Desi Erotic Stories

Desi Erotic Stories


My wife and I had been married for two years at the time this took place. She was twenty-three and I was twenty-six. Her DD-cup breasts had always drawn attention and I always got turned on when she wore clothes that showed them off.
I remember one time before we were married, Julie was seventeen and I was twenty. We were at a wedding and Julie was wearing a silk dress with no bra and the dress showed quite a lot of the tops of her breasts and her cleavage. Every time I danced with her I had a hard cock that she pressed against. In the end, she suggested that we leave before the end of the evening as we were both so turned on. 
As soon as we got in the car, in the car park, we were kissing and I was playing with her breasts. I love playing with them, having been allowed to do it since the day after we first met. After a while, we knew we needed to go somewhere we could have sex. We talked about whether to go and park somewhere deserted, as we sometimes did, or whether to go back to her mum's house and wait for her mum to go upstairs for her bath, as we usually did when I was at her house. 
We decided to prolong the anticipation, and also be more comfortable, so I started driving to her home. For the first time ever, Julie had her breasts out as we drove along and she also got my cock out and stroked it as I drove.
Mark and Donna returned home to their large downtown apartment and looked into the nursery to check on their six-month-old daughter Cindy. She was sleeping peacefully. In the rocking chair next to the baby's bed, their nanny and wet-nurse Devi was knitting by the dim light of a lamp. Devi looked up and smiled that the young couple.
They closed the nursery door and walked back to their bedroom. They talked about how lucky they were to have found Devi just after Cindy was born. It was as if it was meant to be. Devi needed a place to stay and they had extra room. They needed a nanny for Cindy as Donna would have to go back to her lucrative job shortly after giving birth. And to top it all off, as sad as Cindy was to not be able to breastfeed her baby, Devi was a wet-nurse! And she had worked for Mark's sister a year ago and had other excellent references.
As they got ready for bed, still a little tipsy from the wine they had with dinner the couple counted their blessings. They had a healthy baby cared for by a wonderful live-in nanny who genuinely seemed to care about her. She lived in the nursery and was as quiet as a church mouse. They could easily afford her fee and she didn't disrupt their little family's routines at all. In fact, she was becoming a part of the family.
 "Honey, we honestly can't keep doing this anymore."
It was a Monday morning once again in the McCarthy household. John McCarthy was a stockbroker in his mid 30s. With close to a decade of experience in his field, coupled with stellar degrees from one of the top colleges in the country, he was a very successful individual in his profession. Like many successful men, he was also very dominant in his personal relationships, especially with regards to his wife. But therein also lied his uniqueness among other successful men. While his kind usually enjoyed a wide spectrum of female company both emotionally and physically, Mr. McCarthy had only ever been with one woman in his entire life.
They had met each other in middle school. John had asked her out towards the end, and they had been together all the way through high school and college. Shortly after securing a steady job, he had put his name on her, and thus his high school sweetheart had become his Emily McCarthy at the age of 23.
 This story is set in India and is about Rajesh, his wife Pooja & his mother-in-law Sujata. It is a passionate tale about crossing the lines of relationship in pursuit of real sexual happiness.
Rajesh was a handsome 26-year-old man married to Pooja; 3 years younger than him. Their marriage was about 30 months old. They were a young independent couple living in an apartment in Gurgaon in India. Rajesh was a manager at a call center & Pooja was tele calling executive.
Rajesh & Pooja met for the first time at their workplace. He was a handsome young man with position of slight power. It was easy for him to get the girls in his call center. Pooja was also one such conquest. However, there was something about her which set her apart. Her energy in bed was way different than other girls, which took Rajesh to different levels of pleasures altogether.
 Not sure if all husbands take their wives for granted after a certain point in life. My husband sure did. He not only take me for granted but also started being abusive if I say a no to him for something and ultimately that lead to our divorce. This incident made me pull the plug on our relationship.
My husband was a cuckold. I realized it some four years into the marriage and down the line another two years I found myself giving into his fantasies and having sex with other men who were his friends. He enjoyed watching me with them and once they were done he used to have sex with me and I was always getting a lot more pleasure and hence I was ok with it too. His friends knew my likes and dislikes and hence they never tried to make my unhappy.
Along with being a cuck my husband also had a few fantasies of me being blindfolded or being tied to the bed, etc. and I have always entertained his fantasies. I have also said a no to a few guys he had suggested if I did not like them and he was ok with that. It was an understanding that we had.
Since we had a lot of these experiments at home, we got our bedroom soundproof. No sound comes in or out of the bedroom once all the doors and windows are closed and this helped me be myself in moaning out loud or for the men to grunt and say things without the fear of anyone outside hearing.
 We were married for 5 years now and we wanted to celebrate our 5th anniversary in a way that we would remember. My best friend since school days, Gayathri, was a part of the planning for me. She was good in suggesting things we probably can do for our anniversary.
Since she is my best friend, or I would say a soul sister to me, I asked if she and her hubby can also join us, to make the day more special for me. She agreed instantly and a one day plan became a week long holiday plan for the four of us.
Our husbands had left it on us to plan for the entire trip and what we wanted to do, etc. After discussing much, we both decided that we will re-live what we both had done during our college days, during one of the vacations. 'All of us live in the same room in the resort!'
We had done it during our college days, with our then boyfriends, for economic reasons. We did not dare do anything then, except for a bit of hugs and kisses since we were shy, embarrassed and nervous to do anything in each other presence. And yes, we wanted to re-live that experience with our husbands this time, after nearly a decade.
 Hi, I am Sonal, a housewife from a good family, living in a metro city with my husband and kid from his first wife who was no more due to an accident. My life became almost routine, my husband used to travel a lot due to business, and the kid is at boarding school so most of the time I used to be alone at home. Though my marriage was two years old my husband was not interested in having children with me, I felt like he was avoiding me. I made him clear I will not discriminate and treat all kids as mine but he still does not like me, looks like he married me just for society.
Slowly I stopped the topic of pregnancy and he also forgot that he has a wife now. At age of 25, it was hard for me to stop dreaming about my child. To kill time, I started to surf online, tried few games then found few erotic materials which I found interesting than porn so loved to read those erotic materials slowly started to chat with their writers and made friends with some of them.
As days passed I came to know that most of the stories were fake and very few were real and horny and seductive. Now slowly I started to think of myself in place of the actress of the story and surprisingly I started getting high and later released my sexual tension and I used to feel good and later it became a habit for me to release myself while reading those stories again and again.

