Demi Moore - G. I. Jane

Demi Moore - G. I. Jane


Demi Moore - G. I. Jane
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Master Chief John Urgayle


Pain is your friend, your ally, it will tell you when you are seriously injured, it will keep you awake and angry, and remind you to finish the job and get the hell home. But you know the best thing about pain?

Lt. Jordan O'Neil


Don't know!

Master Chief John Urgayle


It lets you know you're not dead yet!

Lt. Jordan O'Neil


[after being brutually beaten during a capture exercise] 

Master Chief...

Master Chief John Urgayle


Lieutenant, seek life elsewhere.

Lt. Jordan O'Neil


Suck my dick!

[captive members of her team start shouting and chanting Hoo Rar after being silent to the Master Chief] 



I had a grandfather who wanted to be a Navy man. He wanted to fire them big guns off them big-ass battleships. Navy says to him "No. You can only do one thing on a battleship, son. That's cook." And I'm not talking about a hundred years ago. I'm talking United States Navy, middle of World War II. You know the reason they gave him? The reason why they told my grandfather he couldn't fight for his country? "'Cause negroes can't see at night. Bad night vision."



Damn, man. That's unbelievable. Thank God times have changed.



Have they? So you see, O'Neil. I know where you're coming from. 'Cause to them you're just the new nigger on the block, that's all. Maybe you just moved in a little too early.

Lt. Jordan O'Neil


Thanks, man.

Master Chief John Urgayle


The Israelis tried it. Women in combat. Seems men couldn't get used to the sight of women blown open. They'd linger over the wounded females, often trying to save those who obviously couldn't be saved. Often to the detriment of the mission.

Lt. Jordan O'Neil


You were given the Navy Cross right? May I ask what you got it for?

Master Chief John Urgayle


Since it bears on this conversation, I got it for pulling a 240-pound man out of a burning tank.

Lt. Jordan O'Neil


So when a man tries to rescue another man, he's a hero, but if he tries to rescue a woman, he's just gone soft?

Master Chief John Urgayle


Could you have pulled that man clear? Lieutenant, you couldn't even haul your own body weight out of the water today.

Master Chief John Urgayle


I don't know what the hell's been going on in the last 48 hours. And frankly I don't give a shit.

Lt. Jordan O'Neil


Good to see you too, Master Chief.

Sgt. Cortez


You know O'Neil, I like you better when you drink.

Lt. Jordan O'Neil


You know Cortez, I like you better when I drink.

Lt. Jordan O'Neil


[commenting on the special standard for her training] 

I mean really sir, why don't you just issue me a pink petticoat to wear around the base?

C.O. Salem


Did you just have a brain fart, Lieutenant?

Lt. Jordan O'Neil


Begging your pardon, sir?

C.O. Salem


Did you just waltz in here and bark at your commanding officer? Because if you did, I would call that a bona fide brain fart, and I resent it when people FART inside my office!

Lt. Jordan O'Neil


I think you've resented me from the start, sir.

C.O. Salem


What I resent, Lieutenant, is some politician using my base as a test tube for her grand social experiment. What I resent, is the sensitivity training that is now mandatory for all of my men. The ob-gyn I now have to keep on staff just to keep track of your personal pap smears. But most of all what I resent, is your perfume, however subtle, interfering with the scent of my fine three-dollar-and-seventy-nine-cent cigar, which I will put out this instant if the phallic nature of it happens to offend your GODDAMN FRAGILE SENSIBILITIES! Does it?

Lt. Jordan O'Neil


No, sir.

C.O. Salem


"No, sir" WHAT?

Lt. Jordan O'Neil


The shape doesn't bother me. Just the goddamn sweet stench.

Lt. Blondell


Lieutenant, why are you doing this?

Lt. Jordan O'Neil


Do you ask the men the same question?

Lt. Blondell


As a matter of fact: yes, I do ask them.

Lt. Jordan O'Neil


And what do they say?

Lt. Blondell


"Cause I get to blow shit up."

Lt. Jordan O'Neil


Well, there you go.

C.O. Salem


[after Jordan demands that he remove the dual standard] 

One standard.

Lt. Jordan O'Neil


Just treat me the same. No better, no worse.

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