Device Bondage Stories

Device Bondage Stories


Device Bondage Stories
Up to now, Miss Spiteful had worked to my tolerances but not exceeded them. That was about to change!
I was lying spread-eagled, my arms and legs tightly secured with ropes that dragged them wide apart. I was gagged and she had connected my genitals to her electrical device. She had moved a chair to sit beside me, the device on her lap. The session was only just half way over. "This is what you came for, slave" she smiled, "Electrical Torture!" She caressed and teased my nipples and I saw them grow firm and hard in anticipation of what she was about to do to me. "You remember my web site, slave - no concession for wimps?" I nodded and grunted to indicate agreement. "You also remember that my electrics can go from "barely perceptible" to "screamingly dreadful?" Again I grunted. "Well, it's now far too late for you to have regrets." She laughed, "Now I am going to really hurt you. It is going to be dreadful - and you will scream!"
Her hands moved to the device's controls. "First we'll establish your "limits" She switched on the device. "I want you to grunt the moment you feel any sensation." She turned the intensity control a fraction and I grunted as I felt a barely perceptible tingling in my genitals.
"Good. Now I want you to remain silent until you really can't take any more!" As she advanced the control the sensation turned from pleasant trembling to pain and then to unbearable pain. I cried aloud behind the gag in wild protest as the shocks grabbed my genitals. She noted the setting on the dial and nodded, satisfied, and switched it off. Instantly the pain vanished.

"I am just going to check your ability to stand that much, slave." She turned on the device again and once more advanced the intensity until I was begging desperately for her to have mercy. "Did I hear you trying to beg for mercy, slave? I'm afraid I shall enjoy this far too much to even consider giving you any mercy!" She switched on the device again, allowing the shocks to be stimulating without real pain. "This time the level will go beyond your limits so that I can check how much is needed to have you screaming!" The needle on the dial moved up.
I begged her to stop, to grant relief from the pain ripping my testicles and penis. She smiled, pleased. The needle went on moving. My body began jerking and struggling in its bondage. I was screaming, the agony truly unbearable. Screaming again and then again! The pain stopped and I lay gasping and shuddering. "One more thing for you to learn, slave," she snapped, "there will be pauses between the sequences of pain and during those pauses you will not attempt to speak or plead. I only want to hear you whimpering or sobbing: nothing more. Do you understand?" I tried to say I did but the gag distorted the words into muffled sounds. "Good," she said, "because if you disobey I shall punish you."
She paused and looked at me, her face seraphic and smiling. "Just so that you will know what to expect for disobedience, know what my punishment will be like"
Her hands moved on the controls altering the sustained setting she had used while experimenting to find my "limits"; she set the control to manual, the setting at the level at which I screamed and - .
I shrieked wildly as a jolt of current slashed my genitals.
A second, third and fourth shock rippled them. I screamed each time; screamed again and again as she demonstrated how I would be punished for trying to plead for reprieve or release.
"I did warn you, slave, that I have absolutely no compassion for other people's feeling because I enjoy torturing them far too much to consider any but my own! And you did ask to be taken beyond your tolerances with electrics, that you had longed to submit to a Dominatrix who revelled in cruelty, was genuinely sadistic and expert and who had no mercy. So what happens now is going to be quite atrocious suffering - for my enjoyment!"
She ran a hand tauntingly between her thighs. As one of her gallery pictures had been titled - a "Strange Love", an outrageous sexual delight.
"I am going to start by watching your body "dance" for me and your screams will provide the music." She set the controls to run the device so that it went from zero to the level at which I screamed and back to zero again onto to repeat the sequence automatically.
The control was on "Slow". I began to beg, and then scream; my body twisting and shaking desperately to try to alleviate the pain. It came again and again and peaked with my struggling vainly and screaming uncontrollably.
She changed the speed to "Fast". Scream after scream were forced from be in quick succession three or four times before she altered the speed once more to Slow. I lost count of how many times screams were dragged from my agonised body before she switched it off for the promised pause in which I might recover.
I lay there shuddering and gasping for breath; I was desperate not to speak or plead.
I was whimpering without pause. "Good. I enjoyed that. So we'll do it all over again!"
I couldn't help myself. "Oh no, please, in God's name, no, no, no - please, I beg you!" Of course the gag made nonsense of the words, but words they undoubtedly were.
The shocks were savage. Six separate shocks that had me shrieking as each hit my genitals. "I did warn you, slave!" she laughed, "now to repeat your dance!" Again the rhythm of the shocks, slow, slow, fast, fast, fast and altered at her whim made me scream for mercy she had no intention of granting.

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A short while back I submitted a contribution here entitled
"My Total Chastity Enclosure" .
It was labeled fiction and you should use your own judgement as to the validity of that label.
I did find out one more thing about my enclosure after I had written and submitted
the piece.

