Demoralizacja niewinnej dziewcyzny

Demoralizacja niewinnej dziewcyzny


Demoralizacja niewinnej dziewcyzny

Mam pewne pytanie dotyczącej nieletniej dziewczyny. Ma 15 lat (we wrześniu ma 16 urodziny), swego czasu nie chodziła do szkoły, spożywała alkohol, paliła papierosy. Sprawa potoczyła się tak, że ma rozprawę w sądzie rodzinnym, sąd skierował ją na badania, które miały orzec jak bardzo jest zdemoralizowana. Dzisiaj dostała list ze sądu, że wykazuje przejawy demoralizacji. Z tego co mi wiadomo chodzi do psycholożki i psychoterapeutki i one jej mówiły, że wszystko będzie ok (nawet opinia ze szkoły jest taka sama), że jej nigdzie nie zamkną bo "nie ma takiej podstawy" (w skrócie mówiąc- stwierdziły, że nie jest zdemoralizowana). No i moje pytanie brzmi- czy jest szansa, że sąd biorąc pod uwagę opinie wyżej wymienionych Pań nie wyślą jej do poprawczaka lub innego miejsca?
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Mam pewne pytanie dotyczącej nieletniej dziewczyny. Ma 15 lat (we wrześniu ma 16 urodziny), swego czasu nie chodziła do szkoły, spożywała alkohol, paliła papierosy. Sprawa potoczyła się tak, że ma rozprawę w sądzie rodzinnym, ...
§ Sąd demoralizacja (odpowiedzi: 1) Witam, mam 16 lat. Chodziłem aktualnie do gimnazjum przez wakacjami ok dwóch tygodni nie było mnie w szkolę. Pedagog wezwała moja mame i powiedziała...
§ Demoralizacja (odpowiedzi: 2) Witam wiem może pomyliłem działy ale mam problem ponieważ chcę iść do wojska ale mam kuratora za demoralizacje Sędzia powiedział że jak będzie...
§ Demoralizacja (odpowiedzi: 20) Witam! Mam pytanie. Mam juz 17 lat i kuratora rodzinnego dostalam ponad 2 lata temu za demoralizację (uciekanie z domu, picie alkoholu i nie...
§ Demoralizacja. (odpowiedzi: 5) Jeżeli w wieku 17 lat byłam oskarżona o demoralizację
mogę zostać policjantką?
§ demoralizacja (odpowiedzi: 13) mam taką sprawe w sądzie pojutrze bo miałem petardy i rzucałem nimi przez okno a mój kolega wrzucił petarde do klatki schodowej tylko że to była moja...
§ Demoralizacja (odpowiedzi: 7) Witam mam sprawę za palenie trawki . Dzisiaj dostałem ODPIS że muszę stawić się w sądzie . Pisze tam o demoralizacji , że pale papierosy pije alkohol...

