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Deflated Tits Tumblr


Deflated Tits Tumblr






A blog dedicated to all the dirty, wet, nasty, and sexy things that are in our heads, put online for all to see. We also welcome ideas for future stories and user submissions.
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I’m sitting at my computer, working away on something very important; you lay in my bed wistfully watching me. All night long you’ve been begging me to join you. Agitated I continue to ignore you, but it’s hard to keep my eyes off of you. “But baby I’ve got things to do.” Yet you continue; asking…
I let myself in with your spare key. The house, quiet and still. Closing the door softly I pad my way to the stairs.
I glance down the hallway, taking small steps I peek into the rooms as I pass. I see people sleeping, the quiet morning rapture yet to wake them. Then I spot your room. The click of the latch makes me flinch, hoping it hasn’t woken you. I slip inside, deftly and close the door once more.
There you are lying, asleep, the top of your naked breasts visible to me as they rise and fall in your quiet slumber.
I edge to the side of the bed. Removing my coat, I place it on the floor. Followed by my jumper, then shirt.
My boots are next… slipped off and pushed to one side. I unbuckle my jeans. Carefully not making a sound and pull them down as the bulge of my hard cock leaps free. Pooled around my ankles I step free of my clothes and a step nearer you.
Watching as you rock gently in your dreamland, stroking my cock above you, staring at your breasts, those lovely mounds of soft flesh, just makes me harder for you. My prize is waiting. You’ve teased me enough. And that day you loudly told your boyfriend about the very same spare key I used, you knew I was listening, you wanted me all along. You knew your boyfriend was too chicken shit to do it, but not me, my cock’s been rock hard ever since I heard you say it. Watching you all these years, yearning for the day when I can finally be inside you.
I reach down, pulling back the covers, gently lower my weight beside you. I slip my legs in behind you wrap my body up again. I need to be swift, smooth, calm… holding my cock downwards I shuffle forward, resting it between your thighs softly pressing below your ass. I move my body closer you shiver as the hairs on my chest tickle your back, you rub your legs against mine enjoying the extra warmth, rolling my cock up and down between your thighs.
I reach around you, softly placing my hand on your thigh. Rubbing softly, reaching down, further, lifting your leg and feed my cock through the warm gap. There it lay, hard cock pressed between your legs, feeling the warmth and growing wetness of your pussy. I reach beneath you, my arm cuddles you, my hand placed in front of your face. Then in a swift movement, I push my dick upwards as my hand clamps down around your mouth. My arms all around you, you try to fight, but the feeling as my cock rises inside you is too much of a distraction for you.
You bite my hand, I almost cry out, until I realise it wasn’t that sort of bite. Your eyes are closed and there isn’t much fight, safe for a little wriggle of your hips against me. You know who I am, you knew all along, you were just willing, waiting and wanting me to do this for you. To take you like the little slut you are, to have a real man fuck you as you deserve.
My hands find your ample breasts as my hips move freely and at pace. Slamming forward into you, deeply. You feel the shaft of my cock rubbing across your inner walls making your quake with every stroke, the perfect rhythm the perfect pace. “Fuck me, please” you whisper through gritted teeth.
Of course baby, I think as I continue running my hands up and down your body. My fingers find your clit, as I ram my steely cock into your pussy I rub your sensitive spot. You buck in my arms, willing me deeper. Driving myself forward into you I keep going, over and over. “Please! Right there” you almost scream at me as my fingers and cock take you completely.
You grab my arm almost holding on as if not to fall. Then you bite down, I feel my cock grow harder as you convulse around. I can’t take it anymore, your orgasm exploding forward, your juices flowing over my skin like a warm blanket, my balls twitch and my cock moves no more, the slightest movement and my cock erupts deep inside your soaked pussy… filling you deep and full with my hot thick cum, our juices mixed for the first time… but it won’t be the last….
