DerpFest Update 20/02/2021 Changelog

DerpFest Update 20/02/2021 Changelog

Kader Bava

Rom changes:

* PixelPropsUtils: Brought back Gboard

* Decreased Gboard ime height

* Switched to Google Documents UI and enabled Launcher/Downloads intent handling for it

* Added FOD Animations and FOD icon picker

* SystemUI: Added some Derp FOD icons

* SystemUI: FODAnimation: Removed debugging

* Added Gvisual mod

* Implemented Gvisual mod navbar colors

* Added option for Gesture bar Radius

* Updated telephony stack to QSSI tag

* Added Phone ringtone setting for Multi SIM devices

* Added SIM On/off toggle for some devices

* Settings: Added missing hotspot setting to allow VPN upstreams

* SystemUI: Added padding before QS header battery icon for the privacy chip

* Added QS status bar header image options

* Added QS panel opacity slider

* Added QS status bar opacity slider

* QuickStatusBarHeader: Long-press header clock to access settings

* SystemUI: Open Sound settings on long click at the panel button

* VolumeDialog: Improved long press code

* Introduced user interface for Alert Sliders dialogs

* DerpQuest: Moved up screen off animation

* Ambient music: Added back option for changing the music ticker position

* Added Pulse navbar customizations to hwkey devices (includes cheeseburger)

* base: Allow hiding the lock icon on lockscreen

* Added Reboot/Recovery/PowerOff QS Tile

* Powermenu: Added screenshot toggle and made it optional

* Powermenu: Added Screen Record toggle and made it optional

* Switched to MD2 icons for power menu and improved layout

* Converted global actions to translucent overlay with blur

* Fixed 0.8 font scale setting crashing after r29 merge

* Added option to unlock keystore with fingerprint after reboot

* QuickStatusBarHeader: spawn blur if qs has been force expanded

* ScreenRecord: Improve low quality screen record

* Allowed to limit the max framerate of built-in screen recorder

* Fixed "navbar" being drawn in random places on the screen when activity resumed from recents on landscape

* QS Panel: Added the ability to hide/show Edit icon

* Replaced the standard toast with a material card containing the app icon

* Added support for enforcing a minimum delay between notification sounds of an app

* StatubarIconList: Fix Network traffic visibility on overlayChange()

* StatusBarIconController: Avoid cast exceptions

* Switched to different drawables for notification volume

* Switched to 0-100% values for Media art blur

* LockSettingsService: Implemented clearing moto face unlock biometrics

* AmbientPulse: Code clean up

* Replaced brightness thumb drawable in all SystemUI overlays

* Made the kill app qs tile icon prettier

* SystemUI: Dismiss keyguard on boot if disabled by current profile

* Limited direct share targets to reduce lag

* Display menu: Moved lockscreen/ambient preference on top

* Settings: Don't change nouns in summaries to lower case for German

* Settings: Updated some icons to MD2

* Updated whole Telephony stack to latest

* Added Long screenshot support

* Added G-Visual Mod

* Added Dual Ringtone support for dual sims

* Added Cyberpunk 2077 fod animations

* Added DerpFest fod icons

* Added screen shot option in power menu & made it optional

* Added screen record option in power menu & made it optional

* Added Mobile data & Bluetooth panels

* More features

* Many fixes and improvements

Device Changes:

* Latest DerpFest sources upstream

* Removed NFC for Indian Variants. (No more battery drain in screen on/off)

* Made NFC device specific.

* IDC about NFC users. Bcoz No one wants to test. So Don't complain about it.

* Removed unwanted gapps(Map, Recorder, Photos, Drive, YouTube). User can install it from playstore if they want.

* Many fixes & improvements. STABLE AF!


* Gapps Build only

* Use Magisk v21.4 stable

* Use latest orangefox or twrp recovery(A11 decryption working)


* Thanks to @pjgowtham for NFC.

* Thanks to @PapaShango2 & @malluist for Testing builds.

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