Diaper Fetish

Diaper Fetish


Diaper Fetish
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Transformational Coaching and Psychotherapy
Diaper Fetish
Diaper Fetish

For about 6 years now I have been doing something that most people think is abnormal. I have tried to stop but I have something driving me to keep doing it. I am not hurting anyone or my self as of yet. but I've lost almost all my friends. The thing I am talking about is wanting to and wearing diapers full time and not for medical problems. Why do I want to wear diapers? What is wrong with me? Ben's Answer : The compulsion to wear diapers is what would be called a diaper fetish. Some even use the term "DL" or Diaper-Lover for those with this fetish. For some it has a sexual connection, for others, it is non-sexual. There is some infantile memory or feeling recreated by wearing a diaper that may be pleasurable, even if you are not fully conscious of that. It may be a feeling of security, safety, relief of guilt or responsibility, a feeling that you don't have to worry about losing control. It's likely that at the stage of child development when you were in diapers and potty training - something traumatic occurred - or you simply weren't ready. Now you may be trying to soothe yourself by this old association with that early stage of development. Many people come to accept this attachment and don't view it as a "disorder" or even a problem. It is a question of your own perception and how disruptive it is to your life. If you have known traumas from early life, I would recommend trying EFT for this. It may be a way to resolve any early life experiences that may be related. Take Care, Ben Update 2018 My Best Recommendation for working on issues around shame, guilt, addiction or unwanted attachment to diapers in adulthood, would be Amate Growth Work - a very deep and transformational process that effectively resolves unfinished parts of childhood development so that you can reach a feeling of emotional strength, personal power maturity, and peace. The best expert I know who is highly trained in this area is Eva Malanowski, PsyD . You can learn more about her on her website: DrEvaMalanowski.com This is a Psychodynamic therapeutic process, that does NOT involve touch. It is a type of inner work that helps you to heal and integrate stuck places in early development. If you are serious about wanting help with this attachment, this would be a worthwhile path to explore.

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Diapers for First Communion

by: Anonymous

To Faith H and anonymous-Yes,i support you Faith,and as a life long catholic,there really are parishes that require the girls to wear the cloth diaper and plastic pants and under shirt under their communion and confirmation dresses!I have talked to many girls around the country who were required to wear them and others who told me it is a tradition to wear them.In many parishes,the white communion dress is considered an extension of the baptism gown or dress the girls were baptized in as babies,so to represent their purity of their baptisms for their First Communion,the cloth diaper,plastic pants and under shirt is required under the dresses.In some parishes,the white dresses and veils are also worn for confirmation at 16,and the cloth diaper,plastic pants,under shirt and tights are worn under the confirmation dresses for the same reason.

Couple Thoughts

by: Sarah

Having run into this while looking for info on bedwetting for a friend I thought it an interesting site with info I had never thought about. For years I was the neighborhood babysitter sitting for a half dozen families and a total of 15 kids. Out of these kids 4 were bedwetters and their wearing nighttime diapers with plastic or rubber pants to bed was a very normal thing like wearing pj's or a nightgown. I had many occasions to get these kids ready for bed which included putting them in their diapers and plastic pants. The kids really never minded the fact that they wore diapers and plastic pants under their regular bedtime wear. They all seemed to consider it part of their bedtime wear. To me at first it was a bit out of the normal to see kids dressed this way being ages 5 - 11 but I soon learned from them that it was not a big deal. Now after reading this it makes me wonder that by having bedwetters dressed in diapers did we take the first steps in creating future diaper fetishists? Something that seemed so normal to me and the kids? Makes me wonder. Also the first communion stories are not true.

Reply to Faith H

by: Anonymous

You state that it is true that certain parishes do require the wearing of such apparel then if that is the case then please prey name these parishes and whom the priest is ! Tell us we would love to know !.

Diapers for First Communion

by: Faith H.

To anonymous Dec.19,2017-I am sorry,but it is real! there are parishes that do require the girls to wear a diaper and plastic pants under their communion dresses. I had to when i made my First Communion at age 11.they were required for all of us girls in my class and we had to wear white tights over them.I have talked to other catholic girls who had to wear them also,and at some parishes it is a tradition for the girls to wear them.At my parish and others the communion dress is considered an extension of the baptism gown we were baptized in as babies so the cloth diaper,plastic pants,under shirt,and/or tights represents the purity of our baptisms for our First Communion.I have seen girls as old as 16 making their FC and had the diapers and plastic pants on under their dresses.

