the biggest fan of the smell. I like the bulky feeling at first but once you start moving around and sit down and a few times – it can become uncomfortable with the fecal matter against my butt. So, I typically like to be changed if possible within 30-40 minutes of messing my diaper. But, it is more the satisfaction of feeling babyish and the needing to be changed that really makes me love it. I mean, I do like the feeling of a poopy diaper physically, but I like the babyish mentality of it more. Sort of hard to describe, honestly. But, hopefully I got my point across. Oh, and hopefully you enjoyed the photo I included with this post
Hey thanks for posting the rest of that post!
Hey long time reader here, How do you deal with smell since you do have the mess to deal with. I’ve heard nullo is supposed to be good was wondering if you’ve tried it, I find calmoseptine does wonders for the irritation and prevention of diaper rash but not alot for smell
I am finding it ever more suprising and pleasing to hear that other people feel exactly as I do. I think there are a lot of people out there who haven’t researched the subject of ABDL feel they are alone, wierd and have the thought that something is wrong with them for enjoying what society says is a disgusting thing. Adrian has shown to me that it is normal, many people around the world enjoy the feeling of a messy or wet diaper and I for one thank Adrian for guiding me into my acceptance of ABDL in me. Just by reading everyones comments and ideas on this site has helped me a lot. So thank you to everyone.
One of the big things I think people who don’t accept our lifestyle need to think of is that we were ‘designed’ to release and empty ourselves as needed- not when someone has trained us to. There was no ‘switch-over’ time for our bodies to control themselves. That control was forced on us.
Adrian, I just wanted to say that is quite possibly the hottest diaper picture ever taken! And no, I won’t post it anywhere else—I completely respect your copyright.
andy aret you adrian i seen that you said peter changs you it is kind of a dead give a way lol im never awhere that i’m pooping in my diaper becouse it mosty happens when i’m a sleep but i have had it happen when i was at work it is very hard to chang a messy diaper at work me being a privet contractor i’m never at the same place im allways on a difrint job site
I used to think along very similar lines, but just this morning walking to work I the most unpleasant poop in my diaper I’ve for a long long time. And I just wanted get out of them. Now I happily changed, wet and not looking forward to the next accident. Luckily, I am not incontinent and can decide about how and when to go. However, sometimes I would love to live in a similar fashion to you …
I have to agree that a messy diaper is about the ultimate babyish feeling — so little and helpless. There’s nobody who changes my diapers, so I only poo in them very rarely — and only in disposables, since I don’t want my cloth diapers to get all stained and yucky. I would say that if there were somebody in my life who changed my diapers, it would be up to them whether I went #2 in my diapers or in the potty — after all, they’d be the one who would have to change me if I did use my diapers for that! Anyway, I don’t like the smell or the mess, so I agree completely: there’s a great feeling when I mess my diaper, but it wears off pretty fast, and I usually want a change pretty soon.
i have to agree with Adrian and Manuel that pooping yourself is the ultimate babyish feeling, and it feels good. I personally like the feeling of a messy diaper, but not for more than 30 min-1 hour. But the best part is the babyish feeling you get when you do
am i the only one that has noticed that every time someone trys to describe the sensation or satisfaction of a messy diaper, they always leave out the warm feeling ?
I get real dreamy then explode in my nether regons. Those custard poopies and that warm ball licking and slowly sliding its way into my cave and love button wants me to get wild.
Sometimes I do some jumping jacks or just some baby situps to make sure my love mound is well covered and then flip over on my tummy on top of a pillow and just sorta do a slow grind, while rubbing and twisting my nipples.
I always wear tampons when doing this exercise and cleanup is fun too. Sometimes I am extra naughty and after cleaning up I repin or retab my dirty diaper and started all over again, the O’s are awesome. Now if I could just find a baby girl playmate that is into this I would be complete and so would she.
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(Forced Diaper Messing) “Oh come on, Lua!” I growled upon feeling at my waist and realizing that my thin underwear had suddenly been traded out for thick, humiliating pink padding just like the babyish garment that Anny’s pre-school age daughter could be seen wearing. “All I did was make a silly joke, you can’t just punish me for that!” “Don’t get your pampers in a bunch, Maxy.” Lua said, stifling a giggle as they stared down at the large, baby-patterned diaper I had just been forced into. They gripped their wand, the thing that had magically put me in this embarrassing thing, close to their body. “Just undo it before Anny returns to pick her daughter up and thinks I’m incontinent or something!” I exclaimed as I tried to hold my skirt down to cover over the humiliating thing that cushioned my crotch and ass, to no avail. The diaper was so puffy that my skirt was practically held up by it for all to see that I was wearing it, and attempts to make it discreet by forcing my legs
(Age Regression and Diaper Mess Humiliation) "There is no way for you to possibly defeat me! I am the great sorcerer Feirlaw!" I boasted, staff gripped. "This spell will return you to a much more fitting state!" "You will not hurt anyone from this point onward!" Tyrine declared, holding her sword close, prepared to fight. Unfortunately for her, I was the most powerful sorcerer in the entire kingdom, and a lowly warrior had always been useless against my curses. For some reason, even though I threatened to destroy her like the rest of her kind, she never seemed to back down. She called her utter stupidity "bravery." "Goodbye, Tyrine of Gilyr." I waved my staff in a circle in the air, before pointing it at the hero, about to destroy and humiliate her like the omnipotent sorcerer that I am. So ridiculous it was that she even dared go up against me when I have the ability to raze entire cities with a snap of my fingers. "You took my baby sister away from me, Feirlaq! To
As the commercial begins, a dynamic melody of drums and brass instruments plays in the background and a little black skunk is seen toddling around a carpeted terrain, donning a purple pajama top and a rather thick diaper scattered with smiling suns and sunflowers. As the camera focuses on the toddler’s movements and the sounds of their gleeful giggling accompany the background music, a narrator starts to speak.

“We’re well aware that our Sturdy Stinkers are a bit pricier than the average diaper. So, why purchase them, you may ask?” asks the narrator, attempting to address the questions of potential consumers.

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♥Padded Princess♥

ABDL/TBDL ♥ I'm just a diaper girl in my own baby world ♥ block not report




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