DerpFest Source Changelogs 30May21

DerpFest Source Changelogs 30May21

Source Changelog :-

- Added Status bar rounded corner size preference

- Added reTicker from Descendant

- Added option to force custom doze brightness and pulse brightness configs

- Added Fluid lock clock V2

- Type (Alt) Clock: Fixed wrong salute messages and improved it further

- Added Fluid Style Switches and removed AOSP style (can't figure out)

- Added Compass QS tile

- Screenrecord: Added an option to record for longer

- Implemented cutout force full screen

- Added 3 mode display cutout handler

- Added preference for min/max screen refresh rate

- Added support for global cleartext penalties

- Added machine learning back gesture and TensorFlow Lite model from kdrag0n

- Themes: Added themed icons for Google, Wellbeing and OP settings preference

- Themes: Let about logo follow gradients in themes

- Removed background tint from emergency tile

- Allowed screen unpinning on devices without navbar

- Fixed silent notification if screenshot is dismissed

- VolumeDialogImpl: Don't show captions info tooltip (Until layout gets fixed)

- VolumePluginManager: More fixes toggling panel

- Fixed unreadable OOS 11 clock thumbnail

- Made qs weather page follow system font setting

- LiveDisplaySettings: Unlock Reading Mode whenever is possible

- Fixed Device Config check for Ramping ringer

- Settings: Added an option for FOD in FP location overlay

- Fixes for SBC Dual Channel (SBC HD Audio) support from Lineage

- Added support to set volume for app

- Added App volume row toggle

- Added style options for settings dashboard icons

- Added Octavi's lockscreen clock

- Fixed media art with enabled face unlock

- Fixed Gaming mode master switch

- Reverted divided lines clock back to old state (accented and with weather looks ugly tbh)

- Settings: Fixed existing and added missing drawables for theming section in Display settings

- Removed now playing preference (was force disabled anyway)

- Allowed selected camera apps to skip unconfigure

- Fixed notification opacity for smart replies

- Fixed moving home stack to front in freeform mode

- Added kdrag0n's new blur improvements

- Added support for blocking background data on all interfaces

- Fixed wrong VoLTE/VoWiFi slot detection

- Fixed NPE in PowerShare qs tile

- Switched to min/max screen refresh rate preferences from Wave project

- Added Volume key cursor control (Thanks to Klozz)

- Removed option for media notification background with artwork

- Added QS media player allowed apps setting

- Added CPUInfo qs tile

- Added FPS Info qs tile

- Added switch to select SBC HD by default

- Added slider for Notifications background opacity

- Aligned volte and vowifi icon sizes with signal icon

- Lockscreen Weather: Various improvements

- Fixed the location of volume panel on devices with display cutouts

- Fixed Internet permission toggle for secondary users

- Some code improvements for bluetooth timeout feature

- ToastUI: Show app icon on system text toasts as well

- Settings: Allow devices to provide their own color mode strings

- Settings: Exposed radio info (##4636##*)

- Screenrecord: Save and load set preferences

- Updater: Fixed lately fading out title of the expanded bar when collapsing (parallax)

- Imported lock/unlock and keypress sounds from OOS 11

- Added Derp Noir theme

- Added thumbnails for mmnl clocks

- Analog clock: Updated positioning to prevent overlapping with mediaplayer indication

- IDEClock: Layout updates

- Divided Lines Clock: Fill lines with accent color

- Added missing device config permissions for settings

- Bluetooth updates

- Added Spanish translations (Thanks to Klozz)

- Updated German translations

- Added Double tap to trigger doze

- Synced FOD code with latest Yaap changes

- Fixed theming of derpquest dashboard Icon for all prebuilt themes

- IDEClock: Made it larger

- Show disabled signal icon when SIM is disabled

- Display wifi data usage in QS footer when connected

- Reduced padding between clock and notification area

- Fixed possible incorrect position of QS page indicator

- QSPanel: Misc code cleanup

- Made default SIM preferences independent of QTI telephony

- Do not show roaming icon when data disabled

- Switched applock timeout to DropDownPreference

- SettingsProvider: Resolved package name that requires permission

- Fixed NPE in AutofillManager when feature autofill is disabled

- Fixed bug on High Contrast Text where DarkTheme is enabled and ForceDarkAllowed is true

- BrightnessController: Fixed thread exception

- LightsService: Muted an annoying error message

- GpsNetInitiatedHandler: Disabled more debugging

- ActivityThread: Removed Fa iled to find provider info logspam

- SoundTile: Hide if alert slider is present

- Granted storage permission to ThemePicker

- Added Anaheim, Arbutus Slab, Noto Serif & Roboto Slab Font

- Added iOS blue accent color

- Added time refresh capabilities for clock controllers where needed

- TypeClockController: Set shouldShowStatusArea to true

- Fixed multiple issues with typographic clock

- TypeClock: Improved English and Polish strings

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