DerpFest Vayu Changelog
@Bagaskara815ROM Change:
- Merge August security patches (android-14.0.0_r56)
- Yaap quote: "Refactored the hell out of battery styles code"
- PixelPropsUtils: Updates from Rising OS
- DerpLauncher: Integrate themed icons into the recents
- DerpLauncher: Update themed icons
- Flash: change to FlashMode.OFF before switching usecases
- Update few translations
- SystemUI: Resolve regressions caused by continuous updating of notification icons
- PixelPropsUtils: Update fingerprint to latest husky beta
- Island: Recycle icon bitmap to avoid memory leak
- SystemUI: Show island notification on landscape
- SettingsGoogle: Fix Quick Tap open apps apps list crashing
- GameSpace: Enable enableOnBackInvokedCallback
- GameSpace: Migrate MainSwitchBar and Switch to Material3
- GameSpace: Import qs_tile_background ripple resource for tile
- DerpLauncher: allapps: Do not hide keyboard when query is empty
- DerpLauncher: allapps: Make google search of the query
- DerpLauncher: Copy 4x5 grid size from Pixel
Device Change:
- Set config_avoidGfxAccel to true
- Set swappiness to a lower value of 60
- Disable Async MTE on System Server
- Allow system_app to access zram sysfs nodes
- Disable QCOM system daemon
- Don't pin launcher app in memory
- Revert "vayu: overlay: Configure SQLite to operate in MEMORY mode"
- update HotwordEnrollment from stock
- Revert "remove dexopt props"
Kernel Change:
- Upstream OpenELA 4.14.350
- Merge tag 'LA.UM.9.1.r1-16300-SMxxx0.QSSI14.0'