Denial Tease Video

Denial Tease Video


Denial Tease Video
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Tease And Denial Ideas to Keep Him Obedient

MLA Style Citation:

Jameson, Sarah "Tease And Denial Ideas to Keep Him Obedient."
Tease And Denial Ideas to Keep Him Obedient .
1 Sep. 2012
15 Oct. 2022 <­And-­Denial-­Ideas-­to-­Keep-­Him-­Obedient&id=7262703 >.

APA Style Citation:

Jameson, S. (2012, September 1). Tease And Denial Ideas to Keep Him Obedient .
Retrieved October 15, 2022, from­And-­Denial-­Ideas-­to-­Keep-­Him-­Obedient&id=7262703

Chicago Style Citation:

Jameson, Sarah "Tease And Denial Ideas to Keep Him Obedient." Tease And Denial Ideas to Keep Him Obedient .­And-­Denial-­Ideas-­to-­Keep-­Him-­Obedient&id=7262703

Sarah Jameson  |  

Submitted On September 01, 2012

Tease and denial ideas don't come easily to a woman. There's a myth that women are natural teases, and while that's true to an extent it's then mistakenly conflated with the idea we want to go that one step further and deny our man.
But there are three reasons we don't actually want to do this:

But here's the thing we need to understand...
Tease and denial IS pleasure for a man
But it's just hard for him to cope with momentarily sometimes.
This is the crucial thing - men who truly beg for tease and denial, actually do want it, even though "in the moment" they'll beg for mercy and really mean it. Afterwards, though, if you're weak, they'll tell you they wish you'd been strong. Go figure.
So here are some easy ways to make teasing and orgasm denial really work for you.
First, make it absolutely clear you are serious about denying him. Tell him in no uncertain terms if he's begging you for denial, that's what he's going to get and you're not going to give in... and then simply don't give in.
Harder than it sounds, but if you really want it to work long-term (and male chastity really is a long-term thing for most couples, a true lifestyle choice as it is for me and John, my husband), then you simply have to bite that metaphorical bullet and try it .
But what's to stop him whining and complaining or just being grumpy with you afterwards?
Secondly, get him to write you a cheque for a large-enough sum of money for you to buy something nice for yourself. It doesn't have to be huge, but you do want it to be big enough to make him wince.
And the deal is... if you deny him like he's asked and begged you to, and he whines and complains, or follows you around making a pest of himself instead of quietly letting you make the decision of when, where, how and indeed if he's allowed to orgasm... you'll cash it and stop playing the game.
My readers tell me this trick works exceedingly well in keeping a man in line when he's desperate to orgasm.
And thirdly , next time he begs you to let him cum and you want to teach him a lesson by giving him what he wants in the moment yet still stay within the spirit of male chastity and orgasm denial... give him a ruined orgasm.
In other words, the instant he starts to orgasm you stop touching him and allow no further stimulation (you might want to restrain his hands for this, else he will use them to complete his orgasm).
It doesn't make sense, but believe me - men will tell you a ruined orgasm is far, far worse than no orgasm at all. They get the hormonal rush and comedown of a "proper" orgasm but retain the need and frustration of denial.
Then calmly tell him every time he begs you to let him cum, this is what he'll get.
He will very quickly get the message and begin accepting the tease and denial he's begged you for.
So to discover even more about tease and denial and male chastity... click the blue link and claim your FREE male chastity guide and discover the truth about tease and denial [].
But HURRY! I'm giving away this Guide to anyone who visits my website. So if you're serious about tease and denial, be sure to get it as soon as you can.
Your FREE guide is waiting for you here: []
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Tease and Denial: How Long Should You Make Him Wait to Orgasm?

MLA Style Citation:

Jameson, Sarah "Tease and Denial: How Long Should You Make Him Wait to Orgasm?."
Tease and Denial: How Long Should You Make Him Wait to Orgasm? .
22 Apr. 2012
15 Oct. 2022 <­and-­Denial:-­How-­Long-­Should-­You-­Make-­Him-­Wait-­to-­Orgasm?&id=7017083 >.

