Defloration Story

Defloration Story


Defloration Story

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by devotepolizistin
on Jan 21, 2010


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December 28, 2014

Age when it happend: 17 Where it happened: Her Apartment Langauge: English Sex: Male Rating: 6
Category: Straight

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Copyright 2019. My First Time. Site by Paradigmnext
Life can be strange sometimes. Anyway, when it comes to sex, usually Mother Nature has the final say. That is what happened between me and Eva. Eva was the sweetes and shiest girl in our Literature class in college. She was of medium height, slim and tender. But what was most attractive with her was her beautiful long curly hair and smooth complexion of the skin. She looked like a goddess to me then, and still does. I admit that one could hardly have sexual aspirations towards such a creature; it is as if you can have sexual desires towards an object of art. She did not speak much to other students, so when she asked if the seat next to me during one of the classes I was pleasantly surprised. That is how it started. We grew closer every day. Not that we spoke of love, sex, or similar subject. We just felt well together. One Saturday afternoon Eva called me to ask what I was doing in the evening and what if I came to her apartment for a coffee. Of course I agreed – every minute spent close to her was a pure pleasure. She explained me how to get to the address as I had never been there before. When I arrived she opened the door with that maddening shy smile of hers. She was dressed in a sweater and a skirt. It turned out that we were alone – her mother had left on a short holiday with her brand new boyfriend. Eva’s parents had been divorced for quite some time. Anyway, I did not object being alone with Eva. We talked quite a lot about music and books over a nice cup of coffee when she suddenly blushed and started giggling. “What?” I asked. “You will be amazed to see what I found”, she said. And then she led me to one of the drawers and showed me a pair of dildos- a black and a white one. They were about 8″ long and quite thick. “They are obviously my mother’s”, she guessed. I looked her in the eyes. Next moment, as if out of the blue sky, she started kissing me. She was a good kisser, even though obviously not very experienced. Next thing she did was to hug me and slightly jump to put both her legs around my hips. I felt that she was going out of her mind. I probed with my hand under her skirt only to find that she was not wearing anything. “I want you”, she whispered quietly. “I want you too, Evita”, I answered. And did I mean it! The proof had started to rise dangerously in the front of my pants. She slowly undressed, without showing off but also without any signs of false modesty. God, was not she wonderful! Her boyish hips were excellently shaped, her relatively small breasts were adorned by lovely pink nipples,almost the same color as her skin. Her pubic hair was light brown and not very abundant. I could see one or two drops of desire on the short hairs between her legs. I could not stand it any more and quickly undressed. After that we went to her mother’s double bed and started kissing, petting, and sucking. It was wonderful to see her hesitantly taking my penis into her delicate hands and starting to suck it gently. I did not want to come out in her mouth but it happened before I could withdraw. She spit out part of it in the beginning but then looked down , took the penis’ head back in her mouth and swallowed the sperm. Then she said it: “It is my first time”, she confessed. I had quite guessed it before, as she was instinctively keeping her legs together as I tried to finger her. “I will be careful and tender”, I promised and I meant it. I did not tell her that it was my first time too and that I was absolutely terrified. She laid on her back and opened her legs as if in invitation. Instead of putting my penis inside, I started sucking her clitoris and drinking her suit juice. She was quite wet but not enough, I thought. Then I got up and pressed the penis’s head against her hole. It went a bit in and then stopped. Her hole was very tight . In the same time, my penis is not very big – about 6.5″ – but is very thick. So I pushed and nothing happened – except that she cried out in pain. But God did she want it! She tried to pull me ahead – again no success! I was getting horny and angry at that point. I suggested that we used something else and she stood on all four. I was behind her, lubricating her copiously with some cosmetic oil I took from her mother’s drawers. Then I pressed hard doggy style. I could feel the entering of my instrument, and she gave a loud scream. I came after almost a split second. But when I withdrew and saw some blood, I also saw that I had entered her anus! She did not protest even though it obviously hurt her. Then we both went mad. She spread her legs again nad I laid on top of her in what, I was later to understand,a 69 pose. I took the black dildo and rubbed it against her vagina, while she was sucking me. Then, without warning her, I pushed the dildo hard. Probably because she was well lubricated and not expecting it, the dildo went in. Eva gave an even louder shriek and then, amazingly, start to laugh and cry in the same time. I stood back, amazed, and withdrew the dildo. There was a lot of blood on its black surface and on the bed. Eva saw my state of mind and came to kiss me. “It’s over”, she said,”you are my boy and I am your girl”. We did not make love any more this night as she was hurting. But I spent the whole Sunday with her and this time and was much easier and simply wonderful Life parted us a few years later when,after college,she found a job in another country. I still have her picture in my wallet. I hope that she has my picture,too.