Diaper wearing for first communion and Baptism in Catholic Church

by: Anonymous

It is a total Fallacy and in the minds of the writer No Priest in the Catholic Church requires any participant in first communion or Baptism to wear a diaper and Plastic pants unless the person has a medical condition that warrants the wearing of such apparel That has come from the Vatican in Rome . if they do then that priest is not part of the Catholic Church and is breaking the rules of the Catholic church.

Fetish or OCD

by: Anonymous

I have researched into this phenomonen and have asked people who indulge in wearing Nappies/Diapers and plastic pants. All those spoken to report that they have an intense urges to wear such apparel and even if they fight against those urgesthey may go away for a whild but will come back even stronger one said That they got rid of all the diapers and plastic pants ans a year or so later something traumatic happened and the urges came back even stronger in which he gave into those urges and bought more diapers and plastic pants. In conclusion it may be beneficial to find a therapist whe deals with cognitive behaviour therapy or cbt for short and NLT . Someone said they had hypnotherapy but it did not work. But CBT and NLT may work Saying that this phenomenon/fetish/OCD does not hurt anyone and is Not conne ted with Pedophilia!. Those spoken to expressed that they would be the first to report to the athorities if a child was being harmed in any way sexually or other.

Diaper enjoyment

by: Diaper tim

I enjoy wearing diapers but my wife would like me to be a normal person

Wearing Diapers Again, does this make me an infant?

by: Kwan Ming

Hi there my Name is Kwan Ming I've been wearing diapers since 2010, due to a sudden onset of problems with my bladder relating to my past disabilities.

I was toilet trained but wasn't completely out of diapers until I reached 5 years of age in 1985,0and until 2010 I only had a interest in wanting to wear them as I had a desire to be back in them again but this wasn't anything serious and it all seemed from years of bullying in which I was a constant victim of verbal, mental and physical abuse.

In March 2010 and completely out of the blue I started having minor accidents at work which only got worse over time at first I dismissed it as a one off but then the shit hit the fan big time and I was left with no other option to go to my doctor's for a consultation and to find out what was causing it, after numerous tests they finally came to the conclusion it was all in my mind something I refuse to accept.

I know this may not have anything to do with a getting although I have been accused of having one by people who don't know me and this hurts because I get teased and bullied something which really depresses me even more, So much so I tried to commit suicide fortunately I was stopped before I could do any real harm to myself.

I am now left with the lingering question does the fact I wear disposable adult diapers make me an infant by that I mean a adult baby?, I know that I certainly wear diapers as a form of protection but does this mean I have regressed somehow to my early childhood and if so is this a good or bad thing?.

I suffer from panic attacks and ptsd and other effects left from being attacked and I know I have so many nightmares of people shouting and screaming at me or trying to kill me and I often wake up in a cold sweat in a overly soiled or sodden diaper is this coming in ptsd or am I alone in this crisis as it's literally driving me crazy to the point where I may have to get professional psychological help.

But I also know when I am in diapers I feel safe and secure and I even enjoy the feeling of padding between my legs and the cool soft plastic outer casting or cover and I often have to listen to infantile nursary rhymes in the form of music to calm me down I don't know again if this markes me out as being a baby, I also have noticed I have been using more diapers than I used to when I was a child although my memories of my childhood only go back as far as 18mths of age in 1981/82.

and yes I have a teddybear and pacifier at home in my bedroom to sooth me although I don't consider myself a AB/DL does anyone have any advice as to what to do because the part about going crazy is really worrying me and I am desperate for any help as Its ruining life.

Please if anyone could help please don't hesitate to get in touch although keep in mind I live in the UK not the USA.

Yours sincerely
Kwan Ming.

Diapered for my first communion and confirmation

by: Heather N.

To Jenny-I also made my First Holy Communion when i was 14 and my parents went all out for it! I was in the class with the 7 and 8 year olds and my parents required me to wear a poofy,top of the knees,short sleeve,communion dress and veil with the lace anklets and the white patent leather shoes.They told me that to make me like the little girls in my class,i had to wear a thick cloth diaper with blousy fitting 'rubberpants' over it and a white tee shirt under my dress.They found a poofy communion dress and veil in my size and got the lace socks and shoes.Mom got the cloth diapers in the 26x27 in size and the pink diaper pins and sewed the diapers together to make one diaper out of them.She got a pair of white,adult size rubberpants from a website in medium and the tee shirt at Target.The morning of my ceremony,i took my bath,went into my room and was told to sit down on my bed and lay back.She then pinned the diaper on me,pulled the rubberpants up over it,then put my tee shirt and lace socks and shoes on me.Dad came in a helped with my communion dress and then he put the veil on my head!The rubberpants really bloused out over my diaper and crinkled when i walked!I walked down the aisle with the little girls and boys and could hear the rubberpants crinkling under my dress!Two years later at 16,i was confirmed and had to wear a formal floor length white dress and veil with tights and white shoes,and my parents put the diaper and rubberpants on me again under the white tights!


