Dentist Fetish

Dentist Fetish


Dentist Fetish

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Nov 29, 2021

We all know how it goes. Most people fear the dentist for various reasons. But for me personally, I really enjoy the dentist. I enjoy the sound of their tools, I love the way they dress & I weirdly love the feeling of them scratching with force between my teeth until my gums bleed and when they remove/refill an old repaired tooth without anesthetics. I know this isn't normal, and after many years of always feeling euphoric after my dentist visits I realized this must be some sort of masochistic fetish. Am I alone or is there anyone else who also understand this stuff and enjoys the pain at the dentist? 😂💕

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Nov 30, 2021

I've never been into that whole "pain is pleasure" thing. I like it when my GF spanks me, sure... perfectly normal. Once she breaks out the dentist tools and uniform for some role-play, I nope right outta there. 

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Nov 30, 2021
 Professional Digital Artist

I wish I was like this, I am so terrified of going to the dentist (and the last one I went to made it 10000xs worse, but I found a better one tank god!) I have to go to the dentist tomorrow for a cleaning and examination. I need to get a lot of work done so I'm scared :c

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Nov 30, 2021

Huh. I guess Jack Nicholson from the original Little Shop Of Horrors was actually onto something.

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Nov 30, 2021

There is always a little pain associated with dental diseases. To counter that pain, the dentist administrates local anesthesia. It makes the surrounding of the tooth numb. Once that is done, we won't feel anything.

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Nov 29, 2021
 Hobbyist Digital Artist

I enjoy going to the dentist/hygienist, it's relatively pain free which is a surprise because I don't have a high pain tolerance; ultimately I take very good care of my teeth so they don't have to do any extreme dentil work.

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Nov 29, 2021
 Hobbyist Digital Artist

And I thought hair-cutting fetishes were weird. But, hey, to each their own.

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Nov 29, 2021
 Hobbyist Digital Artist

I wouldn't say I have a fetish but I definitely have a fascination. I had my wisdom teeth pulled out while I was awake. I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy the experience. I also wouldn't mind having a surgery while I'm awake, like numb me up or whatever but I wanna watch what's happening. Maybe one day. Also when I was a kid we had this evil women at my primary school who'd take you into her torture truck and crush your teeth into pieces and you'd have to go pick the shards of bone out your gums yourself. You'd think that would have made me terrified of dentists but strangely it did the opposite.

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Nov 29, 2021
 Hobbyist Artisan Crafter

I have horrible teeth because I have some sort of dry mouth disease. :< So Whenever I go to the dentist it's HELL. And they have to use SO FREAKING MUCH numbing medication on me that it sometimes makes my whole face numb. ;-; I hate the dentist.
But I'm odd. I like that...kinda pain, that comes after being numb and getting a tooth worked on. It's almost pain. But not quite real pain. =\

Featured By Owner
Nov 29, 2021

That lingering feeling of pain (but not super intense pain) is what I truly enjoy (along with all the sounds, tastes and sensations). I too have had many problems with my teeth (especially in younger years) and I suspect all those visits must have triggered this obscure fetish I now have.

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Nov 29, 2021
 Hobbyist Artisan Crafter

The ONLY time I ever enjoyed pain was when I ended up getting a tooth fistula (DON'T LOOK IT UP, IT'S NASTY DX) And the only thing that would make it hurt less, was making it hurt more and popping the damn thing. And this pain was like, so bad I had to wear one of those pain patches on the side of my face at night to get to sleep at all. It was horrific pain, so making the pain worse was tear worthy. ._.

Featured By Owner
Nov 29, 2021

I just wrote to beanie. Hopefully I get a reply and we can explore our interest together 😂 lol

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Nov 29, 2021
 Hobbyist General Artist

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Nov 29, 2021

It's very zen to do it without local anesthetic.

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Nov 29, 2021
 Professional General Artist

I haven't been to the dentist since 1998 when my orthodontist was too busy chatting with her assistant to notice that the Oxygen feed had stopped and I was just breathing pure Nitrates - so I died...for a while, obviously as I'm typing this today

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Nov 29, 2021
 Hobbyist Artist

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Nov 29, 2021

Yes, that's probably how I look like to the dentist. But at least my view is pleasant

Featured By Owner
Nov 29, 2021

Your dentist must be pretty shit if you are constantly in pain lol

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Nov 29, 2021

Well I guess you save money on anesthetic!
I don't think I'd go without when I get my wisdom teeth pulled though.

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Nov 29, 2021
 Hobbyist Traditional Artist

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Edited Nov 29, 2021
 Professional Traditional Artist

There's nothing wrong with masochism. But I was never hurt by any dentist, so I simply don't associate pain with dental care. Have you experiences much pain there? Maybe you have a really rough dentist?

Featured By Owner
Nov 29, 2021

I don't like pain but it's nice when female dentist touches me with her boobs.

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Nov 29, 2021
 Hobbyist Digital Artist

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Nov 29, 2021

I got a surgical fetish that has some of the same basis as yours. But personally not the biggest fan of it. Lol also got a cursive fetish too. Nuttyyyy

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Edited Nov 29, 2021

Well, please tell me some more about it. Because, besides dentists I also sometimes fetishizes doctors. But I don't really fetishizes their medical procedures much. But it was kinda sexy that time a doctor shoved up a long tube in my butt and another doctor held my hand and calmly told me it's ok if I fart the other doctor in the face. (yes, that was a true story. And no, I did not fart the other doctor in the face). 😂

Featured By Owner
Nov 30, 2021

Lol sounds pretty fun. Though for me personally i fetishize the process of being operated on. Having my organs taken out of me as some mad surgeon does torture to me lol. I would be up for a crazy dentist removal surgery as well i guess, its really medical torture procedures that give me that nut. Nuttyyyy

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Nov 29, 2021
 Student Digital Artist

I've never even been to a dentist before. I think my teeth are healthy though.

