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Thursday December 03, 2015

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Monday November 23, 2015

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Monday October 12, 2015

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Wednesday August 26, 2015

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Monday August 03, 2015

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Wednesday July 22, 2015

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Saturday July 18, 2015

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Wednesday July 15, 2015

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Here's the Real -- Elemental -- Reason for Biden's Low Poll Numbers

As Putin's 'special operation' flounders, Russian state TV declares, 'We'll wait for Trump'

DOJ Says The Oath Keepers Brought Explosives To DC Area Around January 6th And Had A "Death List"

Cipollone met with January 6 committee for 8 hours. Did not contradict testimony of other witnesses.

WATCH: Trump Suffers Cognitive Collapse, Claims that 'Everyone Was Happy' When He Was in Office

PA-Sen: John Fetterman (D) Literally Takes To The Sky To Troll Mehmet Oz (R. NJ) At The Jersey Shore

Caturday Pootie Diary: In which things get political

A woman who won't back down: The First Amendment is alive and well in Michigan

When the Word of the Lord is Not Enough

An indignant Brett Kavanaugh is forced by protesters to skip dessert at Morton's

The News, or: An Incomprehensibly Vast Sea of Buttholes, Stretching Beyond the Horizon

Help me understand why some people never recommend stories

The 1% stole 47 TRILLION DOLLARS from us from 1975-2018

Great Things Biden Has Done So Far: Saturday's GNR

Arizona ‘Patriot’ leader bear-sprays abortion rights protesters, so Mesa police charge a victim

What Do Puerto Ricans Want? (Is the Wrong Question)

THIS WEEK IN CONGRESS - SPECIAL EDITION: For The Lack of Two Senators - Part One!

Not SCOTUS, SCROTUM: Supreme Court Republicans Out To Unleash Mayhem

Cognitive Bias Bootcamp: Apophenia (& Paradoleia!)

Contemporary Fiction Views: Mysteries within mysteries, for this age

In Texas, a fetus is a person unless you're pregnant and driving in a HOV car-pool lane

previous guy still wants "his" 2020 WI electoral college votes.

Michael Flynn is not alone in his descent into madness

Wondering where your Donations are best spent, to #KeepTheHouse this MIDTERM election?

Normally, we wait to hear what SCOTUS does. Things to consider instead re Moore v. Harper.

WATCH: Trump Suffers Cognitive Collapse, Claims that 'Everyone Was Happy' When He Was in Office

As Putin's 'special operation' flounders, Russian state TV declares, 'We'll wait for Trump'

Caturday Pootie Diary: In which things get political

The nation’s cartoonists on the week in politics

Weekly DataDump from Senate Swing 2022 Canvassing in AZ, FL, GA, NV, NC, OH, PA & WI

Biden should be impeached for provoking China

DKos Asheville Open Thread: Nurses protest Mission, Regional Hobbs pushback, The Big Crafty and more

Comics: Responding to the spirit of disorder; Sedition, Anarchy & the Mischievous

The 1% stole 47 TRILLION DOLLARS from us from 1975-2018

Sports teams fly on the same private jets hired to deport immigrants

Cipollone met with January 6 committee for 8 hours. Did not contradict testimony of other witnesses.

Here's the Real -- Elemental -- Reason for Biden's Low Poll Numbers

New Day Cafe - Saturday: Some Stuff.

GA-Sen: Snake Oil Salesman & Pathological Liar, Herschel Walker (R), Busted In Another Scam

PA-Sen: John Fetterman (D) Literally Takes To The Sky To Troll Mehmet Oz (R. NJ) At The Jersey Shore

Fanatical Republican Extremist of the Day: Greg Pence- 2022 Update

DOJ Says The Oath Keepers Brought Explosives To DC Area Around January 6th And Had A "Death List"

Holy Babble "Some pigs are more equal"

Photo Diary: Fonthill Castle, Pennsylvania

Fanatical Republican Extremist of the Day: Dan Crenshaw

OH-Sen: J.D. Vance (R) Tries To Channel Abraham Lincoln By Comparing Abortion To Slavery

ArtKos: Saturday Painting Palooza Vol.882

The Front Yard Garden: Vol. 18.28: J6 Shearings: The Circle Garden

Backyard Bird Race and Daily Bucket: June Reports

When the Word of the Lord is Not Enough

Dana Milbank Left Out the Uvalde Police Response

365 Days of Climate Awareness
330 – AR6 Vol 2, Chap 3: Oceans and Coastal Ecosystems

Great Things Biden Has Done So Far: Saturday's GNR

Morning Open Thread. Upgrading my work space. Out with the old, in with the new.