by: ike varboncoeur

Im want to find other peaple thats into diapersi would like to be admitted to a mentalI hospital wearing diapers im begging anybody to sign me into a mental

catholic teen girls becomming babies

by: Eric S.

To Brian H.-I thought my parish was the only one that baptized preteen and teen girls as babies and was glad to read about your parish!My parish also does it pretty much the same way yours does.All of the teen girls have to stay in the nursery for the day the saturday before and wear cloth or disposable diapers and plastic pants with tee shirts and use pacifiers and baby bottles and some eat baby food also.After the day is over,they have to wear the diapers and plastic pants saturday evening and then to bed also.On sunday morning,their parents dress them as babys in the required cloth diapers,plastic pants,tee shirt and the white poofy dress,bonnet,lace socks and white shoes.They all have a pacifier attached to their dresses and use it. I have seen lots of the teen girls in the nursery the day before and i think they are so cute and i get horny seeing them.The girls in the 16 and 17 year old range are the hottest and they become more baby like than the 13 to 15 year olds.

Teen girls in diapers and becomming babies

by: Brian H

I am a 17 year old catholic guy and my parish does baptisms twice a year-in May and October.All girls,from little girls up to age 17,are required to be baptized as babies.The saturday before the baptism mass on sunday,all the girls have to spend 10 hours in the parish nursery regressing back to babies.The parish gives each of the girls a thick cloth diaper and a pair of babyprint plastic pants along with a tee shirt that has to be put on them and worn for the full 10 hours.They use pacifiers,drink from baby bottles,some wear blanket sleepers,and they are fed babyfood.Me and some of my buddies have spied on the girls and it is a real turn on seeing the teen girls becomming babies.Then after the 10 hour session is over the girls are taken home.For the baptismal mass on sunday morning,all of the girls are dressed as babies in the required white,top of the knees,short sleeve baptism gown with a matching bonnet,lace socks and white shoes,and have to wear the diaper,plastic pants and tee shirt under the gown.The girls are considered babies for their baptisms and are treated as such!It is quite a sight seeing the 15 to 17 year old girls dressed as babies and seeing the diaper and plastic pants bulge under their gowns!

How can something be so wrong when it feels so right

by: Anonymous

I was 4 or 5 when I messed myself and my dad put me in a diaper.. I started experimenting wearing diapers since then until I was about 8 when I stoped.. I didn't think about diapers again until I turned 11 years old .. I was locked out of the house because dad and mom were gone,this was after a school game I went to, and I need to poop really bad .. it was dark out and I was looking for a place to go .. I couldn't hold it anymore and it started coming out into my pants.. I couldn't stop it so I just finished pushing it into my pants. I just finished pooping my pants and my parents came home.my brother laugh at me and ran to tell my parents. I was punished and they put my little brothers diaper on me and ever since then I have wanted to wear diapers .. I have been wearing diapers in secret ever since that day. I feel like I'm obsessed with diapers now because I want to wear them all the time

I love wearing and seeing diapers !!!

by: Rodney

As far back as I can remember, I always had a strong interest in diapers and plastic pants. Even baby bottles and binkies. In the spring of 1971 after my sixth birthday witch was in March, I got sick and almost died. I had a high fever of 106 degrees Fahrenheit and severe pneumonia and bronchitis. The fever should have left me brain dead or severely damaged but the worst that happened was I started to pee pee and poop my pants and had no warning of the need to go. This happened two to four times a day. By the time kindergarten was over Mommy could not take any more and so she said she was going to put a diaper on me for a shopping trip over to town. She took me to my room where she had diapers already waiting on my bed. Mommy diapered me and I was so excited and embarrassed at the same time. I loved the feeling of them on my body and also the Infantile feeling they gave me. There has never been a greater feeling for me than wearing a diaper and plastic pants. I also wore pampers with a diaper doubler and I just love them too. I was kept in diapers and plastic pants 24/7
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