Desperate Woman

Desperate Woman


Desperate Woman
10 Simple tricks on how to make boyfriend happy
8 Obvious signs she is hiding her feelings for you

Being desperate to your partner is toxic to the longevity of your relationship. Worst still, most people are not aware of the fact that they are desperate. Nothing makes a lady lose her value at the early stage of a relationship than desperation. Being desperate is one aspect of it, then showing it to your partner is different. Everyone has a weak point in sustaining a relationship. You may not notice the signs of a desperate woman in her at the early stage.
How desperate are you? This is one question that ladies find challenging to answer, they have this feeling of behaving as every normal woman does, unknowingly to them they are exhibiting that label of being desperate. I understand a new relationship demand some high level of intimacy; it’s not enough reason to cut down communications with your best friends, to spend every moment with your new guy. To the extent of becoming too clingy to him. Soon he will start seeing the signs of desperation in you, and lose interest in the relationship.
What if I tell you women with less desperation in their relationship are more likely to get what they want? Yes. The first thing you should work on in a new relationship is building your self-esteem. The love bond is strong enough to make you see your new partner as your better half, even while you are yet to understand yourself. One thing desperate women don’t realise is that, if a relationship is meant to be, it will surely happen. Being yourself improves the changes because your partner sees you as real. Do you want to know if you are desperate? Look out for the signs below;
One thing most ladies don’t understand is that singleness is not a sin. You can be single and be successful, happy, and live a fulfilled life. This is the kind of mindset that will get you your desired partner. Funny enough, most women desperate for marriage morns their singleness.
A desperate single woman is ready to date the next available guy. You can’t stand being single. When you go outing then see some guys hanging around, you find every means to introduce yourself. As if to ask who will date me, you go ahead to lay complains of how lonely you feel being single. If you are allowed another thirty minutes, you will pour out all your imagination, that you wish to have a man in your life and all the nice things you will do for your spouse. I will like to bath with him and wash his underwear, iron his clothes and so on.
You will say all manner of things to make him patronise you by asking you out. The truth is, guys aren’t foolish, you can’t impress a guy in minutes with all these sweet words. To be more realistic with you, that was a reasonable effort from you, but it will make sense to a guy looking for house help and not a girlfriend.
Desperate women always act funny in a relationship. I can remember my experience with a desperate ex. She called me one day to know what I was doing, and I told her I’m at the laundromat, waiting for my clothes to finish the spin cycle. To my greatest surprise, the next question I heard was “can I stopover? In a desperate tone. Why on earth should anyone want to spend free time in a laundromat?
Now get the signs of a desperate woman straight. She is less concerned about what you are or not doing. She sees everything as being exciting regardless of what it is and when it has been done. If this is you, then no doubt you are desperate with him, and you are starting a negative show in your relationship. Get a life of your own and be more productive with your time.
A guy who is crushing on you takes you out for dinner all you could do is to always have your hand on him. Funny enough, the two of you are yet to be in a relationship. Your desperate gesture and quick touch when another woman walks in the coffee shop. You can seat with him without having a physical touch, to show the whole world he is yours. While this is cool to you, it’s showing others how desperate a woman you are.
I’m not saying having physical contact with your man is bad, but when you are not in a relationship with him, but always placing your hands on him, know you are a desperate woman. With time he will feel uneasy having you around.
The signs of a desperate woman piss guys off. You will hear statements like “Ugh! I think my hips look wide in this jean?” What else would you have him say? Give you a negative reply for you to start feeling bad about how you look? Most guys will say true yea, while others don’t care, they will say what they see in front of them regardless of the way you would feel.
I understand you do enjoy compliments from guys, but then when such compliments aren’t natural, it shows you are a desperate woman.
It’s normal for partners in a relationship to discuss their future plans and the kind of life they will want for their future kids. But this topic shouldn’t be discussed in the first month of your relationship.
The attitude of some ladies are signs of a desperate woman. You met him just a few days back, and you are now feeling head over heels about him. All you could think of at noon is him. You stop over at his place in the evening, and all you could discuss with him is a future together. I will like our kids to be this or that; I will want to have a dozen babies from you. By the time you finish with your discussion, he has already concluded an excellent plan to have you out of his apartment.
A lot of women partake in this, yet see nothing wrong with it. If she is so much interested in your money and ready to date you because of your wealth, then it’s obvious she is a desperate woman.
No lady will take pride in seeing her man in the hands of another woman, no matter your love claims for her. She will do everything to end the relationship. As for a desperate woman, all that concerns her is being in a relationship, even as a side chic. She needs a man who will bring out the woman in her and nothing more.
Have you had any experience with these signs of a desperate woman, or you wish to contribute to this article, let’s hear your opinion in our comment session below.
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Are you in a schizophrenic relationship ? Sometimes things are going great. Sometimes it all falls apart. One moment she’s making you dinner, and the next she’s on the floor bawling. What’s going on? Maybe you’ve gotten mixed up with a desperate woman.
This type of woman is completely dependent on you for her emotional well-being . She needs you to bolster her self esteem, and she’s terrified you might leave. Everything she does is designed to make you stay and get you to focus on her. If you think your girlfriend is desperate, look for these 8 signs.
Your girlfriend is expecting you to be in the same emotional place that she is. She wants you to commit early and often. She will profess love and devotion to you after just a short time. She may even tell others that you two are much more committed than you really are. When she loves you before she’s had time to know you, it’s a sure sign that she’s more interested in snagging a husband than in developing a real relationship .
