Desperate Piss

Desperate Piss


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What's your most desperate pee holding story???

 On 2/3/2021 at 11:26 PM, StrwbryMilkTae said:
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January 31, 2021 in Omorashi & peeing experiences

What's the time you've held your pee for the longest ever of your life and being the most desperate???

Hmmmmm.... probably my school "accident" I was so desperate because I was too shy to ask for the bathroom prior to finishing my test that I had small streams run down my legs... but I don't think anyone ever knew. I did make it to the bathroom before totally letting go though

Airplane trip with a friend... I have it posted on my page.

Airplane trip with a friend... I have it posted on my page.

Yes you have. Very good story(; with the streams running down your legs!

Posted it before, but the worst was probably coming back from a ski trip and being stuck in the back seat of a van for a couple of hours. I neglected to go before we left the mountain and was already quite uncomfortable an hour into the ride. Another hour later and it was like trying to hold back the tide.

We finally made a pit stop and lucky me had to wait for everyone else to get out of the vehicle before it was my turn. Complete agony. I pretty much ran directly to the bathroom, but I lost control just as I got to the stall. My bladder was half empty before I could even get my snow pants off.  They hid the accident pretty well, but underneath was soaked, even my boots. I was so miserable!

Car holding, it was intentional though and I did not make it dry but I wore a diaper

I was 13 or 14 and into omo. Decided to drink lots of water and do a hold on the car ride down from visiting family. I REALLY had to go about 45 mins before we'd reach home. There was a rest stop around that time and I asked, but my mother and aunt said they just wanted to get home (they had to go, but hate using public restrooms). I think I leaked a little a few times in those 45 mins. My bladder hurt a lot, and mins felt like hours! When we got home, my mother, aunt, and my sisters occupied all the restrooms in the house, so I went to the side of our house (it was dark outside) and peed. Once I started I probably couldn't stop if I wanted to. It felt so great though. My bladder and muscles around the area felt sore for a short while after I peed.

I was 19 in the army cadets away at an army camp just outside a town called Lincoln with the full battalion of kids,

it was Friday night we signed out to go into town for a night out,

we were dropped off by the 4.5t trucks about 7.30 and told to be be back in the trucks for 10,

Me and my 2 mates found a pub and started to drink,

after 2pints my mates went to toilet, I didn’t need bad enough yet, we ordered our third pint,

nearing the end of the pint I decided I had to go soon just then a familiar face looked in and ordered us back to the trucks,there had been some trouble with ours and local kids and we were all being ordered back early to let things cool down,

we left the pub immediately and made our way to the trucks and got in, we waited a while maybe 20 mins for some others then a decision was made for a land rover to stay behind for one or two more still missing so the trucks could go,

By the time we set off i was bursting to say the least as we bumped our way along the back country roads to the camp, wasn’t too far but only doing 15- 20 mph on those roads took about 40mins,

i have never had to wait so long having had so much to drink, I was holding and squeezing myself I was so close to humiliating myself worse still we had female cadets too some of the senior ones were in the trucks too, I could feel their eyes on me but I couldn’t do anything except keep on holding and staring out the back of the truck,

we eventually arrived at camp and I had to drop down off the back of the truck about 4 feet to the ground that jolt was excruciating i hobbled towards the toilet block still squeezing myself till I got in, when I Had to stop squeezing to undo my belt and button flies I was peeing in my shorts, I held my breath trying to stop the flow enough till I got my jeans and shorts down and out the way it took about 3 seconds enough time to soak myself a good bit, now free of my clothing I could relax and let go, the relief was incredible, peed for ages...

I recon my last pee before we went out till the back to camp pee was about 4 hrs, 

I think it has to be the one time me and some classmates went for an after school a few days before graduation. And we sat there buying a lot of beers i think before everyone was going home we where at atleast 6-7 beers. I didn't go to pee at all i was just sitting on my seat just because i didn't feel the very need to pee. When i got up i felt a small urge but nothing massive so i thought i'd make home easy. I had about max 20 minutes home from this bar with my bicycle, but mid way home i felt my urge just blasted up to a 9. And being on a bike while moving your legs repetitively is not the easiest way to hold your pee in that desperate type of state. Now i'm only max 3 min away from my place and my bladder just maxed out even more to a 12/10. Made it to the front door and park my bike but when i was about to run inside when my bladder just exploded and soaked my jeans badly. I think i did get an bladder infection because a little over a week and a half i would need to pee only after a glass of water atleast over ten times a day with a desperation straight at 10.

