DepFile — secure cloud storage

DepFile — secure cloud storage

DepFile — secure cloud storage

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Up to 20 GB free storage and free trial on 1 TB storage. You can get premium account when ever you want. Depfile is a new player on the cloud storage market, and I suggest you give it a try, you can use a free account and get 20 GB storage. Cloud storage allows one to store their files online and then allow others to view or download these files on their own computers. Depfile offers a cloud storage solution that gives both a free service as well as a premium paid service. Cloud storage can be used for a variety of reason one of them being sharing a project between a group of individuals. Thus getting a secure and fast cloud storage solution such as that offered by Depfile will not only be instrumental in your business but will propel you to greater heights. Depfile offers free cloud storage of up to 20 GB. The storage spaces can be used by bloggers, musicians and any other person who has a file to share with the world or with a few of individuals. Depfile also offers a paid premium account that has a greater storage capacity of 10 TB. Other perks of the Depfile Premium Account include the ability of users to recover downloads as well as allowing them to copy files. The premium hosting plan will also enable the downloader to access the file immediately they request the file of which in the fee hosting plan the user has to wait. The major differences between the two hosting plans are in the speed that users will be allowed to download as well as in the capacity allowed for storing files. To use the services of Depfile , all you need to do is type in your email and password, and you gain access to a free account with free 10 TB of storage for a short period. Afterward, you have to pay a fixed amount of charge either yearly or monthly, according to your preferences to access premium services. The free hosting plan will also serve to provide a platform on which to try the service before buying it. Depfile allows the user to create an account which then allows one to upload a file which is then tagged with a URL. If the user then wants to share their file with someone else, they give them the link, and when clicked, it prompts them to download the file. Bloggers may use this to share videos or audio files with their audience as well as musicians sharing their music. Additionally, one may post their projects on the file sharing site and give the link to someone allowing them to work together on the same project. As for the security of the data, Depfile ensures security of the files you upload onto the site by encrypting the file contents and creating a separate decryption key. The owner is then given this key which they may then share with only those they wish to view the files. This ensures that the files are safe even if someone were to steal the encrypted file. It also allows download accelerators as well as giving the download the greatest priority. Whatever your needs for online cloud hosting, Depfile offers you your cloud storage solution. Summary Depfile is a new player on the cloud storage market, and I suggest you give it a try, you can use a free account and get 20 GB storage. About The Author File Sharer.

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