I, personally, love this freaking story :)
I’ve seen you, through my window. I watched last Saturday as you watered your plants. Walking around in the still summer air. Your loose white vest blowing in the breeze. I watched as the material of your soft cotton shorts hung closely to your skin. Bending over as you pulled at the weeds. I saw you wave as my wife said good morning. Your beautiful smile lighting up as you engaged in smalltalk. She told you she was going away for a few days for business, of course she is. If her business is fucking her new intern she is, I thought. My gaze catches your legs, gleaming as you stand there under the luminescent sun. Golden skin shimmering as tiny droplets of water cascaded downwards, racing each other to the ground. My eyes travel higher, briefly resting at the shape of your mound, hidden from my eyes but not from my lust. My sight lifts as i take in your heaving breasts, unfettered by anything but your vest, straining against the fabric. They move as you laugh politely at my wife’s joke. My gaze is stopped for a moment as my wife turns, picks up her bag, waves farewell and goes to her car.
As the engine fires up and pulls from the driveway, “Thank god,” I say to myself. As my hand once again grips my hardening cock and I return my gaze over the fence. You’re not there! I look around but can’t see you. Frustrated that I’ve missed my oppotunity my mind wanders as my hand moves slowly up my length. Thinking about my wife and her adulterous affairs. God I’m pissed. Just then a flick of light catches my attention.
You’re back, and it’s just what I was hoping for. As you place the sun lounger down, unfolding it in the middle of your garden, I watch, my hand never stopping. You leave for a moment returning with sun cream and a tall glass filled with some interesting blue liquid. Then you were gone again. Time seemed to stop as I waited, hard cock in hand, watching for the slightest movement. Then you stepped out of the doorway. Your body gleaming in the sunshine. Only the thin material of your deep blue bikini shielding you from my lustful glances. As you walked to the lounger I marvelled at the gentle sway of your breasts in their silky hammock, the form of your butt beneath made me gasp. I loved watching.
You bent at the waist showing me your fine legs and almost exposing yourself to me. My hand moving faster now. Not wanting you to move, But you did. As you lay back on the lounger, your gaze hidden behind your large rimmed glasses I took in the natural rise and fall of your breasts and the gorgeous contours of your body. You reach for the sun cream, squirting some out you gently caress your legs, first one, then the other. Sun bouncing off your skin. your hands travel up your body, across your stomach. As you cup your breast, slowly rubbing in circles, covering your delicious globes in the oily liquid. You sit back and take in the sun, as I stay hidden. Peering through my blinds, slowly building up speed on my throbbing cock as I gaze down upon your slick body.
Five, then ten minutes pass as I stand motionless except my palm running up and down the length of my shaft. I watch, taking in every movement of your glorious sunkissed skin. As I’m get closer and closer, wanting to reach out and take you, the pleasure is overted from my eyes as you sit up. Turning over. I feel deflated, your breasts hidden from me. But now, your gorgeous ass is there for my eyes to feast on. Sitting proud, waiting to be grabbed and massaged, oh how I wish I could. You turn and get more sun cream, this time it’s hard for you, you can’t reach, you rub your shoulders. the backs of your legs, the slick oil shiny and polishing your skin. But you can’t reach everywhere, defeated you return the cream to the ground and lie back down.
“This is it” I thought to myself, seeing you struggle. “This is your chance.”
Without a second thought I turned away from the window. grabbing my shorts I pulled them up. “No need for underwear if this works, haha” I laughed to myself as I dismounted the stairs.
Staring out the kitchen window I see you still lying there on the lounger. “Now come on Matt, this is it!” and with a deep breath I sneak out into the garden and upto the gate to yours. As I slowly take in the lucious body laid prone in front of me I unhitch the latch and take a step forward.
You turn, you’re startled for just a moment as you realise it’s only me. You smile, warming my heart, calming my nerves. You try to get up find out what I want. I reach out and place a hand on your shoulder, gently pushing you back down. you look at me puzzled. I pick up the bottle of suncream, and before you protest my hand is rubbing soft circles on your back. My hand is soft and gentle, loving the feel of your velvety skin beneath. You give up, you like it too much. You smile at me again and lie back down. As my hands keep moving, lower, lower still, my thumb brushes the top of your bikini panties. You don’t move, but I feel you twitch, tense up for just a moment, then relax again. I remove my hand, you think it’s over, you think i’m done, but my hand quickly moves to your knees, rubbing more lotion into your smooth skin. I know you’ve done this already, but you don’t stop me, I smile to myself as my hands travel a little further. This time squeezing, almost massaging your lower thighs between my fingers. The slicknes of your skin allows my hand to roam easily up and down, from side to side, reaching further and further.
