Deploying your own Mirrorbot

Deploying your own Mirrorbot

SpeedX [AFK]


1) Setting up things

2) Creating credentials.json

3) Adding SA to google group


Setting up things

Go to and make a new account if you don't have one, then go to dashboard, press 'New Container'

Use whatever name, use whatever server region, make it private, and select 'python' stack, and press Create. Ignore other configs

Wait until it's done, and run the container

A new tab will be opened

Now, let's clone the repo to the container.

git clone

• Then, rename config_sample.env to config.env

• Open config.env by double-click it

• Remove the first two lines of the file


• Then fill the configs as per this page

PS- You can check appname availability for Heroku using 3rd option in helper script.

• After you've done (remember that not all the configs need to be filled, so don't worry), save the file by CTRL+S or Save button

A new folder will be created, right click on the folder and open the terminal with that location.

• Then we have to make the helper script executable. So run this command in the Terminal

chmod +x

• Now you can execute the helper script by running this command, and it will guide you further

If you get error like this 👇,
then run this and try again:
sed -i 's/\r//'
If you get error like this 👇,
then you are probably using WSL, so remove heroku bin folder from PATH in environment variables and then run this in your linux shell, and try again:
curl | sh


Creating credentials.json

• Firstly, goto Google Cloud Console using the right Google account

• Then select 'Create Project' and name it whatever you want

• Go to the OAuth Consent tab

• Press 'External', and press 'Create'

• Fill app name whatever you want

• Fill your Gmail in 'User support email' and 'Developer contact information', and ignore other configs. Press Save and Continue.

• Skip the scopes step

• Add your google account as tester, press Save and Continue

• Press back to dashboard

• Press Credentials tab > Create Credentials > OAuth client ID

• Select 'Desktop' and name it whatever you want

• This will appear, download it

• Back to Goorm IDE tab, right click slam-mirrorbot > Import > File, select the credentials file you have downloaded

• Rename the file to credentials.json

• Visit Google API page

• Search for drive

• Press Google Drive API and enable it

• Also search for IAM and enable it too (Only if you want to use Service Accounts)

All thanks to @katarina_ox for this tutorial. I just took imp parts, necessary for, from her post and made this TUTORIAL 1 & 2


Adding SA to google group

• First go HERE and create a new group (DON'T add SA in the 3rd step while creating group)

• Then open your group, go to members tab and press 'Add Members'

• Copy all mails from \accounts\emails.txt from Goorm and paste them in 'Group members' field, then press 'Add Members'

• Then open your TD and add this google group (it will be something like as 'Content Manager'. Done!!!

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