My longest and most desperate are two separate ones. Longest was when I was dehydrated and held for 26 hours. I was certainly desperate at the end, but not the most desperate I've ever been. That goes to a story I've told many times in this forum, but I guess I can tell it again here. It was my sophomore year of high school, and we went on a really long, all-day field trip. I drank a cup of coffee when I first got up and a bottle of water in the late morning, shortly before arriving at the destination. When we're boarding the buses to go back mid-afternoon, I have a slight urge to pee, but I'm also extremely thirsty, so I drink another bottle of water. When we're about halfway back to the school we make a rest stop, but I still don't have to pee very badly. I hate public bathrooms, so I decide to continue holding. This is a mistake, as the water doesn't catch up with me until after that stop. I'm determined not to use the bathroom on the bus (it was a coach, not a school bus, so it had one), so for the last hour of the trip I just sit there talking with the people around me while trying to hold back all the pee from all the stuff I've drank. We make it back to the school, but then I have to contend with the half hour drive home. Fortunately my dad's driving and not me, so I'm able to just keep focusing on holding back all this pee. Finally we make it home. I immediately go to the bathroom, and I'm bulging so much it's hard to unbutton my jeans. Eventually I get them unbuttoned, but I don't pee just yet. I decide to time how long it takes me to get all this pee out, so I pull out my iPod and open the clock app. With everything lined up, it's finally time for the much-needed release. I end up timing it at a minute and 23 seconds, which to this day is my record for longest pee.

One time on a road trip I rather thick-headedly decided to keep up a habit I had made of drinking a glass (or bottle) of water every half hour. This habit was started whilst doing physics homework in an attic as somewhat of a hobby, but I was well within range of a bathroom. After the third bottle, I and my bladder had realized that this was a bad idea. 

I don't know if it was just me, but it felt like that was the most "oops, that was a good stop. too late now" road trip I've ever been on.

Eventually, within 15 minutes of a rest stop, I was out of clench. I was in full throttle reverse, and had no Idea if I would stay dry over any bump in the (thankfully) smooth road. At about 8-10 minutes, we finally had a place to pull over. 

I could feel myself walking awkwardly, but I hurried out of the car, and PEEeed soggily for about 40 seconds (I think I was counting for part of it, but I then used my watch, so it may be off by about 3 sec). I felt so good coming back, and everyone was chuckling at how I'd walked funny. But the driver double-checked with me that I had learned from my action and would never drink like that on such a trip again. He lacked nothing in assurance from me on the matter :-)

I immediately go to the bathroom, and I'm bulging so much it's hard to unbutton my jeans. Eventually I get them unbuttoned, but I don't pee just yet. I decide to time how long it takes me to get all this pee out, so I pull out my iPod and open the clock app. With everything lined up, it's finally time for the much-needed release. I end up timing it at a minute and 23 seconds, which to this day is my record for longest pee.

I would "love" this, but I'm out of reactions for today. <3<3<3

The most desperate I've ever been was either

1) During an intentional hold (fully clothed), I was grinding through my jeans on the arm of a couch, to take my mind off the ache. The arousal helped, but I accidentally angled my body too far forward, jamming the arm of the couch into my bladder. Pee shot into my pants, and genuine panic filled me, because I wasn't sure how to clean all the fabric around me (couch, pillows, carpet) if I emptied myself. Urinating forcefully into my jeans, I ran onto my second floor balcony and exploded, unable to remove any of my clothing. 

2) Roadtrip to a nearby city with my high school friends (I was college age, though. Just visiting old friends). 
I was desperate in the car, and I couldn't hold it. I started leaking in the passengers seat up front, gritting my teeth and clenching my muscles. It was no use. The back of my pants was SOAKED. Mortified, I tied my hoodie around the back of my waist, and was able to hold the rest until we made it to a visitors center. Once in front of the toilet, I started emptying myself so fast, I couldn't even remove my underwear, I just desperately shot my pee through it into the toilet. (I had removed my pants, though) Thankfully, no friends said anything, but I was so embarrassed this was not an enjoyable time.

I went to a school disco at my friends school we were 12, we were drinking soft drinks and dancing with girls to the loud music, it was amazing I was so excited to be chatting and dancing with the girls, the hall was dark with the flashing disco lights on,

we were all intermingling and dancing then sitting at the tables chatting having a great time, i was with this one girl I had been dancing with she was special I really liked her, i had felt the need to pee for a while now as I realised I was squirming in my seat a good bit as we chatted as I hadn’t been to the toilet once yet and the soft drinks naturally made me need to pee, my pee shyness prevented me from excusing myself and going to find the toilet so I continued to hold on squirming on my seat,

she grabbed my hand and pulled me up to dance again, I wasn’t as bad now I was up on my feet dancing I was still aware I was really needing the toilet but tried to ignore it for as long as possible or until I got a chance to slip out the hall to go find where they were,

we dancedfor a few songs then joined the others sitting at the tables, my squirming returned as I sat there getting concerned now about my need to pee, i was sitting trying to behave normally but my legs were scissoring open and shut as I sat on the edge of the seat, I was doing a good job keeping my enormous need to pee in check, it must have been obvious to all I was bursting but no one said anything,

