

What you will learn in the course:

  • On completion of this course you would be able to develop and deploy your applications over Amazon Cloud- Amazon Web Services.
  • You would be in a position to take AWS Developer Certification Exam and qualify with good marks.
  • Having command over various options, services and tools available including compute, database, storage, management and other options.

Short Description

In this course, we would explore Amazon Cloud- Amazon Web Services. We would explore AWS Developer Certification that one can take, exploring the learning path.

Overview of Course Content:

  • AWS Developer tools
  • AWS CLI Command Line Interface
  • Lambda AWS
  • Understanding Lambda functions
  • Lambda function with API Gateway & DynamoDB
  • Cloud Database
  • Storage
  • Compute
  • AWS Management tools

Requirements for the course:

  • No prerequisites at all.
  • You just need a little experience of doing GOOGLE search only !
  • if u are aware of some cloud based or web development tools and technologies, it is helpful.

Who is the audience for the course:

  • Anyone who just wants to learn and test Amazon Web Services Platform or any developer willing to develop his/her application over Amazon Cloud- Amazon Web Services.
  • Anyone who is interested in making a career in cloud computing.
  • Who may take AWS Developer Certification Exam and would be preparing for it

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