Remember that a desperate woman has a goal of husband and family, which she feels she needs for fulfillment. If she can trap you into a marriage with an unexpected pregnancy , she’ll be happy to do it. This plan can only end in tragedy if she keeps it a secret from you.
The desperate woman will act as if she had no life before you came along. She will agree with your every opinion, adopt your concerns and interests, and participate in your life as if she always has. She’ll become best friends with your friends and try to turn them into her advocates. She’s trying to make herself completely unobjectionable to you. She behaves this way because, initially, it works. She inserts herself into your life without your realizing it.
As part of her constant attempts for affection, she will dress provocatively even when it’s not appropriate. This is another way to fish for compliments, by showing a lot of skin and enjoying the leers of those around her.
She will spend a lot of time talking about the deficiencies of her previous boyfriends .
She’ll outline how they refused to support her or pay attention to her. She’ll make you feel good by comparing you favorably to those troglodytes. But she’s really just trying to flatter you into being the kind of man she wants .
If she can’t spend even one evening alone, then she’s extremely insecure. It’s a clear sign that she’s completely dependent on others for her self worth. She’ll also be constantly on the phone or texting people. She’ll constantly call and text you as well.
The desperate woman constantly does you favors and buys you gifts . She bakes for you, cleans your house and buys you new clothes. All this is great unless it’s inappropriate for the stage of relationship you’re in. The nice things you two do for each other should be a give and take , not a constant fawning on her part. She’s using these continuous unrequested favors to set up an obligation for you to love her.
She will not only want constant affirmation from you, but also from her friends, her boss and even her pets. She’ll fish for compliments. She’ll be disproportionately upset when she doesn’t get a stream of affection from whomever she’s around.
The desperate woman can be hard to spot because she’s good at making herself attractive. However, if you see some red flags now in your relationship, it may be time to move on before you get too deeply involved.
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Posted on Last updated: December 15, 2021
With love, there are no fixed rules which you follow to make your relationship work.
When you experience failure, dark and awful thoughts come to your mind. Maybe you were clingy or too pushy.
Well, in this article I will list the signs of a desperate woman which might help you understand why it didn’t work the first time and how you can improve your worth. 
We have all been there, as all of us try to find love. Experiencing a breakup and losing someone you love is difficult to comprehend and deal with.
While some people deal with a breakup in a healthy and respectful manner, others have trouble starting the healing process. 
Appearing as a desperate person hurts your self-esteem and lowers your self-worth.
You become stuck in a vicious circle of seeking affirmation from men who are ready to take advantage of such a broken girl and treat her poorly. 
The process of healing after a breakup is important because it gives you the opportunity to reflect on what went wrong and to work on yourself and your self-esteem. 
Well, the truth can be difficult to explain sometimes but the signs of a desperate woman are there.
Some women are attention seekers and they want all the focus on them from the first date onward.
You come off as a desperate person, which is a huge red flag for men. 
Maybe some women think that is behavior that men like. They saw it on social media or somewhere else that a man likes a clingy or needy woman.
It’s wrong to think that men don’t like a challenge. Men like the thrill of the chase, and they prefer quality over quantity; well, some men do. 
Some women believe they are missing out on something and act out of fear of being left out, or some women are not capable of being alone and they want a man in their life.
Those types of women are never content with themselves, and they will never fall in love with a man. 
Also, some women are just having a hard time and are going through some stuff in their life, while some want to take their mind off something or someone. 
Whatever the case may be, if a man sees the signs of a desperate woman, it is a definite warning that their relationship won’t work.
It’s a typical example of destructive behavior that most men simply won’t tolerate. 
Some of the best dating advice I have been given is to not come across as desperate or needy.
If you don’t think you know what that means, then the following signs of a needy woman might help you realize whether you are one or not.
Social media is a very powerful tool and it can be very useful if we use it properly.
In today’s world, it is inevitable that we use social media, but as my best friend said, it can be your friend or your enemy.
Social media can help you meet the love of your life or make you seem like a needy and desperate person. 
Most of us see how a person looks for the first time via social media but being a social media queen and constantly clicking like and commenting on your crush’s pictures is a huge turn-off for men. 
A desperate person who has low self-esteem will post dozens of pictures of themselves half-naked and wearing questionable outfits just to show their crush who is the boss. 
If you seek his attention by posting questionable pictures on social media, just stop. Those pictures will forever stay on the Internet and your self-esteem will be shattered.
After all, you will realize at one point what you have done and there is no turning back.
Also, you should not be posting sad or negative pictures just to get his attention because he won’t notice you, believe me.
We all know that being clingy and seeking constant affirmation diminishes your self-worth, but why do some women do that?
Well, they believe that if they get dumped, it will crush them. 
Instead of moving on and starting the healing process, they hold on to their man with dear life.
A desperate woman in a relationship wants to stay as close as possible to her man and constantly asks questions such as, “Where were you last night?” or, “Who were you with?” and so on. 
You may even think that always being there will make your man love you more, but it won’t.
Maybe you often stay the night at his place or regularly visit him at work when he has a lunch break.
Yes, it is sweet that you think about your man and surprise him from time to time but being needy or clingy will get you nowhere.
Your man or potential partner will leave you because he will feel like you are suffocating him. 
We’ve all been there and experienced this so I don’t blame you or your behavior.
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