the girl got up with others to dance again this time I declined, I had decided I had to find the toilet urgently now, I got up and walked out the door into the corridor, to the right were glass fire doors the corridor beyond in darkness, I went left towards the front entrance the way we came in, i was squirming as I walked hands in pockets squeezing myself now I was so desperate, through the next fire doors the corridor opened up to the main foyer janitors office to the left which I suddenly realised was the toilet for use, a line of about 5 kids boys and girls waiting to use the only toilet available marshalled by a female school teacher, she saw me arrive and said if I was looking for the toilet wait in line, I knew I couldn’t stand in the line without doing a serious pee dance and was shocked I wasn’t able to walk right into the toilet to pee as I was expecting I just said I would come back later, I did a u turn and walked back up the corridor through the doors towards the hall, I had left it too long, what was I going to do, I couldn’t go back in the hall an accident to my shock was going to happen any minute, my squirming walk hands in pockets holding myself wasn’t going to hold back my pee much longer, 

i walked past the hall to the set of fire doors that led to the corridor in darkness, i was walking up on my tip toes now grasping at myself squirming realising I had seconds before I couldn’t do any more to hold back my pee I was holding my breath, next breath and the floodgates would be open, I pushed the door, it swung open into the dark corridor just the moonlight coming through the glass windows for light, chairs were stacked against the windows I was frantic to find a place to pee, there was a gap in the columns of chairs a few meters up I did a frantic pee dance as I headed for the gap undoing my trousers I just made it in the gap as I pulled my trousers away to free me just in time as I started to pee full force into the gap, i was so relieved I was able to pee in the dark corridor and shocked at the size of the puddle, i rejoined the hall so relieved, that was the closest call I may have ever had,

At my school, they removed the stalls and urinal dividers, so there was zero privacy whatsoever. They said it was to stop kids from smoking, but I don't think it helped with that since kids still smoked outside between the buildings. I developed very bad shy bladder syndrome as a kid, I think as a result of a traumatic bullying incident. Not having any privacy at school toilets meant that I couldn't use them at all, no matter how desperate I got. Some days it would get so bad that I'd have this awful pain from my bladder all the way up into my back, just beneath my ribcage, and I still wouldn't be able to pee for the life of me. I'd go before school and then right when I got home, but thanks to the long bus ride that usually meant 11+ hours without being able to pee, and so desperation was a regular occurrence for me. 

I think the worst incident was on this day we had some test for gym in high school. We were instructed to drink a minimum amount of water beforehand. So, that meant my usual strategy of restricting fluid intake at school in the hopes of it being more manageable went out the window. I had gym before lunch, and that extra bit of water put me over the edge. By mid afternoon, I was in agony, and doing everything I could to not let anyone notice how desperate I was. That's the worst part to me, fidgeting around does nothing but let everyone around me know that I'm bursting. I tried to go at each break, to no avail. I tried to go in the middle of one class since I thought that maybe if the room and the halls were empty, I'd be able to relax easier. That didn't work either, because I continued to worry that the door would open. You'd think that with how hard it is to keep still when you need to go, it would be easy to let it out once you stop moving around, but no. Instead, all I'd get is an increase in the pressure and an urge to start squirming again. It is ridiculously frustrating to be standing in front of a toilet, desperately shifting from foot to foot, and still not peeing a drop. 

I made it to the end of the day, but then I had to ride home. I sat in the furthest back corner of the bus so that it would be less likely anyone would notice how twisted up I was. I stared out the window, counting down the streets left until I'd be home and finally be able to relieve myself. Partway through the ride, I had to start holding myself, and kept looking up in paranoia of someone looking my way and seeing where my hand was. I was sure someone must have noticed and figured out what was wrong with me, and I could feel my face burning. The ride seemed to last an eternity, but finally it was over and my stop had been reached. Thankfully, the stop was very close to my house, but having to stand up and walk off the bus after spending so much time doubled over made it feel like I was about to split open. 

After the bus had left, my hands immediately went back between my legs. It was murder getting up the stairs to the front door, and I felt myself start to dribble as I unlocked it and rushed in. I was always home alone after school, so the instant the door was shut, I was already tearing at my belt while rushing to the restroom. I'd learned from experience that if I didn't get it apart right away, I'd leak in earnest once I saw the toilet. I was unzipping before I got to the restroom, and had started peeing a couple steps from the toilet before I could really aim. But, finally I could relax and let it all out. It was pure bliss, it nearly felt good enough that it made up for all the pain I'd endured leading up to it. 

I was at a fairground with friends years ago, it was run by the travelling gypsies pitched up on waste ground so no toilets I was aware of,

i saw 2 girls at a slots machine, one was playing the machine the other was beside her just watching but was pee dancing and holding herself through her skirt, as I played a machine I was able to watch as the girl in a very desperate state was pleading with her friend to stop playing and go with her to the toilet, the friend was brushing her off saying wait a minute till she was done, the desperate girl tried her best to wait and hold on she was constantly holding and squirming until she saw me watching, she stopped holding but kept on squirming and dancing and renewed her plea to her friend to stop playing and to go with her, I kept playing trying to watch out the corner of my eye, she was holding again as she danced on the spot on the brink of pissing herself pleading again with her friend, they then left and went behind the truck where there were caravans I assume she squatted to pee half hidden by the trailer,

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