The enclosure I assumed was stainless steel is actually a molded composite
of fiberglass and Kevlar and chrome plated on the outside surface. The only parts
made of stainless steel are the threaded inserts that hold the screws and the hose
fittings. It could be cut off me if Mistress ever desired but of course I am powerless
to do anything myself to gain my freedom from the enclosure. I have no desire to ever
be removed from it.

My enclosure is the final step of a journey that begins with my earliest memories. As long as I can remember I have been fascinated by anything that enclosed or limited and controlled the human body, particularly my body. I had always dreamed of what it would feel like to wear a suit of armor, space suit, diving suit, leg, neck and back braces, corsets, girdles, bras, etc.

As a child I fervently wished I would get Polio and have to be put in an Iron Lung and then have to use leg braces. At the age of 9 I contracted Spinal Meningitis. At first they didn't know if I had Polio or Meningitis. I heard the doctors discussing it with my parents. I just knew that I had Polio and every time I heard someone coming down the hall I prayed they were bringing my Iron Lung. No one knew the real reason for the tears I shed when they announced I had Meningitis.

I used to sneak into my mother's things and put on her corsets, girdles and bras. I was the only teenager on the block and did a lot of babysitting. I tried on the bras, girdles and corsets of most of the mothers in our neighborhood. At the time I was growing up firm and heavily boned foundation garments were still common and I loved the feeling of them holding and squeezing my body. I made leg braces from my Erector Set and curtain rods. I devoured any pictures I could find of braces, armor, diving suits or pilot's pressure suits. The Sears catalogue was favorite reading material with the numerous foundation garments shown in it.

I also discovered that I had strong transvestite feelings although I didn't have any idea what to call them. I loved to dress in corsets, girdles and bras and imagine myself a woman. The sight of breasts on my chest sent shivers all up and down me. I wanted to wear women's underwear and feel it hold and confine my body and to have breasts. The idea of actually becoming a woman was an impossible dream in the 40s and 50s but it didn't stop me from wishing. be a woman. My ultimate dream was to be a female polio victim and to be in an iron lung at night and wear leg and body braces during the day. At the time I had never even heard the word transvestite and thought I was the only person in the world who had ever thought such things.

I also found myself fascinated by another feeling I didn't have a name for. I liked to have my genitals trapped and inaccessible, usually under a tight panty girdle. I bought several and would wear 2 or 3 at a time to get the tightness I wanted. After a while I bought a small protective athletic cup and wore it underneath. There was not room for me to get an erection in it and the feeling was exciting for me. I was not locked in but access was a little time consuming for bathroom needs and required privacy which I also found exciting.

At about 16 I got up the nerve to go into a shop selling corsets. I told them my mother had insisted I pick one up for her as she was unable to get out. You can imagine my nervousness which was about the same as a teenage boy being asked to buy a corset for his mother. I had done my homework and had a note, supposedly from her, giving style and size. I got a heavily boned front lacing corset that fit me well. I would wear it over a panty girdle and my cup and I wore stockings as well. I loved the tightness and rigidity of the corset and the way it made my genitals even less accessible. I wasn't able to wear it as often as I desired but it was wonderful when I could. My male parts were completely invisible under it all. I was not locked in chastity but it was a start.

I had found references to chastity belts in some books but they were always for females and a medieval device that no longer existed if they ever had. The idea of a male chastity device was something I never found any mention of. I'm sure most reading this share the joy I knew when I discovered Altairboy's site in late 1996 and discovered there really were male chastity devices. I'm getting ahead of myself here. I'll get back to the role this site played in my ultimate dream realization in a bit.

I indulged myself as much as possible without getting caught, although my mother noticed things in her drawers mussed several times and questioned me. I'm sure she suspected and probably knew for sure I had been in her things.

When I went away to college dorm life made any use of corsets or female underwear impossible. My younger sister was getting my old bedroom and I had no place to store the things I had collected. Everything went in the trash. In my freshman year I fractured 2 vertebrae in a fall while rock climbing and the doctor prescribed a rigid back brace and then an orthopedic corset. A dream had come true and they felt as wonderful as I had imagined. I was never without a brace and corset again.

I completed college with a degree in engineering and married the girl I met in college. We were both engineers and soon both had good jobs and were on the way to what most consider the good life. We decided that we enjoyed the things a good salary could buy and that children were not a part of our future.

I collected quite a number of different braces and corsets over the years, using the excuse of looking for one that would be more comfortable. They all were comfortable to me and the thrill never went away when I put a new brace on or went back to one I hadn't worn for awhile. I didn't wear them all the time but my back was always "acting up again" and I would wear a brace or corset for a while until I got a little tired of the tightness and chaffing and would put them away until the urge hit again.

I also acquired first a single leg brace and then a pair of matching bilateral long leg braces, KAFOs. These I wore in secret at first and reveled in the feeling of the braces gripping my legs and limiting my mobility. The sight of my torso and legs encased in braces was the ultimate turn-on, up to then at least.

