Deltora Quest Hentai

Deltora Quest Hentai


Deltora Quest Hentai
The first series of Deltora Quest follows the journeys of Lief, who has set out to complete his father's quest to save Deltora. Joining Lief is an ex-palace guard Barda. Along the way they meet with Jasmine: a wild child of the Forests of Silence, who has black hair and green eyes. She can speak to trees and has two pets: a raven named Kree and a small, gray, furry creature called Filli. Their quest is to find the seven gems of the fabled Belt of Deltora: D iamond , E merald , L apis lazuli , T opaz , O pal , R uby , and A methyst . The gems each have a special power and are hidden in dangerous locations around Deltora. The three friends must face all sorts of perils to reach them. Once the Belt is complete the evil tyranny of the Shadow Lord will end and Deltora's one sole heir will take his/her rightful place on the throne. The books are The Forests of Silence , The Lake of Tears , City of the Rats , The Shifting Sands , Dread Mountain , The Maze of the Beast , The Valley of the Lost , and Return to Del .

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