Delivering Love — Fiona McArthur, г. Скачать книгу / читать онлайн

Delivering Love — Fiona McArthur, г. Скачать книгу / читать онлайн

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Описание книги:
A pregnant pause!Jake Sheppard made no secret of his disapproval of midwife, Poppy McCrae's use of complementary therapies. Poppy was furious and accused the handsome pediatrician of being a stubborn stuffed shirt.Professional disagreement didn't stand in the way of an emerging passion and soon Poppy became pregnant. At first she couldn't contemplate marriage to a man so adverse to her principles. But pregnancy seemed to galvanize her priorities, and when Poppy discovered the reason behind Jake's mistrust of her methods, she found herself hoping it wasn't too late to change her mind.

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