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admin July 23, 2017 Questions-Answers-Morality
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Some years ago I took advantage of the fact that the law allowed me to get rid of a conceived child, and to this day I cannot recover from it. I believe that if the law were different, my child would be alive. As I remember today, what the argument meant to me then: "If the law allows it, it cannot be something very bad." That is why I react with concern to the journalistic statements that appear in the press from time to time that the current legal ban on killing a conceived child has only brought about a significant increase in hypocrisy; that it is said to be the same as before, with the only difference that gynecologists and women have to pretend it isn't happening. I despairly think that someone would like to restore the law that encouraged me to kill my own child. For God's sake, there is something to be done here. We should refute the arguments that are being made public in favor of re-establishing the abortion law.
Let us agree at the beginning that we will understand hypocrisy here as pretending that I am doing good that I am not actually doing, or that I am not doing evil that I am actually doing. For sometimes, hypocrisy is also called hypocrisy: pretending kindness or other positive attitudes that are not in me. Hypocrisy is also called deception, that is, behavior aimed at deceiving someone in order to gain some benefit.
Well, about hypocrisy in the first sense, La Rochefoucauld once wrote wisely, though bitterly, that it is a tribute to virtue. Because if I only pretend to be someone who is disinterested, truthful or worried about someone else's poverty, this at least means that I would like to belong to a world where selflessness, truthfulness and a good heart are considered something positive. Yes, my hypocrisy proves that faith in these values ​​is already dying out in me. But as long as I am a hypocrite, I have kept the remnants of this faith in myself. Even if these remnants die in me, I will be just a cynic, openly disregarding objective moral values.
I will give you a specific example. As Richard Grunberger writes, in Nazi Germany "it became common practice to deliberate judges and public prosecutors together before each hearing, aimed at predicting judgments in advance". This practice had reached such a level of shamefulness that the deliberations were sometimes held almost in front of the lawyers, the accused and their families. "This practice was once criticized by the president of one of the chambers of the Reichsgericht, not because he considered such" legal engineering "bad per se , but because he found it dishonorable if its members openly and publicly confer with the prosecutor before or during the hearing duration ”( Social history of the Third Reich , PIW, Warsaw 1994, p. 156).
Was it hypocrisy? Question! This hypocrisy has already rubbed against cynicism. The chairman was only trying to keep her from turning completely into cynicism. Did this defense of the remnants of appearances still make sense? It is enough to realize the difference between the courts in Nazi Germany and in the countries seized by the Nazis. In occupied Poland, the cynicism of the Nazis went so far that even until the death sentence was passed, neither a judge nor a prosecutor was needed.
Hypocrisy is certainly not worthy of defense. It must be unmasked and overcome. It is worth realizing, however, that hypocrisy is at least a sign that demoralization has not yet reached its bottom. Of the two evil ones, hypocrisy is better than cynicism, that is, completely overt demoralization, not even covering itself with appearances. Hypocrisy at least shows that the awareness of the rules has not yet disappeared, although the rules are not followed.
In democratic countries, this aspect of hypocrisy often manifests itself in the pre-election atmosphere. People who may have committed tax fraud themselves will not vote for a candidate who has been proven to be fraudulent. Likewise, a candidate's chances are diminished if his culpable divorce, or erotic adventures, or some disloyalty to his partner become a public fact. Also those who themselves have similar things on their conscience are reluctant to support such a candidate. Is there something hypocritical about this? I think so. However, it's better to be hypocritical than to completely ignore moral principles, even if they are unfortunately broken.
I found a particularly insightful look at this topic in Denis Rougemont's book Devil's part : “There are two ways to lie, just as there are two ways to cheat the client. If the weight is 980 grams, you can say, "that's a kilo." But your lie will be referred to the unchanging measure of truth. If the client checks, he can see that you are robbing him, and you know how much; the truth remains with you as judge. But if the Demon tempts you to fake the weight itself, the criterion of truth is distorted, control will be impossible. You will slowly forget that you are cheating. I am even ready to bet that you will start weighing accurately with the greatest meticulousness, maybe you will even add a few grams of goods "for good weight" to gain the customer's smile and satisfaction with your own virtue. This is a pure lie, the proper work of the Devil. From the moment you begin to falsify the very measure of truth, all your "virtues" pass into the service of evil and become partners in the work of the evil one. "
Regarding the subject of your letter, the unchanging measure of truth is: "You absolutely must never kill an innocent human being." In a situation where this principle is de facto broken, there appears - and it would be strange if it had not been - a tendency to set the law according to some other measure, so as to slightly reduce the discomfort that naturally brings on a person breaking the law. If the law permitted the killing of children, then one might even occasionally save a child whom the mother did not want, and thus even feel like a protector of human life.
Unfortunately, however, Rougemont is right: "From the moment you begin to falsify the very measure of truth, all your" virtues "pass into the service of evil and become partners in the work of the evil one. It is only reasonable to free oneself from the discomfort to which hypocrisy is exposed, is to honestly follow the principles that hypocrisy only apparently holds to. So, if it is true that the legal prohibition of killing unborn children is sometimes bypassed in our country, a return to the fact that children could be killed in the majesty of the law would be an obvious change for the worse. It is better for the seller not to check in weight than to forge the scales. Yes, it does evil if it weighs less, but at least its weight works fine. This situation is more conducive to a return to fairness than when a false scale invites you to forget your dishonesty altogether.
The Abortion Act of 1956 has been in force in Poland for over thirty years. So we know all too well that she was a tool not only for killing children, but also for distorting consciences. It was then too easy not to notice even the elementary fact that killing is killing.
Father Jacek Salij OP, Hope put to the test,
On the way - Publishing House of the Polish Dominican Province

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