Deepthroat While He Cums- Natural

Deepthroat While He Cums- Natural


Deepthroat While He Cums- Natural
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The oral sex move is way kinkier than you think.
The year 1972 will be remembered for a lot of different things. It was then that Bobby Fisher won the World Chess Championship. It’s also when the Watergate scandal broke. But let 1972 also go down as the year that forever changed our relationship with oral sex. Because that was the year Deep Throat premiered in New York City.
The film, which introduced the late Linda Lovelace to the world, and the world to hardcore pornography, follows the struggle of a woman whose clitoris happened to live in her throat. Eventually, she realizes that the only way to stimulate the misplaced pleasure point is to pivot her oral sex technique—She must learn how to open wider and go deeper than ever before. Not before long, audiences began to adopt the same style of fellatio. And that’s how the “deep throat” method trickled off screen and into bedrooms across America.
Today, the phenomenon continues to pop up in popular culture. In 2013, Amanda Seyfried starred in a biographical drama about Linda Lovelace (born Linda Boreman). The season-one finale of the HBO series The Deuce was structured around the Deep Throat premiere. The Chicago-based rapper Cupcakke has even released a song titled after the sex act.
Meanwhile, in the wide world of porn , “deep-throating” remains as popular a search term as “college,” “big boobs” and “masturbation.” Porn veteran Sasha Grey has a “ Vibrating Deep Throat Sucker ” made in her likeness. Benzocaine-laced sprays designed to ease the act of deep throating have become so popular you can pick one up at your local Rite Aid .
Kimberly Smith is an owner and instructor over at StripXpertease , an instructional studio that offers a variety of classes related to sexuality. She’s recently added a blowjob class to the curriculum yhat covers a series of tips to help clients perform a perfect deep throat. “No one really teaches us these things growing up so we have to fumble along, trying to learn as we go,” she tells Men’ . “We get clients who are 18 and up and clients who are over 60. We get virgins, newly divorced women, those who want to spice up their relationship, curious, single gals and everyone in between.” Each student is instructed to show up with a dildo with which they can practice the techniques Smith demonstrates for them throughout the two-and-a half-hour lesson.
What these students may not realize is that what they’re learning is an act that rests well within the realm of kink. According to the Kinsey Institute , just 1.8 percent of the sexually active population admits to having been involved in any BDSM scenarios within the previous year. But, according Dulcinea Pitagora, an New York City-based sex therapist and host of the web series talk show Kink Doctor , “Deep throating is a hardcore form of play,” she insists. So, if deep throating is really as common as porn, pop culture and bedroom anecdotes suggest, then it would seem as there are generations of kinksters out there who don’t even know they qualify for the title. And are likely not incorporating some of the safety elements built into the practice.
For those who have a difficult time believing something as zeitgeisty as deep throating could actually extend into the sexual fringe, consider first that deep throating involves entering the trachea. That means whomever is on the receiving end of the act is going to have a hard time breathing, at least temporarily. One could argue that qualifies as “ breath play ,” a relatively common staple within the BDSM community. Deep throating also inspires the release of certain bodily fluids, something that’s often incorporated into the world of “ wet and messy fetishism .” Spit, phlegm, and, sometimes (sorry) even vomit, may accompany the act. “Happens all the time on set,” says adult film actress Sofia Rose . “That’s why I don’t eat prior to a shoot.”
Attempting to casually incorporate hardcore acts into more vanilla contexts can backfire for reasons more substantial than embarrassing bodily expulsions. “Explicit consent tends to happen more frequently in BDSM interactions than in non-BDSM interactions,” explains Pitagora. “Deep throating isn’t always thought of as BDSM-related, therefore one can surmise that there may be less explicit consent being given for deep throating in ‘vanilla’ bedrooms.”
Those who want to experiment with kink have to remember they can’t just borrow the moves. They’ve got to adopt the ethos as well. There’s a popular acronym that exists within the BDSM community: SSC. It stands for safe, sane and consensual. According to Pitagora, it’s best if couples find ways to apply the principle before engaging in any kind of kink, including deep throating. “One reason explicit consent prior to engaging in this form of play relates to what makes deep-throating so hardcore,” she says. “Once someone has something filling their throat, they are no longer able to verbally communicate, and non-verbal communication can look different.”
“As with any sexual interaction, BDSM-related or not, the explicit exchange of consent before engaging is paramount,” she adds. “Ideally, consent for specific types of sexual interactions, particularly one that for some is a form of edge play, happens in a neutral setting before one is in a sexual situation, as well as immediately before engaging in it.”
There is, of course, nothing wrong with dipping a toe in the kink pool. In fact, studies show that BDSM practitioners experience high levels of relationship satisfaction than members of other demographics. Modern sex research suggests that most Americans have participated in some kind of “deviant” sexual act. But how often do they realize that’s what they’re doing while doing it?
Deep throating has now been on the checklist of American bedrooms for more than 45 years. And still, it seems likely that some of its most dedicated practitioners opt to identify within the vanilla bubble. But if deep throating is in your repertoire with your partner, and you’re practicing it with proper consent, hey, wear your kind with pride.