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Nov 29, 2021

That doesn't sound right, you should get them looked at to be safe. Bad teeth can give you infections & possibly kill you.

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Nov 29, 2021

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Nov 29, 2021
 Student Digital Artist

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Nov 29, 2021

How is it possible you never had your teeth checked at the dentist before?

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Nov 29, 2021
 Student Digital Artist

I dunno, i've just never been to one or my mother never thought of taking me as a kid? I assume you have to pay dentists of course, we've never really been that well off so why pay an unnecessary expense when just brushing your teeth every day was enough. I've never even been to a movie theater or aqaurium. Life here is different.
To be honest, a dentist would probably recommend I get braces since some of my teeth aren't 100% straight

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Nov 29, 2021
 Professional Digital Artist

No, I like whips. I'm that boring fuck.
With dentist it's, anesthesia or I walk away.

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Nov 29, 2021

Maybe you'd like it if the dentist slapped your gums?

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Nov 29, 2021
 Professional Digital Artist

Slapping is fine, but I don't get any medical fetish like @NUtking-beanie does.

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Nov 29, 2021

The only thing I loved at my dentist's was the nitrous oxide gas. Another of his patients and I also thought that he loved the stuff too. He didn't look anything like Steve Martin as a dentist in Little Shop of Horrors though.

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Nov 29, 2021
 Hobbyist Traditional Artist

Well there are people that are into wearing diapers so I can't judge too harshly over a new one.

Featured By Owner
Nov 29, 2021

I already knew about that one. (Quite common on Deviantart). However, I don't like poop.

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Nov 29, 2021
 Hobbyist General Artist

Eughhhhh. Nope. I take care if my teeth so I do not have to deal with the dentist more than usual

Featured By Owner
Nov 29, 2021

I take care of my teeth too. But I love when they firmly examine and dig around in there. I love the dental pain they cause me. I Iove the view of their eyes just staring down at me while they put their rubber gloved fingers inside my mouth and use their tools etc.

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Nov 29, 2021

One time at the dentist, he put the numbing agent in, then left to go help someone else as it took effect. However, he took too long; by the time he got back, it was already wearing off. Another time, he put it in the wrong place. The part of my mouth he was working on was just outside its area of effect.

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Edited Nov 29, 2021
 General Artist

I don't and have never feared the dentist.. I'm completely indifferent to it But I think when I was around 5-7, my mom told me that dentists have a very highest rate of suicide (due to people fearing them, not enjoying/disliking/hating their visits, kids hating the experience, etcetc..). And since then, I've always had extra effort to be nice, chirpy, and happy, to my dentist. That being said, I quite like needles, quite like the feeling of localised anesthetic, enjoy having my teeth cleaned, I like the taste of my blood, I've never had cavities, so don't think I've had anything drilled as far as I can remember,.. and I have pretty high pain tolerance/"insensitive gums" so nothing really hurts when I go to the dentist.. (and I have had maybe 4 dental surgeries). 

Featured By Owner
Nov 29, 2021

I love my dentist he's very goofy & does amazing work. He just an all around very nice guy. Also I'm surprised & impressed you've never had a cavity! 

Featured By Owner
Nov 29, 2021

I'm not the biggest fan of needles, but despite that I think we have some things in common oh my! I never knew it could be that bad, dentists are freaking awesome! I always loved talking with them whenever I get the chance. I had some teeth pulled out in the past and those were experiences I never forget (in a positive way lol).

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Nov 29, 2021

Featured By Owner
Nov 29, 2021

Well, I figured that deviantart was the perfect place for me to come out 😂 I mean, you never know. Maybe there's someone here on the forum who also shares my interest in dentists spankin gums lol

Featured By Owner
Nov 29, 2021

I recommend to you Dr. Orin Scrivello.

Featured By Owner
Nov 29, 2021

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Edited Nov 29, 2021
 Professional Digital Artist

I don't have any "doctor inflicted pain" related fetishes. I hate how needles feel, stitches are annoying, the sound of the drill and bleeding gums ugh...
I wouldn't do no anesthetic operations. My favorite part of any operations done on me is the anesthetic or "hydrogen peroxide"/ "h2o2" cleaning for real.

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By Emily Leibert Published: Oct 25, 2021
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“When I was in high school, I had a really, really attractive orthodontist."
Back in my days as a publicist in the entertainment world, I was at an awards show when one of our nominees approached me, lowered his eyes, and whispered, "What ethnicity are you? Your canine teeth are so sharp."
My first thought: Please stop asking people what their ethnicity is! My second thought: My ...canines? No one had ever pointed them out before. I pushed the conversation along, but the nominee continued to circle back to my teeth, commenting on how pointy they were and observing how rarely he sees such defined canines out in the wild, as if he were distracted by my cuspids’ very presence in the room. That was the first time I realized that some people are really into teeth—a fetish known as odontophilia.
At its core, odontophilia is a fetish for sex involving teeth, according to NYC-based psychotherapist and certified sex therapist Dr. Lee Phillipps. “It can range from looking at someone's teeth during sex, or just looking at someone's teeth in general,” he said. “You may not be having sex, but it could give you some type of arousal.”
The fetish could include anything from focusing in on someone’s teeth with a sense of “tunnel vision” mid-conversation to prying a partner’s mouth open with dental props or a Whitehead Jennings mouth gag during sex. Odontophilia can also entail “exploring the teeth” in a Dom/sub dynamic, licking a partner’s teeth, gently biting their skin, or—t
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