Department of Health may have failed to warn Telford to disinfect

Department of Health may have failed to warn Telford to disinfect


(4 Feb) An Apple Daily reporter stepped into Quality Healthcare Medical Services on the terrace of Telford Gardens. It was business as usual and residents were waiting in line. Staff said they learned from the news that a confirmed [Wuhan coronavirus] patient visited a doctor at their clinic. However, it remained open because they received no instruction from their company. Staff said they needed the headquarters to decide and give further instructions for closure and disinfection. District Councilor Winnie POON YAM Waichun arrived on-site to assess the situation, which she said she also learned from the news. She doubted that the Department of Health contacted Quality Healthcare and suspected that the clinic needed thorough disinfection. She also said the management for Telford was never notified and that the disease control response by authorities was too slow.

Miss Chan, who planned on visiting the clinic for a check-up, learned about the news only after arriving and immediately cancelled the appointment afterwards. She frankly acknowledged her worry about being infected, hence her desire to go to another clinic. She thought the clinic had a responsibility to notify its patients of the situation. She would disinfect all her clothes upon returning home. Mr. To visited the clinic to treat his low back pain. He was also concerned to learn what happened but would continue going there due to convenience. He believed that although the confirmed patient sought medical help in the early stages of infection, the clinic still should have disclosed the incident.

The virus carrier lives in Yue Hong House (Block A), Hong Ting Court in Lam Tin. Resident Mr. So said outright that he was worried because he had a young daughter at home. He went out less and when he did, he always wore a mask. Mr. Cheng, whose mother lives there, said he visited often and wore masks.  "You can't worry too much unless you don't visit."  He said he started disallowing his mother from leaving home a few days ago. After learning that someone in the building was confirmed [for virus infection], he had even more reason to keep her from going out. He let family members help out on shopping and prevent her from getting infected. The building posted a notice today saying that the management had already used a 1-49 ratio of bleach and water to clean the building. Passwords at the front gate had also been disabled. They would also hire sanitary contractors to start cleaning at 10 am tomorrow.

Source: Apple Daily

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