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No panties, no bra and no memory. What went on at the party?
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A beam of light falling through a gap in the curtains disturbed my restless, fitful sleep.
My head felt as if an elephant was using it as a trampoline; my eyes seemed to be glued shut; my mouth had been used to store old sawdust and as for my tummy...
Was it morning? If I could open my eyes, I might find out but they remained stubbornly closed. I raised my fists to my face and rubbed my eyelids. The grit holding them closed fell away but not without a few malicious grains falling into each eye.
I gingerly opened one eyelid, wincing as the early morning light struck me full in the face, burning into my head. I blinked, closed my eyes again and breathed heavily, trying desperately to think.
I was lying face down on a bed in a darkened room. The bed was familiar. The room was familiar.
Tentatively, I opened both eyes, raised my head from the pillow and blinked again. The room was spinning and my stomach was churning. My mouth was dry; very dry and there was a vaguely familiar taste in my throat.
I raised myself on my elbows and felt the churning in my stomach increase.
Throwing myself out of bed, I leapt unsteadily to my feet and clasped my hands to my mouth as I rushed across the room, through the bedroom door, across the landing and into the bathroom where, falling to my knees, I hung my head over the toilet bowl and was violently and noisily sick.
My rather chubby body contorted with powerful spasms as I held onto the rim of the bowl, the smell and taste of vomit in my nose and mouth. The spasm passed then came again, I was sick a second time; it subsided.
I held firmly to the bowl to steady my trembling body, and tried to breathe my way back to sanity.
After what seemed a very long time, the room stopped spinning and my tummy felt a little more stable. With super-human effort I managed to flush the toilet; the slight spray of cold water revived me a little more and slowly my body came back under my control.
I closed the toilet lid and, still on my knees, breathed in deeply again, feeling my stomach settle a little more then raised one arm to the sink and with a hand on the edge of the bath, lifted myself up and round until I could sit on the toilet seat.
The coldness of the seat against my bare buttocks made me jump. I was naked from the waist down! How the hell had that happened? I was still wearing the tight yellow top I had worn the previous evening - though no longer with a bra.
Where was it? And where were my skirt and knickers? What had I being doing last night?
Nervously raising my head, I stared blindly at the ceiling as the memories began to come back into my mind.
Oh shit! The party! Would I never learn?
I filled a toothbrush beaker from the cold tap and downed it in one, then did the same again and again. The cool water seemed to reach out through my body bringing relief in its path. Both the room and my head had stopped spinning but my stomach was still threatening to erupt so it was with great care that I rose to my feet and tottered, still naked from the waist down, back into my bedroom where I threw myself back onto the bed and went back to sleep.
It was past lunchtime when I finally dragged myself downstairs dressed only in my bathrobe. I had thrown my dirty top into the washing basket and was running a deep, hot bath to try and help me recover at least some humanity.
While the tub was filling I padded downstairs intending to make myself a large pot of strong black coffee but the sight that greeted me as I reached the foot of the stairs froze me to the spot.
Dirty glasses and crushed beer cans adorned almost every surface in the lounge, kitchen and dining room; half- empty take-way food trays cluttered the tables and lay on the floor with predictable stains on the carpets. There were empty vodka and tequila bottles in the waste bins and on top of the television.
Of course it had seemed a good idea at the time; all my friends had told me so. With my parents away for the weekend and my brother at University, I had the house to myself.
Mum hadn't been keen but Dad had assured her that at eighteen I was an adult now and could be trusted at home alone.
So what had I done on my first night alone?
Of course, I had arranged a party, straight away on the Friday night. No more than three hours after Mum and Dad had left for their romantic weekend a dozen teenage hooligans masquerading as my closest friends had descended on our home.
And the results were all around me. If I hadn't felt sick already, the sight of our lovely home trashed like this would have made me retch.
Worst of all, the whole house stank of cigarette smoke and, in some places, of other less legal smoke too.
Standing in the lounge, I looked around the room in despair only to find my skirt draped around the reading light behind Dad's favourite chair.
One thing was clear; with my parents coming home the following evening, there was no time for self pity; I had to start cleaning and start cleaning straight away. The bath would have to wait until I had made some kind of inroad into the devastation all around me.
I ran upstairs and turned off the taps then opened all the windows in the house, thanking God that the day was warm and I wouldn't freeze.
I grabbed a roll of bin bags from the kitchen d
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