We spent 30 years chasing the "good life" and enjoyed the benefits that came with it but something was missing for us. We played around with bondage quite a bit and I even dressed in a corset quite often for our love making and it seemed to be alright with her but it wasn't near the turn-on for her as for me.

I had obtained many women's corsets using the excuse that they were more comfortable than the ones made for men. Of course I had to wear stockings to keep them from riding up. I found some All-in-one corsets and tried water balloons to fill out the cups. I told my wife that the shift in balance from the weight of the balloons seemed to help my back and my next step was a pair of silicone breast forms that I wore as much as possible with one of my All-in-ones or with a longline bra and corset.

We joked about my feminine side and the fact that I was definitely the submissive but she didn't seem to be interested in being the Dom. She never does anything halfway and now I'm sure that was the problem. She would have to be totally the Dom or not at all. I was finding that I not only wanted my body confined and restricted but I wanted it to be reshaped into a female form. I wanted to look at myself and see a woman. I hadn't admitted to myself yet that I wanted to be a woman. I just wanted to look like a woman whenever I had the opportunity.

I finally got up the courage to tell my wife and her response amazed me. She just said that she knew that and it was fine with her. She loved what was inside and my feminine side was part of what she had always loved.

We joined a cross dressers club for heterosexual couples and became very active in the club and their activities. We met once a month but many of the couples went out together dressed on most weekend evenings. I reached the point I was only wearing men's clothing to go to work and then I always had on a corset or back brace and panties underneath.

I started wearing my leg braces all the time at home and had a new set made that fit me properly. By this point I had gotten out of the Aero-space industry and was teaching engineering at a private college. Everyone knew about my supposed bad back and I took the big step saying it was beginning to affect my legs and was soon wearing my leg braces and using crutches at work. A wheelchair followed pretty quickly and I had almost everything I wanted. I dressed as woman completely at home and for most of our social life which had come to involve our X-dressing group almost exclusively. At work I was in my leg and back braces and using a wheelchair. I only owned a couple pair of men's briefs for doctors visits and such. The rest of the time I was always in panties and girdles or corsets of some kind.

I had never lost the need to have my genitals confined and always had at least a pair of firm
control briefs under everything else. A rigid cup contained my penis and balls. My wife had
agreed to take control of that portion of me and I had added web or leather belts to most of
my corsets and back braces. These could be locked with small padlocks and she kept the keys.
The briefs and cup underneath were effectively locked on until she unlocked me. I started
using indwelling Foley catheters and could remain locked up all day and night. I was released
only for one hour in the morning for bathing and toilet needs. She would also release me for
sexual activities but as time passed more often than not our sexual activity involved me
pleasuring her with me locked up. I found I derived tremendous satisfaction from that type
activity. The satisfaction I obtained grew until I was achieving a form of orgasm I never
dreamed was possible, without ejaculation or even erection. It was much more mental and
emotional than physical and was the most fantastic thing I had ever felt.

Everything changed about five years ago. I had a heart attack. I had total cardiac arrest 8 times and they all thought I wouldn't make it but I did survive and surprisingly was left with little heart damage but was left with arrhythmia problems. The doctors tried all the medications but eventually had to implant an Automatic Implanted Cardiac Defibrillator (AICD) to assure my heart would continue it's normal rhythm. It worked and still works great but the doctors strongly recommended that I not return to work.

We discussed it and decided that not only would I retire but she would also. We would sell our home and move to the house on the 200 acres we had purchased in the mountains a couple of hundred miles north of Los Angeles. We had enough saved and invested that neither of us would ever have to work again and we could start working on what would make us truly happy. We put our home on the market and soon were in escrow and getting ready to move.

During my convalescence I spent a lot of time surfing the web and found Alairboy's site. The steel chastity belts available were a revelation for me and one in particular became a must have. I knew I had to have a Latowski belt or something similar that would completely enclose me and be completely inescapable.

I showed my wife pictures of it and she spent a lot of time studying the photos. She said that was a formable garment and the implications of allowing it to be locked on ones self was even more formable. Was I really sure that was what I wanted. I told her I was pretty sure. I thought I knew what I wanted and I know now that she definitely knew what she wanted and was just waiting for me to broach the subject.

A couple of days later I finally got up the nerve to tell her everything that was on my mind. I started by telling her how much I wanted to be a disabled woman all the time. We discussed it for a while and she said she didn't have any problems with it but did I actually want to be a woman. I told her that I wasn't completely sure but I did want to have real breasts and at least try living full time as a woman. She said that I had better make up my mind because it would be hard to live as a man with breasts. She had a good point there and I told her that I was sure I wanted to live as a woman from there on. She smiled and said that was fine with her but she had a few conditions. That she would have conditions surprised me. When she brought out a printed list of her conditions it made me realize she had actually been planning this for quite a while and had done a lot of research.

The last 5 really threw me a curve. There would be no going back and my
comfort didn't seem real high on her priority list. I knew now that 'inescapable' chastity belts really did exist and her interest in the Latowski belt made mor
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