You feel the tips of my fingers at the tops of your thighs, then higher, and higher, i let one finger slip under the elastic of your panties. You don’t move. My other hand does the same, now both my hands are planted firmly on your butt, my fingers squeeze gently, then start slowly rubbing, squeezing a little more. I hear you breathe, then an unmistakable moan escapes. I rub hard, my fingers fully beneath the fabric, slipping between your cheeks. I stop, pulling my hands away.
You feel the material being pulled at, and a second later the bow, tied so neatly is undone. you move your hand down to stop me, but as you do the otherside is quickly released. I grasp your hand in mine and give it a loving squeeze, then return to your panties. Taking a string in each hand I slowly reveal your gorgeous ass to the summer breeze. you shiver as a breath of wind whistles passed us. caressing your oily skin with it’s cooling wafts.
My hands retake their positions, massaging deeply as my fingers slip between them. I roll your flesh around playing with it as my thumbs slip downward, sliding up the inside of your thighs and right up inbetween. You gasp as I make contact. “You’re wet” I say, softly, matter-of-factly. All you can do is nod. I run two fingers between your legs, from top to bottom they slide effortless against your skin as you bite down on the towel. My other hand, busy with the buttons on my shorts, I free my aching cock.
I slide forward up the lounger. you feel my thighs pushing your legs apart, you look over your shoulder, with your mouth open, wanting to stop me. Then you feel the head sliding down between your cheeks, nudging you as you gasp. My hands take hold of your hips pulling you backwards. You try to stop yourself but you know it’s just a matter of time, then as you let yourself go, my cock pushes it’s way into your pussy. An inch more, then another and you gasp, louder, louder as I push deeper inside you. You#8217;re so wet, no resistance, slick and smooth like your oily body. I reach around you slipping my hand into your bra and squeeze your large breast.
Your hands fly over your head, grasping at my hair as I slowly pull out of you only to slam back in. All those days of quietly stroking while watching you. All those times I came while wishing I was doing just this was all being brought to use. I pull you up to me, ramming my dick into your pussy with a passion I hadn#8217;t found for years. Using you as some fucktoy, as I saw fit. pushing you back down and taking hold of your hips, my full weight bearing down on you as I slam my hips forward once more. Over and over again. The lounger bouncing with every movement.
I reach down, taking you in my arms once more, I pull you to the ground, me lying beneath you, still deep inside you. you prop your thighs up and i keep my rhythm, bucking wildly at your ass. My arms tightly woven around your chest. each thrust driving you closer, I feel your pussy contract, I feel the warmth and wetness bathing me. My cock grows tight as your pussy grips it’s shaft. You start mumbling incoherantly. your hands gripping my forearms, nails digging in, then you scream out loud and I feel the eruption of your orgasm from deep inside you. I keep pushing, keep driving my hard cock in and out of your pussy, feeling your juices flowing down my shaft, over my balls and thighs. The bliss is too much as my cock grows rigid. I pull out just in time as my spasming cock explodes, thick ropes of cum splashing up over your stomach, landing warmly on your skin.
We come back from the party late and I shut the door behind you. I’m in my best tuxedo and you’re in a long red dress. I give you a long look before sliding my hand up your arm and to your throat and slamming you against the wall. I lean close and whisper “I bet you loved all those guys staring at you didn’t you?”
Taking me completely by surprise, I gasp and shake my head “No, of course not!”
I kiss your cheek, then your mouth then your neck and slide my hand up your bare leg and under your dress. “I bet you were thinking about their thick cocks punishing your pussy weren’t you?”
Scared of what my punishment would be if I was to admit this was exactly what I was thinking, I shake my head “No, I wasn’t thinking about them, just you”
“Oh really?” I slide my hand across your smooth pussy, elicting a gasp from you. “Is that why you’re so wet right now?” I slide my middle finger into you deep and pull it out and suck on it. “Delicious”
I bite down on my lip trying to hide the moan escaping my mouth but it doesn’t help. “Please… I want a taste too”
I swipe my finger back across your pussy and hold it up, just barely touching your lips
I stick out my tongue but you pull away and I frown “Please? Just a little taste?”
