Derpfest Official Violet - 05/05/'20 Changelog

Derpfest Official Violet - 05/05/'20 Changelog


Source changelog:
• May sec patch (r34)
• Removed the junky LockScreen clock date animation
• Redistribute QS tile on orientation change
• Moved brightness slider settings out of tuner
• Adds the ability to back em up as the rest and fixes some bugs related
• In•rom changelog got a new look, and is more readable and user friendly now
• Set a default custom QS header image
Make sure the padding changes in QS header only apply if a header is really selected
• Reverted RGB picker (was causing issues on some 3rd party apps)
• Switch to use AOSP SettingsIntelligence (No more random settings crashes for some users & search is more reliable)
• Hide notch options
• Some bluetooth related fixes
• Screen recording lags fixed
• Added "R style" notification titles
• Added new HeadsUp settings (Blacklist, stoplist, duration, snooze...)
• Allow toggling between the new QS panels and the old in•qs view
• Fixed a bug where old QS detail view UI would show instead of panels
• Fixed some translations related bugs
• Tuned some dimens to make StatusBar icons equal in size and padding
• Added battery bar (improvements yet to come)
• Move StatusBar brightness control to gesture settings
• Updates to translations
• Fixed hide power menu on LS switch
• Added flash local file option via OpenDelta
• Expandable volume panel
• Added charging bolt on battery text (toggleable)
• New icon to battery saver QS tile
• Many other miscellaneous changes

Device changelog:
• Update some audio blobs
• Merged latest coral fp
• Other miscellaneous changes

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