 Nisha had arranged to meet Meenakshi for a drink on the way home from work. It had been a while since they had met without their two husbands and they had missed the opportunity to have a candid, racy conversation about their sex lives; one of the whispered, giggly conversations they had always had over a bottle or two of wine ever sinceNisha had been Meenakshi's bridesmaid many years earlier. She looked forward to hearing about what Meenakshi and her husband, Rishi, had been getting up to between the sheets since last they had talked.
They had decided to meet in the West End in a small bar near Piccadilly. Meenakshi had taken the day off and had spent it shopping on Oxford Street. The shops had been busy and she was running late so she texted Nisha to let her know. Receiving the text, Nisha sighed and looked at her Instagram to pass the time. This wasn't the first time Meenakshi had been late.
Lori and Tom lived in a comfortable suburban neighborhood. The couple had always had an active sex life, but lately it seemed to Lori as though they were going through the motions. Their two children were both in college now, living in their own apartments. Lori and Tom had the house to themselves, even though it was summer. Although they had a lot more time together, Lori felt something was missing. Tom was busy with work, but Lori was home everyday, She brought it up one day after dinner, as they were having drinks on the living room sofa.
"Tom, I think we need to open up our sex life."
Tom was taken aback. "What do you mean, hon?"
"Well, it seems so routine now, like it's scripted. Saturday or Sunday morning. Remember when we were in college? We didn't know whether, or sometimes even who we were going to fuck on the weekend!"
Tom laughed. "Yes, I remember. But that was before we got married and had children."
"Yes, but we are still fairly young. And we look great. We need to spice things up. I'm horny all the time. I want to fuck more."
I discover I have a strange attraction to this older woman
Previously: As you may recall, Glenn, my husband's best friend and college roommate, was staying at our home during the summer of 2015. I had given birth to my first child, Amy, less than a month prior to Glenn arriving.

One evening, my husband, Chris, convinced me to breast feed our daughter in the living room while he and our house guest watched. It sounded innocent enough, but the sexual tension was unmistakable as I bared my breasts in front of my husband and his best friend.

That night Chris also convinced me to allow them to sample my breast milk. I sat there, my eyes tightly closed, silently trying to stifle my moans, as my husband and his friend felt and sucked on my milk engorged tits while I caressed their heads. It was wicked, naughty and very sexy.
 My lovers and I spend the fourth of July weekend in Vail
The relationship:

In retrospect, I should have seen this coming. In the weeks following my decision to open my marriage, as well as my thighs to my husband's best friend, Glenn, the emotional entanglements became more obvious and real. Glenn claimed that he was in love with me. If I am honest, I shared those feelings towards him as well.

My emotional connection to Glenn was not surprising since he was only the second man with whom I had made love, and the second man with whom I had ever climaxed. I guess I was infatuated with my new lover.

Just to be clear, I was not contemplating ending my marriage. I was deeply in love with my husband, of that I was sure. In fact, I loved Chris even more for allowing me to enjoy and experience his best friend. However, I could not deny, at least not to myself, that I loved Glenn as well.
 Chris and Glenn want to take me at the same time! Is that even possible?

As you may recall, Glenn, my husband's best friend and college roommate, was staying at our home during the summer of 2015. I had given birth to my first child, Amy, less than a month earlier. 

The first two weeks of Glenn's stay went smoothly, however, my life changed completely one Friday evening in early June.

My husband, Chris, convinced me to breast feed our daughter in the living room while he and our house guest watched. It sounded innocent enough, but the sexual tension was unmistakable as I bared my breasts in front of my husband and his best friend.