Had Mr.Abe to die because his bodyguards didn’t pay attention?

07.09.2022 IAN: "The Quiet Expansion of the Klingon Empire."

Ukraine Invasion Day 136: FIRMS and the Russian "operational pause"

Privilege is too often unrecognized

Insomniacs' Vent Hole with James Corden

Any TV show line you quote in real life often?

Daily Kos moves in solidarity with the Black community.

There’s a pernicious and evil myth going around that simply shooting the “Bad Guys with Guns” will make everything better. It’s the central mythology surrounding our citizens walking around armed, able to buy whatever they want to with regards to lethal killing implements with only a modicum of regulation.
I just want to know one thing from those who spout this drivel.
Because unless you can state first hand experience how it made things magically better, I would cordially invite you to shut the fuck up.
Shooting the “Bad Guy” in my case resulted in screaming nightmares, depression, PTSD, and numerous other mental ailments, because HEY, guess what? I’m not a psychotic. Not to mention the fact that i have to live EVERY SINGLE DAY with the knowledge that I have taken away everything from someone. EVERYTHING. The person I shot, who according to everyone around me was responsible for his own death, will never breathe again because of the actions that I took.
Can you imagine that? Can you imagine knowing that you have taken away everything that someone ever was, and ever will be because of a split second decision? A decision that you will forever agonize over, and over again in your mind, trying to determine if what you did was the right thing? Even if everyone around you tells you that you did the right thing? 
There's a reason you will never know. You didn't sign up for this shit. I did. So did countless other veterans. We KNOW what it means to fight in a war, and to fight for your life. We also want to come home and not have to confront this shit on a daily basis. You cannot change the past, but you will forever regret it if you feel you made the wrong decision.
You want to know why I am against war? Because I fought in it. You want to know why I am against Guns? Because I know how to use one, and exactly what that use will do to a person, on all sides of the gun.
But don’t even pretend for an instant that more violence is the answer, when you won't be pulling the trigger, or seeing the horrors. And if you fantasize about being the hero with the gun, you watch too many goddamn movies.
There is no reason for any of us to fear.
The prophets have already spoken and the fate of the world at the end of 2016 has been laid bare for us all.
These truths are self-evident and shall not be altered by the actions of one or many. 
We shall now sit and inhale some prophetic gas, and utter our truths.
Hillary will be the Democratic Party Nominee. 
This is inevitable. We have told you this for many years, and only the timing of said nomination was in error. This is due to no error in the prophecy, but rather in the mythical election cycle. The Past 8 years, of course, have not existed at all, save for the actions of our nominee, which of course also do not exist. Since they were unobservable years, all possible actions were taken and both pro-war and anti-war, as well as pro-industry and anti-war positions exist at the same time. This is known as Schrodinger’s Position. As a result, we have the perfect candidate, and any other candidates to the contrary are merely the imagination of the internet.
The US will Go to War in the Middle East.
This is inevitable. All candidates, even imaginary ones, agree that war is the only solution to the problems that plague the middle east. Since the past 8 years did not exist, this is clearly Bush’s mess to clean up, and as a result all blame can be laid squarely at his feet. Of course we cannot charge him, because we must look into the future, and that future is a war which will be over quickly and easily. No wait, this time, the prophets are saying that the war will be long and arduous, but we will prevail in the end because it is our responsibility.