An amazingly useless talent that will attract men from all across the globe.

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its a balloon. try that with my cock in your mouth.

my question's she getting it back out?

If it pops she could die Well maybe not

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Being Naughty

Reasons Why I’m Giving My Husband a Blowjob

By Wannabee BLUNT

March 7, 2016

“Hey Mom, we are out of milk. Can you go grab some please?”
Uggggghhh. If the temperature outside is below my current age, I am definitely braless, in pajamas, with no intentions of venturing anywhere. I’m content in my blanket, curled up with my German Shepherd, completely engrossed in this Law & Order SVU marathon.
“MOOOOOOOMMMMM , we are starving here!”
Fuck. Where is your dad? Oh, he’s outside shoveling our driveway. I better text him then. I don’t want to risk keying any of our vehicles with my nipples.
Me – “Hey babe, we don’t have any milk.”
Reply – “So, can you go get it? I’m kind of busy here…”
Me- “I will give you a BJ.”
Yeah, I thought so. There was no reply needed. I hear him drive off, the tires squealing in delight.
It is safe to assume we all have done it at some point. We play the blow job card. And we play it sensibly. We pull it out (ahem, or should I say make him pull it out) for the most logical reasons. For when it benefits us. For these four reasons listed.
1. For Evasion.
I play the BJ card for when I want to get out of something. Usually that something involves chores, (a.k.a ‘chore play’), having to get dressed to run errands in inclement weather, or paying my Target charge. Yes, gasp, I’ve even traded my BJ card for money. Like even for a few measly dollars, just so I could get money to have a few extra glasses of wine with my girlfriends that evening. Because guaranteed they were doing the exact same shit. (We are all deemed the Momstitutes.)
2. For Avoidance.
I’ve utilized my BJ card to evade people. I’ve gotten out of attending a few in-law birthday parties, some chauffeuring gigs involving a bunch of giddy teenage girls, and those dreaded conversations with customer service cable representatives.
3. As a Diversion.
I apply the BJ card as a distraction technique, usually when the culprits involve my children and I ultimately have to save their precious little asses over nonsense. Like, when my youngest spills nail polish on her bedroom carpet, or my oldest doesn’t clean out the litter box after 27 reminders. (I must admit, however, this backfired on me once. It was the afternoon I took my husband’s new truck out and it accidentally grazed another vehicle. By the end of that diversion, I was googling how to relieve symptoms of TMJ. Luckily for both of us, the only permanent damage was on his truck’s front bumper.)
4. As a Substitution.
The BJ card is also nice to fall back on in place of just sex. Like when I washed the sheets that morning, or actually took time to straighten and style my hair, or I have to be somewhere in 8 minutes and I don’t have time to deal with that after sex semen spunk dripping down my leg.
In hindsight, this might sound a bit crazy to some. This whole, succumbing to blow job bribery to relieve some of your work load by taking on his load, just so the kids have milk in their Lucky Charms.
Especially since we already know what’s expected in return if WE are the ones going to the store.
About the author: Chalise Kestner is a middle aged unconventional parent who drinks and spews profanity excessively, yet manages to keep it all in balance eloquently . She just started her new blog Eloquent Parent on Facebook, and hope for grander things to come, so she can finally put those Honors English classes from two decades ago to good use, instead of repeatedly enunciating lunch specials at her current place of employment.
Eloquent Parent is on Facebook
Instagram @chalisemk
twitter @chalisemk
Wannabe's are Guest Authors to BLUNTmoms. They might be one-hit wonders, or share a variety of posts with us. They "may" share their names with you, or they might write as "anonymous" but either way, they are sharing their stories and their opinions on our site, and for that we are grateful.
I would do absolutely anything for my wife knowing repayment was oral sex. I really don’t know why the doesn’t use it.
You forgot to mention two other reasons for giving head: 1] being totally turned on (by him, the thrill of it, etc.), and 2] ’cause you are in love.
They didn’t forget. Its a pathetic chick that has to bribe her man that hates giving Head. This article sucks. It’s written by a feminist. A woman that only plays by her terms and judges the shit out of a man when it comes to hooking up. I’ve dated one. You can only hook up a certain way, sex only one way, only so many times, etc. a feminist! Can’t live without a man but barely can live with one. My wife gives me head 2-3 times a month. That’s almost once a week. I will go down on her any chance I get and she has an orgasm 100% of the time. I feel sorry for suckers out there like many friends I have that settled for less. If I could tell the chick that wrote this anything, it would be fuck you and fuck the “BJ card”.
You still give BJs after the 1 year mark?
This article sucks. It’s written by a feminist. A woman that only plays by her terms and judges the shit out of a man when it comes to hooking up. I’ve dated one. You can only hook up a certain way, only so many times, etc. a feminist! Can’t live without a man but barely can live with. My wife gives me head 2-3 times a month. That’s almost once a week. I will go down on her any chance I get and she has an orgasm 100% of the time. I feel sorry for suckers out there like many friends I have that settled for less. If I could tell the chick that wrote this anything, it would be fuck you and fuck the “BJ card”.

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