I slap you with my other hand. “Must we go through this again?”
I quickly shake my head. “No sir. I’m sorry. It won’t happen again. Can I please taste my pussy sir?”
I offer you my finger again and touch it to your lips.
I open my mouth and while staring into your eyes, wrap my mouth around your fingers and suck them clean.
“Good girl.” I take you hand and lead you upstairs to the bedroom and bend you over the bed and lift your skirt up so I can see your ass. I give you a spanking until your cheeks are bright red and ready for me.
Your fingers slide down and spread my wetness around, teasing me for what feels like forever. “Please sir, please. I can’t take anymore, please…”
I loosen my bowtie and undo my fly and let my cock emerge. I slide it between your legs and let your pussy juices lube it up before I slowly insert the tip into your waiting snatch.
You stop at just the tip, but I want more. I moan and push myself back, taking your entire cock inside me.
I moan hard and grab your hips and start to fuck you hard. I unzip your dress and start to pull it off you as I pound the shit out of your wet slit with my thick cock.
My moans grow louder as my orgasm starts to build. Each thrust pushing me closer and closer to the point of no return. I squeeze around you as you thrust relentlessly into me.
I pull out and watch you collapse onto the bed gasping for air. I strip the rest of your dress off and push you onto the bed. I take the rest of my suit off and crawl on top of you and spread your legs wide and push them up above your head. I thrust my cock back into you deep and hard.
I lay there, spent from my orgasm, letting you throw me around any way you like, an letting you go at whatever pace you like.
“Now did I say you could cum before?” I ask as I pound your pussy again hard.
“No sir” is the only thing I can manage to make into words as I can feel another orgasm building faster than the first.
I start to thrust hard into you, slamming my thick cock deep into your pussy trying hard to make you cum around me again.
I can feel every inch pounding and stretching me, pulling me closer and closer to to another release. “Please, please sir…”
As soon as the words leave your mouth you push faster, harder, deeper, and the only thing I can do is let you make me cum again. The orgasm rushes over my body and all my energy is gone in an split second.
My heavy breathing turns into moans as you keep thrusting into me. “Fuck me till you cum sir. Please cum for me”
I grunt and thrust into you and flood your pussy with my hot cum until it starts to flow out of you and onto the sheets.
“Mmm thank you sir I love the feeling of your cum dripping out of me” I say with a huge smile on my face.
I put the car in park and get out and open your door and help you out. you grin and kiss me as we walk into the mall food court. I slap your butt playfully on our way in, admiring the short skirt you wore today.
It was the skirt you liked the most, it showed off my ass perfectly when I wore a thong, or better yet, when I didn’t wear anything. I had let you pick out my outfit today, but the panties you had picked out slipped my mind when I was getting dressed. I didn’t tell you because I thought you would be mad. I had no idea why you were taking me to the mall, I just though wearing nothing under your favorite skirt would make things a little more fun.
We walk into the food court and sit down. I leave and come back with food and smirk at you as I sit down next to you and casually let my hand brush against your leg. As we chat and eat, you can feel my hand sliding up and down your leg in the way you love and gently squeezing your thigh as my fingers start to slide under your skirt.
I thought nothing of it at first. You did that all the time, nothing out of the ordinary really, but when you didn’t stop after a couple of minutes I knew something was up. Quite literally too. As I glanced down at you hand I noticed through your pants that you were starting to get hard. I had no choice but to grab your hand and pull I away from me right then, things would escalade fast if I didn’t.
I smiled and we finished eating before taking your hand again. we started into a store and started to shop. well you did, I looked at your tight body. A few times you caught me and gave your ass a little slap to remind me of what was to come. When you asked to try something on I knew I had a chance. As you walked into the changing room, I pushed in after you and shut and locked the door before shoving your roughly against the wall and putting my hand to your mouth
You had been rough before but this was pushing it, my heart was racing as I’ve never seen you act like this before but for some reason it was a huge turn on. My face was pressed against the wall as your hand ran up my leg and under my skirt. Smiling as you felt nothing but the smoothness o
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