APA Style Citation:

Jameson, S. (2012, April 22). Tease and Denial: How Long Should You Make Him Wait to Orgasm? .
Retrieved October 15, 2022, from­and-­Denial:-­How-­Long-­Should-­You-­Make-­Him-­Wait-­to-­Orgasm?&id=7017083

Chicago Style Citation:

Jameson, Sarah "Tease and Denial: How Long Should You Make Him Wait to Orgasm?." Tease and Denial: How Long Should You Make Him Wait to Orgasm? .­and-­Denial:-­How-­Long-­Should-­You-­Make-­Him-­Wait-­to-­Orgasm?&id=7017083

Sarah Jameson  |  

Submitted On April 22, 2012

Tease and denial, or "edging" as it's sometimes called is a mainstay of male chastity.
In brief, it means a man hands over control of his orgasms to his wife or girlfriend, meaning the decision about when, how, where and even if he gets to orgasm is entirely up to her (and we'll come back to "if" in a moment).
What it does not mean, though, is the man is deprived of any sexual pleasure whatsoever, save the vicarious pleasure of pleasuring his beloved. In some relationships the man is kept completely celibate and expresses his sexuality only through his partner's orgasms, but that's a different thing from what I am talking about.
Because with male chastity, the man is definitely kept celibate. On the contrary, couples who practice male chastity typically have more sexual contact rather than less.
No, what it means is the man is taken right to the point of orgasm, but not allowed to go all the way -- this is why it's called "edging", because he's taken to and held on the edge of orgasm.
Now, to most women this would be incomprehensible, especially if they've ever experienced the frustration and even anger most men exhibit when they don't get what they want. But the truth is, many, many men crave this. It goes far beyond the emotional charge of having a woman in control -- we are talking here about men who quite literally love the feeling of needing to orgasm but not being allowed to.
As my husband, John, describes it, " it's like being half-way to orgasm all the time ". I don't profess to fully understand this completely. As a woman, I enjoy my multiple orgasms and cannot imagine any pleasure at all in having them delayed or denied to me (and it does feel terribly selfish to take great pleasure in denying my husband's orgasms, knowing he needs to cum but can't until I allow it).
Which leads us to the inevitable question:
It depends on what you've both agreed and subsequently what you, his partner, decide.
Some couples who practice Tease and Denial have an agreed limit or schedule, and that's fine.
But many more men hand over complete control, meaning they are willing to take the risk their beloved might never let them come at all.
This sounds cruel, but, believe me, it's what many men secretly want. No, not ALL men want it, but in my experience, MOST men who admit to a desire for male chastity have permanent orgasm denial as their ultimate fantasy.
Yes, of course. There is absolutely no reason I am aware of to say any man has to orgasm, ever . There's no compelling medical evidence to say it's harmful, and it's not as if you're forcing this upon him without his consent (he could cheat at any time he liked -- even if you have him locked in a chastity device and hold his key, he can cut it off if he wants to. There is no such thing as a 100% secure male chastity device. Anyone claiming otherwise is a liar).
And not only is it possible and so far as we know harmless, there are many benefits to it, in terms of increased emotional and physical intimacy, better and more frequent sex, the pleasure in hearing your man beg for release he knows he is never going to get, and the satisfaction of living your life knowing your man wants you 24/7.
My personal view, developed over many years of practicing male chastity and orgasm denial with John, is the best and most pleasurable results from tease and orgasm denial come from longer periods of denial rather than shorter ones.
Everyone is different and makes their own choices, but that said whenever I'm asked by readers of my work " how long is best between orgasms? ", I encourage them to aim ultimately for permanent orgasm denial for their man, just as John and I are aiming for it now.
Bottom line : John doesn't need to orgasm for either physical or mental health and our relationship is closer and more fulfilling when he doesn't, and so I can't see any benefit in allowing it.
If that hasn't scared you off from begging your beloved for what you really want, then it's worth your while finding out more about tease and denial... but just be careful what you wish for!
So... click the blue link and claim your FREE male chastity guide and discover the truth about tease and denial.
But HURRY! I'm giving away this Guide today and tomorrow ONLY to anyone who visits my website. So if you're serious about experiencing serious tease and denial , be sure to get it before tomorrow night .
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