Do not worry about the toupee’d one. While his followers will beat others, it matters not. The media will continue to treat him as the joke he is. Even if he gets the nomination, which of course will not happen, because he is a joke, his followers will fall into line easily. Despite their promises to turn out the brown and black among us, clearly it is only fanciful rhetoric, and there is no need to be concerned when others of the GOP adopt the positions. For it is not the rise of the beast of Fascism, which was slain long ago, and can never, ever, possibly, ever happen here. Because that would be a silly joke.
And finally, rejoice in the truth that has already been revealed:
No Matter What Happens, It will be the fault of the dirty Hippies.
This is always the truth, for it always occurs. When The Republicans win, it is because the Damn Dirty Hippies didn’t do their part to GOTV. When a Democratic politician betrays their principles, it is the fault of the Damn Dirty Hippies, because they didn’t push hard enough to make their case. When We don’t win a war, it is the fault of the Damn Dirty Hippies, who gave aid and comfort to the enemy. When Single payer fails, it is the fault of the Damn Dirty Hippies for wanting a Unicorn. 
So rejoice in the coming future, and know that these inevitable truths will occur despite your actions. As we know, there is really no such thing as free will, and attempting to deny prophecy only ensures that the prophecies will come true in the end.
It's been a crazy couple months here. People have no doubt been wondering what I've been up to, and I feel I'm secure enough to at least announce that I'm off the street.
Things aren't PERFECT, right now, and there's still crises, but at least they're manageable.
I owe a lot to the folks here, and want to take the time to say thanks.
Before we go any farther, this diary is about Sex Work.
Some of this is from personal experience, some of this is from the anecdotes of friends who I have who do Sex Work, and some of this will be sourced.
However, this is an issue that must be discussed, and we'll start with the elephant in the room, which is Trafficking, and then go into the rest of it.
(Discussion and ruminations on the flip)
Been a while since I posted, mostly because I've been trying to destress, calm down, and generally act like an adult again.
It's been so long since I actually had a chance to chart my own course for the day, that I almost had forgotten what it felt like.
But I'm alive, tired, but doing well. 
So, the last few days, I need to learn how to calm down and not be panicking about what I'm going to do.
That's the first thing. Course, I'm going to get my life together, make things happen, etc... etc...
But I'm not going to have it by tomorrow, and that's ok. It's the one thing I've finally got to get over from my folks.
Sometimes, when you're pushing as hard as you can, YOU'RE the one that breaks.
Been an interesting trip so far, and my mind keeps flashing to Clark Griswald. Rather amusing really, especially considering that they're remaking that movie...
But we did Wally World on Day 1. Which makes the rest of the trip, interesting.
I'm prepped. I'm packed. I'm set, and I've been ready for years.
When I came back to California four years ago, I really thought I'd only be here for at most two years. That stretched on and on, due to scrambling to make the rent every month, trying to pass the classes, and general inertia.
So, I'm really ready to leave. Tomorrow. 7AM.
One thing I do notice about being homeless is that there hasn't been a single day where I haven't done ANYTHING. Perhaps it's just coming out of a depression, but I've been out and about, feeling things, doing things, etc...
So continuing the updates and we'll see how I blog today. Don't have too much to talk about as far as the day to day, but who knows, when the screenplay gets written, I'll be glad I remember this, right?
Nice calm day after I logged off, and a nice, supportive morning.
Overall, I feel great, despite my situation. Actually, feeling the best I have in YEARS.
Which is weird, but hey, going to go with it. Because feeling good, should be my normal.
Ok, so the funny thing about drama and BS is that it tries to drag you back in, even when you're trying to get out of it.
Yesterday has been one of those days that really pushed the limit, but It's amazing what a few hours of therapy and a whole lot of perspective can do.
Whew. First day I can take a bit of a break. Been going pretty much non-stop for the last four so a bit of a chance to reflect.
So, a lot of this is probably going to be rather narcissistic/egocentric reflection on my situation.
I apologize profusely. Just know that I'm still blown away by the help you folks have given me emotionally, and I'm going to keep on, no matter what.
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Detroitmechworks is an actor, known for Some Jerk with a Camera (2011).

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Linda: Good Morning, we're looking at Great Game, with this the Politics final between the Liberals and the Capitalists.
Tom: It wasn't even sure if this match would come off today, as there seems to be a huge amount of fans of the Fascist and Socialist teams boycotting the match.
Linda: Yes it was a shame that the actions of those fans caused the teams themselves to be be barred completely from the competition. Although what a win for the Capitalists, eh Tom?
Tom: That's Right, Linda. With the Fascists officially banned from competition, many of their best players got the opportunity to really shake up the league. The Capitalists in particular have benefited greatly from the addition of Propaganda and their returning free agent Corporation.
Linda: Which is sure to hurt Liberalism badly in the coming match-up, especially considering that they recently have been seen in collaboration with members of the Communist team. Of course, the Liberals also claim to have proof that the Capitalists have been in collaboration with the Communist
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