Devils Hole

Devils Hole


Devils Hole

Death Valley National Park- Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge

Home of the endangered Devils Hole pupfish

Historical/Interpretive Information/Exhibits, Trailhead
Devils Hole is nestled within the Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge , an incredibly biodiverse, spring-fed oasis in southern Nevada. The calm, carbonate-rich and oxygen-poor water of Devils Hole is a constant 33.5–34°C (93°F) in the deeper reaches of the cave and is often even warmer in the shallows. This combination creates a challenging environment for the tiny blue Devils Hole pupfish! These fish subsist on algae, invertebrates, and other micro-organisms found on a shallow rock shelf within the pool. 

The water level in Devils Hole was protected by the United States Supreme Court in 1976 to help ensure the ongoing survival of this unique fish. With only about 100–180 individuals remaining in the wild, scientists continue their efforts to conserve the species for this and future generations to learn from and enjoy. 

Ash Meadows is located approximately 50 miles east of the Furnace Creek Visitor Center in Death Valley and 90 miles northwest of Las Vegas. The refuge and Devils Hole are accessed via Spring Meadows Road. Refuge roads are dirt and gravel, and higher clearance or 4-wheel drive vehicles may be required depending on conditions. 

Due to the sensitive nature of Devils Hole, the pool is fenced and must be viewed from afar; bring binoculars to better see the tiny fish from the Devils Hole viewing platform. For a closer look at desert pupfishes, be sure to check out the other pools and species on the refuge!
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Earth mysteries, weird locations, anomalous phenomena

Divers monitor the pupfish habitat.

Cross section of the approximate cave configuration.

By Stan Shebs, CC BY-SA 3.0,

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Many sites have been given the creepy name of “Devils Hole”. The most famous Hole is in Death Valley, Nevada where a notch in the rock reveals an oasis of ancient groundwater in the otherwise brutally dry desert landscape. The cave opening is unusual, the water level responds to seismic events around the world, the underground passageways are complex and its depth is unknown. The opening in the desert sparked strange thoughts from one of the most disturbed criminal minds of our time, claimed lives, and hosts a rare species.
The water in the hole stays at a relatively constant salinity and temperature. It is warmed by the geothermal heat to about 92 degrees year-round and has remarkably stable chemistry even at depth. It is not immediately affected by rainfall indicating the water itself is old and isolated. This is its description via the National Park Service site :
Devils Hole is a window into this vast aquifer and an unusual indicator of seismic activity around the world. A very spooky aspect of the pool is that it reacts to large earthquakes very far away. Earthquakes in Mexico, Japan, Indonesia and Chile have caused the water to ‘slosh’ around the like water in a bathtub. Waves may spash as high as two meters up the walls.
This location is the home to the Devils Hole Pupfish ( Cyprinodon diabolis ) that are found only in the water here, possibly living in isolation in the aquifer under the desert for some 25,000 years. The Devil’s hole area was named a National Wildlife Refuge in 1984 to protect the endangered pupfish. One test well drilled in the area (for irrigation of the land, of all things) caused the water level to drop. The government won a lawsuit in 1976 to prevent further development of the land and extraction of water to preserve the unique habitat.
According to Atlas Obscura , murderous cult leader Charles Manson was fascinated with place:
When Manson arrived in Death Valley he became obsessed with finding a mysterious hole that would that would lead his “family” to water and a safe place to live in the desert. He wandered the wastelands for days on end looking for this place—and finally found it at Devil’s Hole. Rumor has it that he spent three days sitting cross-legged, staring, and meditating inside the fenced-in observation point near the 60,000-year-old fissure. He was sure that the waters were just blocking the door to the underground kingdom that would provide shelter and water for his group when it was needed.
Legends of an ancient civilization hidden in the caverns under Death Valley may have prompted Manson to seek them out for himself. He believed this was a bottomless pit as mentioned in Revelation where he could escape the coming “Helter Skelter” (the apocalypse) [A. Lankford, Haunted Hikes , 2006]

Due to its sensitive environmental nature, the area is now heavily secured against people trying to explore or to attempt to get rid of the protected fish that blocks their land use options.
Back in 1965, it was not so protected. Kids jumped the fence and dived in the cave. Two boys, Paul Giacontieri and David Rose, failed to surface during one dive. Despite hours of searching by dozens in a rescue attempt, their bodies were never found.
Professional divers have explored the water-filled cave to a depth of 436 feet and did not see a bottom.
A magnitude 7.6 earthquake in Mexico on September 19, 2022 affected water in Devils Hole. Five minutes after the quake 1500 miles away, the underground pool began to slosh back and forth for over a half hour, with waves reaching up to four feet high . The sloshing, called a seiche, occurs because the pool is small and isolated from outside influences. When the passing oscillations are just the right speed and orientation , the pit water sloshes like in a bathtub. Some earthquakes, but not all, from around the world announce their energy waves by affecting the pool. The last large “desert tsunami” occurred in July of 2019 from the Ridgecrest quake in California. That caused the water to extend 15-ft above the static level. The sloshing helps remove algae buildup from the cave. The events can cause short-term harm to the pupfish but ultimately increases oxygen levels in the water.
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Posted in Nevada
Creepy August 13, 2016
by Lea Monroe
A geothermal pool within a limestone cavern that to this day, no one knows how deep it is. In Nye County in the middle of the desert, finding such a deep body of water is truly out of this world. Ready to hear something mind-blowing? The small pool has been known to show activity when earthquakes are happening across the world in places like Mexico, Japan and Indonesia.

The 40-acre area is fenced off, protecting the unique natural wonder and the extremely rare species that call it home. As you can see on the informational sign pictured above, Devils Hole is filled with the tiny but fascinating Pupfish. Most people consider this species to be the most rare in the entire world, living in a tiny ecosystem.
One night in 1965, a small group of friends jumped the fence surrounding Devils Hole. Two boys that were 19-years old and 20-years old would dive into the deep pocket of water, only to never return. Quickly after the boys went missing in the pool, a rescue team attempted to search for the boys in hopes that they had gotten stuck in an air pocket deep below the surface. Sadly, once the diver came back up the surface, he had nothing but upsetting news. The diver would come to find a mask with a snorkel, along with a couple other items that belonged to the missing boys over 300-feet below the surface. After searching Devils Hole, the two boys would never be found.

Just this year on April 30th, the hole was vandalized by three people. The intruders were reportedly drunk, leaving behind beer and even stumbled into the water right where you can find the Pupfish. Their disrespectful actions were fortunately caught on tape and after a reward was offered, tips came in revealing the identity of the three men.
So the story's told, Charles Manson came and meditated in front of Devils Hole for an entire three days. It wasn't until the third day that Manson supposedly had his epiphany where he was convinced that the answer to all of his problems could be found at the bottom of this limestone formation. Plenty of people have their own version of this story, but the gist of it is that after this three-day meditation period, Manson then began to attempt to come up with a plan to drain Devils Hole.
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Hiding all throughout Nevada in unsuspecting places, are the most breathtaking and alluring natural wonders. From incredible geysers to jaw-dropping mountain ranges, there’s no protected area in our state that has both a creepy and fascinating history like this one:
Below, you can watch an amazing video that showcases how Devils Hole and its Pupfish are managed and the history behind what makes these two wonders so special:
Do these types of natural wonders fascinate or frighten you? To read more about our chilling bodies of water, check out this Bizarre Urban Legend Of Nevada That Will Keep You Awake At Night.

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