Deutsche Teen mit Naturtitten Holly Banks auf dem Sofa gefickt

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Can't Help Falling in Love With You

Hochtoxische Wertpapiere sollen allüberall in Bad Banks
zwischengelagert werden. So plant es die Bundesregierung und beteuert, dass die insgesamt halbe Billion Finanzgiftmüll für die Bürger keinerlei Risiko darstelle.

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Verängstigte Anwohner in Kleingroßhegnach rotten sich hinter einem Fenster zusammen. Noch weiß keiner, wie die Bad Bank, die hier binnen kurzem installiert werden soll, überhaupt aussieht.

Das ist sie! Unter größtmöglichen Sicherheitsvorkehrungen wird in
Kleingroßhegnach die erste Bad Bank angeliefert, die eigentlich gar
nicht so furchterregend aussieht.

Doch schon holt ein Bad Banker die ersten toxischen Papiere, um sie auf
die Bad Bank zu schmeißen.

Zeitgleich lässt der globalisierte Anwohnerverein Kleingroßhegnachs
weltweit demonstrieren (weil sich in Kleingroßhegnach selbst keiner mehr aus dem Haus traut).

Die zunächst überwältigende weltweite Unterstützung zeigt allerdings auch rasch kleinere Ermüdungserscheinungen.

In Deutschland werden die Unruhen von Gewerkschaftsboss Michael Sommer
(vorne Mitte) und Kollegen aufmerksam im Fernsehen verfolgt.

Es kommt, wie es kommen musste: Die toxischen Papiere laufen aus und
verseuchen den Untergrund.

Andere Bürger können sich aber auch freuen: Der verseuchte Untergrund
bringt neue, noch nie gesehene schillernde Finanzderivate hervor.

Die Situation eskaliert, als sogar die Kleingroßhegnacher Börse, lange
Zeit das letzte noch benutzte Gebäude in Kleingroßhegnach, wegen
Kontaminierung dichtmachen muss. Zeit für die Politik, sich Gedanken
über ein neues, sichereres Zwischenlager für toxische Papiere zu machen.

Ausgerechnet ein Anwohner aus Kleingroßhegnach konstruiert die neue

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Holly Banks Full of Angst Audio CD – Ungekürzte Ausgabe, 1. November 2019
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3,6 von 5 Sternen

2.862 Sternebewertungen

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Brilliance Audio; Unabridged Edition (1. November 2019) Sprache


Englisch ISBN-10


1978672322 ISBN-13


978-1978672321 Abmessungen


15.75 x 2.79 x 13.72 cm

3,6 von 5 Sternen

2.862 Sternebewertungen

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Es liegen 0 Rezensionen und 0 Bewertungen aus Deutschland vor

2,0 von 5 Sternen

DNF, 4 chapters in. Fabricated, faux and unfunny. Not believable. And not an English village tale!

So, the blurb of this tale made me think it'd be set in the UK, though likely in a fictional village; I mean, do they even have villages in the US? (seriously, do they?) I was clueless for at least a couple of chapters as there were US English spellings but still the village setting and the (expected) busybodies, then it dawned on me that it was a story set in the US. Tbh, by chapter 2, I was struggling with the writing style (the author randomly sets chapter intros out like a script given to actors, likely meant to be an inner-mind representation of how Holly feels about things and how she believes she must perform), with how surreal the tale felt, and how Stepford Wives/The Truman Show/A Town Called Eureka (minus the science part) the vibe was. I really did wonder if the estate agent and other residents would eventually be revealed as robots, but I didn't stick around to find out. The estate agent reminded me of the one in the NatWest ad - you know, where she climbs up a ladder early in the morning so she can get to the owners in their beds and deliver a mountain of paperwork - she barged in and proceeded to unload gifts and coupons and dish out warnings and refused to leave until all the rules had been laid out... And, after the scene at the PTA meeting where men were dismissed and made to leave (because they're useless), but women were pretty much held captive by the PTA president, Mary-hyphen-Margaret (because moms run the school), so that she could lay out her vision and for them to do her bidding in team colours of yellow and pink, with her own cousin (the real estate agent) passing Holly a note that told her to escape, I couldn't go on any more. I couldn't suspend disbelief any more - I think we had about a chapter of this woman's diatribe and could-have-been-amusing, but not quite, dedication to her cause. Maybe she did end up revealed as a robot, who knows? I think it was meant to be funny, but it just came across as fabricated, faux, unfunny and utterly OTT. It could have perhaps worked had it been less OTT and taking place in an eccentric little English village setting, but here, it was too celluloid-doll like. The bigging-up reminded me of the Fleischman Is In Trouble book (see my review) that turned out to be more 'Fleishman Is Boring, Juvenile and a DNF'. I'm glad I didn't pay for this.

36 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich
2,0 von 5 Sternen

Sorry just not funny.......

“A laugh -out loud debut” Perfect, just what I need. After reading 17% of this strange book populated with the most unpleasant people I gave up. I think the author thought these were clever caricatures of a those that proffer “helpful” advice to young mothers but they were just one dimensional bores, imbeciles or narcissists. I love ascerbic wit but found none in here. I felt like the stony faced sober one at the back of a comedy club. Not for me.

13 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich

What has them supposedly rolling in the isles in suburban USA is as flat as a pancake this side of the Atlantic. I managed to get to chapter 3 before giving up on this weakly plotted and frankly dull nonsense. Save yourself the bother.

9 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich
1,0 von 5 Sternen

Not for me - Sorry

I gave up after reading about 10%. It made me question how American women ever survive the pressures throughout life. Having to be seen in the right clothes and in the right groups as a child, then the college sorority system only to think you have escaped all that when your child starts Kindergarten and it all starts again with the women who control the PTA - I mean really? I really wanted to find out what her husband was up to and how she was going to get back to making movies, but I just couldn't do it.

7 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich
2,0 von 5 Sternen

Primm and Proper?

Basically this is supposed to be the tale of one woman's attempts to get her life on track. Things are stressful right ow - just moved house to a completely new area, daughter is about to start school for the first time, husband is in a new job that is swallowing all his time and the parental unit is a liability. You can see why Holly Banks is full of angst can't you - so much happening in such a small time frame. Even worse the Village Of Primm is one of those picture perfect American villages and seems to have an overdeveloped sense of worth - in fact, it sounds like a downright scary place to live with it's enclaves and F. U. Frisbee tournaments and all that topiary is far too Overlook Hotel for me. The biggest issue I have is with the characters in this book, to the last one they are deeply unpleasant. We only really get to know Holly and that is only because she is our narrator. Initially I felt a little bit of sympathy for her, moving to her ideal home a week before her daughter starts school for the first time could only be a recipe for stress but by the time we got to the end of the protracted Real Estate Agent doorstep scene I was done. Holly's internal monologue is supposed to reflect her desires to return to the filmmaking she studied at College, what it actually does is show that she is not a particularly "nice" person. She is incapable of seeing another's point of view and sees their actions only in terms of their direct impingement on her; to be honest I'd love to give a psych
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