Desktop Appraisals Vs. On-site Appraisals: What's The Difference?

Desktop Appraisals Vs. On-site Appraisals: What's The Difference?

Among the most often popular questions about aircraft evaluations are “What is the variation between desktop and on-site appraisals?” There’re some crucial distinctions between the two systems that any prospective aircraft buyer or seller should understand. Let's compare desktop and on-site appraisals to see which an ideal for your plane or helicopter is.

 Aircraft & Helicopter Desktop Appraisals

This type of appraisal is done without personally inspecting the aircraft. The appraiser does the research at his desk. Desktop evaluations are based on the plane or helicopter's exact make and model. The appraiser uses this information together with other data to evaluate the value of the aircraft or helicopter. This complicates the evaluation process because the value is determined by the manufacturer, model, and current market, not the aircraft itself. When determining the value of a car, the appraiser looks at similar sales. These comps assist the appraiser to calculate the aircraft's possible selling price. As long as the plane is in good shape with no major faults, a desktop appraisal will give a good idea of its current market value.

A desktop appraisal is quick and cheap. This appraisal is quicker than an on-site appraisal because the aircraft doesn’t need to be evaluated in person. A desktop examination of a plane or helicopter can be done within 24 to 48 hours. Aircraft Desktop Appraisals are usually less expensive than on-site appraisals because there’s no need to transfer the aircraft. As long as the appraiser has reliable information about the plane or helicopter, they can determine a realistic valuation.

On-site Appraisals of Aircraft and Helicopters

An on-site appraisal entails a comprehensive examination of the aircraft. The appraiser scrutinizes and shoots the plane or helicopter. This allows the appraiser to investigate the aircraft's intricacies, analyze it thoroughly, and establish its genuine value.

On-site evaluations are more accurate. The evaluator does not have to depend solely on research and comparative sales prices to appraise the aircraft. By inspecting the aircraft in person, he may identify problems or worth that he would not have seen based on documentation and internet search. He can assess the quality of the fixes, wear and tear, and other factors that affect the aircraft's genuine value.

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