Demirtasilker - Bounty Manager or just a new scammer?

Demirtasilker - Bounty Manager or just a new scammer?


I start from the beginning. I meet him from first bounty, that he managed, Inbot. We starting speak in telegram and i know, that before managing he works as bounty hunter too, with own telegram channel. Everyone can check profile(;u=2080609) and find old reports and info about channel( used in bounties and ETH adress (0x6C27c7e602ED24711195645FCe51Ffe54c695638)

Some old report on bitcointalk

We check also profile info, it's need for next steps of our investigation.

We know, he's from Turkey, also he have some turkish translation in portfolio and speaking about help with turkish in telegram groups, that he managed.

But where you changed your job from bounty hunter to bounty manager - here too many options for greedy people...

As here we start.

1 step of greedy bounty manager

You create multiaccount for adding him to all your companies. Here this account:;u=2188315

Date Registered: June 06, 2018, 01:13:18 PM

Multiaccount of demirtasilker

Of course, i can't check IP of registered account, but trust me, i show enough.

2 step - you start register in same bounty with multiaccount and yes, same telegram channel.

We check history of that account and again yes, first bingo - registration in Inbot bounty, first bounty managed by demir ( We continue to check activity and find that same account take a part in all demir bounties. Who don't know, it's a Inbot, Etainpower, Dominium and Cybr. And in the beginning demir used multiaccount for articles, but greed don't have any borders. As he start registered same telegram channel and add some telegram chat.

But sometime he forget to switch accounts, and posts in Inbot thread some announce about project (

And some info about channel, that he used in own bounties.

Yes, he have 20630 members, and about 20-30 views for each post. Everyone, who's managed or know anything about telegram can say - fake channel, fake auditory. You can check

But one channel it's not enough, as he created more.

He created some telegram group. Reason, in telegram group no need to work on views. If you check as you find that group with about 12 000 people are dead, or better says have fake members and no one conversation inside group

Ok, go check the rules of telegram owners campaign, maybe it's allowed here, or not prohibited?

Same rules in all bounties of demir. But not for own fake channel with fake auditory and no result for client.

First sight at spreadsheets

If you looks at spreadsheets in Dominium and Cybr, as really hard to find him at first sight. But really cool looks hidden rows in this bounties.

In Cybr one row, in Dominium already 4. But if you copy all table or use importrange, as you can see hidden rows too. As al bottom screens already shows hidden rows.

But it's just a beginning

We can't check Inbot spreadsheet, because it's locked by client, and can't find some interesting things in EtainPower sheet without any info.

But Cybr and Dominium brings bingo results.

Here Dominium registration from 9 october:

And now check the spreadsheet:

Some magic happens, and user registered 9 october received stakes for first week, that ended day before.

And next bingo it's a Cybr spreadsheet.

It's just fantastic, but greedy manager receive pins stakes (rule in all campaigns - 7 day for pin message) in all campaigns, why not?

And if you have bonus tab in spreadsheet, as send some bonus to demir, why not?

Cybr spreadsheet

And now wallets.

He created new wallet for multiaccount, but greedy peoples forget about one thing "DON'T SEND TOKENS TO OLD WALLET, BASTARD"

old wallet: 0x6C27c7e602ED24711195645FCe51Ffe54c695638

new wallet: 0x18c01c5f4cB35E901313C050fb574035CEefd73b

Here one of transactions:


Why i'm created that post?

Here some afterlife for this thread. Demir banned me and my friends in Dominium bounty (he says we don't receive any token in all bounties) with reason....

Yes, right, we all multiaccounters and cheaters. What he find?

Ill show screenshots, i don't have hidden parts

He find some typos in work of our managers, when they uses wrong template to reports. And real reason why? Because if you ban some strong stakeholders in spreadsheet, as yes, you receive more stakes for greed manager.

Good luck Demir. Hope you can easy now find job as bountymanager

P.P.S. We thinking about some possible steps from demir side, as im copied today all open spreadsheets and also ask my friends to create some video, preventing him to remove him posts, entries etc:

Also i'm sended this article to all teams

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