That night Chris also convinced me to allow them to sample my breast milk. I sat there, my eyes closed, silently trying to stifle my moans, as my husband and his friend felt and sucked on my milk engorged tits while I caressed their heads. It was wicked, naughty and very sexy.
Chris, Glenn and I establis the rules before they seduce me again

As you read previously, my husband's best friend and college roommate, Glenn, stayed with us at our home in Aurora, Colorado during the summer of 2015. I had given birth to my first child, Amy, less than a month earlier, and was breast feeding her.

Soon after Glenn's arrival, I became aware that he had discovered some naked pictures of me that my husband, Chris, had taken when we were students at Penn State. While embarrassed, I was also flattered and somewhat aroused by the thought of this twenty one year old hunk looking at pictures of me naked, and possibly masturbating to them. My husband found the idea equally stimulating.

On Friday night, June 13, 2015, my life changed completely when my husband convinced me to breast feed our daughter in the living room while he and our house guest watched. It sounded innocent enough, but the sexual tension was unmistakable as I bared my breasts in front of these two men.

As you read in chapter one, my husband's best friend and college roommate, Glenn, stayed with us at our home in Aurora, Colorado during his internship during the summer of 2015. I had given birth to my first child, Amy, less than a month earlier, and was breast feeding her.

Soon after Glenn's arrival, I became aware that he had discovered some naked pictures of me that my husband, Chris had taken when we were still students at Penn State University. While embarrassed, I was also flattered and somewhat aroused by the thought of this twenty one year old hunk looking at pictures of me naked, and possibly masturbating to them. My husband found the idea equally stimulating.

On Friday night, June 13, 2015, my life changed completely when my husband convinced me to breast feed my one month old daughter, Amy, in the living room while he and our house guest watched. It sounded innocent enough, but the sexual tension was unmistakable as I bared my breasts in front of these two men.
Setting the context:

First, a little about me. I am twenty three, and married to my high school sweetheart.

I am five foot, nine inches tall, with a slender athletic frame. My hair is blond and I frequently wear it in a ponytail, giving me a youthful, innocent look, even when naked.

Normally, my breasts are small, but firm and perky with large prominent nipples. However, at the time of these events, my breasts were much larger as they were temporarily engorged with milk for my baby.

I also have a pretty face with blond hair and green eyes. I have a sweet, innocent, ‘wholesome’ look about me. Yes, objectively speaking, I am quite pretty.

Chris and I started dating during my junior year in high school. I lost my virginity to Chris during my senior year in high school on Christmas Eve, in December, 2011. I was a few months short of my eighteenth birthday. Chris was home from Penn State for the holidays.

Upon graduating from high school, I followed Chris to Penn State where we dated exclusively until we got married at the end of my sophomore year of college. The wedding was held in the chapel on campus in State College Pennsylvania.
The perks of being the boss are everybody listens to you. The fun part about being a boss is all the secretaries who suck at their jobs offer their bodies for trade. Not a bad place to be in. Over the years, I have had sex with several of my secretarial staff. The funny thing is, they all know that so and so is banging the boss. All the little nymphs are in competition to woo the boss to like them.

I’ve had my share of little sluts. I’ve had the kind of secretaries that wear very revealing clothes and like to be bent over my desk and fucked like a whore. I’ve had the nerdy type who like to be under my desk sucking my cock through business meetings. I’ve also had the kind who like to be wined and dined and treated like a mistress.

But, my latest conquest is Jill. Jill came to the office as a temporary employee. I liked her immediately and gave her a job. The thing about Jill is, she’s seven months pregnant. She’s a fire-cracker too. Her body is amazingly hot. She’s about 5”7” and before being pregnant was probably around one hundred and twenty pounds. Now that she’s pregnant, she has that curvy look and weighs maybe one hundred and fifty pounds or thereabouts.
Hello friends! I am Ravi back with my new story. The incident I am going to narrate has occurred recently when I got admitted in an institute to learn a software course. It is really great story about my oral and anal sex with a great mature lady. Our class strength was 10 consisting of 3 guys and 7 ladies. The class was for 2 hours each day for 3 months. Among all of the ladies, there was one lady whose age I figured was 26 years and looked somewhat familiar. I could recall that she was living in the lane next to mine. I am damn sure anyone can piss in their pants after just looking at her. Her figure is 38C-30-40 and name is Sunita. She is about 5 feet 3 inches in height and of milky-white complexion. Sunita generally comes to the institute with light-colored siffon sarees with sleeveless deep cut blouse with the MANGALSUTRA hanging around her neck. She wore saree below her navel which makes her looks sexier. Sunita uses red lipstick and her nails are polished red which multiplied her beauty. Whenever she entered the institute, everybody’s attention was drawn to her.
At the second class, Sunita sat closer to me during the practice session. I touched her body and I got a shock. It was electric! And I think she knew it! We chatted for a while and easily became friends. During the chit-chat, I came to know that her hubby wants her to join the software industry. He is working as an IT-recruiter and it is easy for him to push her. Sunita even disclosed that she has just conceived a lovely child. As we get up and down in the bus at the bus stop, I always eagerly waited for her. One day I went closer to her in the bus and started to put my dick exactly in her bu
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